(Chapter Three- Bismuth! Part One)

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'A few days have passed since Carbonite was introduced to the Crystal Gems, while the majority of the Gems seemed rather open to her Chip was still getting used to her hovering around him 24/7'

'For the last two days Steven had been repeatedly chasing Lion and taking away a Funland t-shirt and attempting to hide it from the pink colored feline to very little success. So the young Gem hybrid is attempting to hide it inside of Lions mane'

'The crystal Gems including Chip and Carbonite can be seen watching Amethyst play a game on Steven's TV'

Garnet: "Jump"

Amethyst: "I AM jumping!!" 'Amehyst says in annoyance as she spams her controller'

'Moments later Steven comes tumbling out of Lion's Mane taking a deep breath'

Steven: "I have made a terrible mistake!!"

Pearl: "What?" 'Pearl calls out loudly before the TV screen flashes a Game Over screen'

Amethyst: " Aww man" 'Amethyst says turning back to the TV'

Steven: "Wait I can still fix it!" Steven says diving Back into Lion's Mane'

Chip: "This boads poorly" 'Chip says quietly'

Carbonite: "I would have to say I agree" 'Carbonite says in agreement carefully moving herself to the opposite side of Chip scooting him away from Lion'

Amethyst: "You know he can handle himself right?" 'Amethyst says chuckling slightly'

Carbonite: "I am well aware he can defend himself, however I shall be his first line of defense" 'Carbonite states proudly'

'Steven then falls back out of Lion's mane taking in another deep breath'

Steven: "There's a gem in Lion's Mane!"

Garnet: "Describe her" 'Garnet asks curiously as the group moves down to the living room'

Steven: "Hang on let me check" 'Steven says poking his head into Lion's mane and then pulling his head back out'

Steven: "She's big!" 'Steven says before looking once more'

Steven: "With rainbow hair and tattoo's!" 'Steven says causing Pearl and Garnet to look at eachother while Chip's eyes turn into exclamation marks'

Pearl: "What does her gem look like?" 'Pearl asks in a more serious tone'

Steven: "It's a innie?" 'Steven says after a moment of thought'

Pearl: "It cant be..."

Amethyst: "It cant be what?"

Garnet: "Steven, Bring her out" 'Garnet says in a serious tone before Steven falls Back into Lion's Mane'

'Chip stands next to Lion curiously before Lion starts standing up as Steven pulls a large figure out of his Mane'

'Chip boosts into the air hovering lightly infront of the group his thrusters producing small blue waves of energy'

'After a moment Steven had pulled the Gem fully out of Lion's Mane, Pearl had begun to tear up while Garnet had fazed off her Visor'

Amethyst: "Wow a total stranger!"

'The gem looks around as if she was about to say somthing only to have Pearl launch herself at her'

Pearl: "BISMUTH!! You're back!" 'Pearl says before Bismuth lifts her up'

Bismuth: "Wooow! Hey! The pearl I know never jumps into my arms! Hey did somebody loose a Pearl? Who do you belong too?" 'Bismuth asks in a teasing voice'

Pearl: "Nobody!" 'Pearl states proudly causing Bismuth to laugh loudly'

Garnet: "Alright, alright settle down" 'Garnet says chuckling adjusting her visor as she had put it back on'

Bismuth: " You're one to talk Oh excuse me you're TWO to talk" 'Bismuth says before Garnet summons her gauntlet punching her shoulder playfully'

Bismuth: "Woah chill! Your Ruby is showing"

'While the three catch up Steven and Amethyst look very confused, Chip however looks as if he is malfunctioning, his eyes formed into glitching question

Amethyst: "AHEM! Who is this?"

Garnet: "Guys this is Bismuth, she is one of the original Crystal Gems" 'Garnet introduces causing Bismuth to smile as she looks at the two of them'

'Carbonite carefully walks next to Steven and Amethyst unsure of if Bismuth is a threat, her eyes having turned a yellow color'

Bismuth: "Oh hey! New recruits! Welcome aboard we could always use more Amethyst's!" 'Bismuth says causing Amethyst to look away'

Bismuth: "And who's this little meat ball?" 'Bismuth asks looking at Steven'

Steven: "Hi I'm Steven! You were in my Lion now you're in my house!" 'Steven says shaking Bismuth's hand'

Bismuth: "Well thanks for havin me!"

'Bismuth then turns to Carbonite who is protectively standing infront of Chip, even though he is floating in the air she manages to hide him for the most part'

Bismuth: "Oh hello!, never quite seen a gem like you before!" 'Bismuth says in a suprised but happy voice'

Carbonite: "I am Carbonite" 'Carbonite responds bluntly causing Bismuth to chuckle lightly before she notices Chip hiding behind her'

Bismuth: "I know your back there, Come on out! No need to....be" 'While Bismuth had started out in a Cheery voice her expression quickly changed to one of surprise and confusion as Chip floated out from behind Carbonite'

Chip: "H-Hey l-long time no see?" 'Chip says hesitantly as he lands infront of Bismuth'

'Chip is quickly brought into a headlock only for Bismuth to noogie Chip while laughing'

Bismuth: "Well what do we have here! I thought you up and got shattered or somthin! After I patched you up Rose said you just vanished! Where did ya go?" 'Bismuth asks curiously letting Chip go'

Chip: "Time...Travel" 'Chip says as a look of realization floods over Bismuth's face'

Bismuth: "That makes so much more sense than you just vanishing! So Rose told me you had a mother, where is she? I'd love to meet the person responsible for making a genius of engineering such as yourself!" 'Bismuth says chuckling brightly'

Garnet: "Actually, I am Chip's mother" 'Garnet says walking behind Chip placing her hands on his shoulders, Carbonite had moved to Chip's side protectively holding her arm infront of him'

Bismuth: "What?! When did that happen?" 'Bismuth asks chuckling excitedly'

Garnet: "I'd say five maybe six months ago by now?" 'Garnet asks looking down at Chip with a proud smile'

Chip: "Six months, twelve days and seventeen hours since my activation" 'Chip says with a smile'

'Bismuth Chuckles to herself before wrapping a arm around Garnet'

Bismuth: "I guess this means I'm a aunt now? Is that how that works?" 'Bismuth asks curiously'

'Garnet chuckles nodding her head while patting Bismuth on the arm'

*To be continued*

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