(Chapter Three- I Failed)

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'Chip can be seen laying in a hospital bed, his arms bandaged up, or rather his one full arm bandaged up, his body and face have patches of bandages across the burns on it'

'Chip groans for a moment before his eyes open with a dull flicker'

???: "Ah, your awake" 'A female voice says causing Chip to look around in confusion'

Chip: "W-Where am I?"

???: "You are in a hospital, Steven brought you here. My name is Priyanka Maheswaran, I'm a doctor"

Chip: "You're.....Connie's mother" 'Chip says causing the older woman to smile tiredly'

Priyanka: "Yes I am, it's good to see your memory is intact, honestly I wasnt sure I could help due to your.....special biology" 'Priyanka says sighing before turning to Chip'

Chip: "What...happened? I remember...fighting Jasper...firing a blast at her then.....everything went black.." 'Chip says causing the older woman to sigh before going to the door and opening it'

'Ruby and Sapphire come toppling into the room falling on top of each other, the both of them Rush over to Chip causing Priyanka to smile softly fully well knowing she would be just as worried if Connie were in this situation'

Ruby: "What did we say about nearly dying? What did we say?!" 'Ruby says sternly her eyes steaming as she shakes Chip'

Sapphire: "Ruby please calm down! He is already in enough pain" 'sapphire says softly causing Ruby to softly let go of Chip'

Sapphire: "What were you thinking firing a blast like that in such close range!!" 'Sapphire says her voice full of anger'

'Chip goes quiet while his two mothers lecture him, Chip's eyes begin to widen as he starts to recall the events that transpired'

'Chip's eyes go black, a image of A corrupted Jasper flashing through his mind before she is swiftly poofed by a large shard of metal, other gems lay in bubbles around the crater'

Ruby: "Chip? Are you listening?" 'Ruby asks her voice having turned stern'

'Chip looks down before bringing his bandaged arm upto his face, he places it over his left eye'

'Chip had begun to weakly chuckle to himself, a cartoon like smile plastered on his face'

'Ruby and Sapphire watch in worry as his smile grows, tears having begun to flow down his face glowing a vibrant purple as they do so'

Chip: "She's gone.....that dumb Quartz didnt listen..." 'Chip says his voice shaking'

'Ruby and Sapphire exchange a look before they realize what he means, a look of worry crossing Sapphire's face while Ruby seems more confused than anything'

Ruby: "Didnt you want.....to beat her?"

Chip: "I wanted to knock some sense into her! Get her to give earth a chance....now she's corrupted.......I failed" 'Chip says his eyes still being black'

Sapphire: "You didnt......you didnt fail, remember what we told you before. Some gems are beyond our help" 'Sapphire says gently taking Chip's hand from his eye'

'Ruby stops in thought for a moment before climbing onto the bed, she kneels down on her knee's onto of Chip's chest while staring daggers at him'

Ruby: "Listen here young man and listen well, you did not fail, she refused to except your help. That's her loss" 'Ruby says sternly. Sapphire has a slightly surprised look having never really seen this side of Ruby before'

Chip: "But I-"

'Ruby interrupts Chip by flicking him on his forehead earning a hiss of pain from him'


Ruby: "Why do you have to try do everything at once, just be a normal kid for JUST A LITTLE. When we get home we are all going on a vacation!" 'Ruby says as if complaining, Sapphire stifles her laughter while watching her partner scold their very confused looking adoptive son'

'Chip had gone from a look of defeat and despair to a look of pure confusion and slight fear in mere moments, the red gem he knows as his mother currently holding him up by the collar of his singed and damaged shirt'

Sapphire: "Okay love, I think that's enough" 'Sapphire says chuckling to herself'

Ruby: "Do ya think?" 'Ruby asks instantly breaking the angry and scolding personality she had moments ago'

'Ruby hops off of the Bed while Sapphire floats upto Chip's head'

Sapphire: "You have no clue how much we were worried, by the time they brought you back you had lost almost all your...blood? Coolant? I think blood is the proper term" 'Sapphire says in thought'

Sapphire: "Anyway, we had to bring you here, Miss Priyanka tried giving you a blood transfusion and your body seemed to transmute it into the blood you can actually use" 'Sapphire says before placing her hands on Chip's face making him look at her'

Sapphire: "We already lost you once, please.....be more careful from now on" 'Sapphire says her voice beginning to break'

'Chip sighs before giving Sapphire a hug, Sapphire tightly hugs Chip back before Ruby practically tackles the two joining into the family hug'

Chip: "Oww.."

Ruby: "Sorry" 'Ruby says chuckling slightly while she does her best to keep composed'

Priyanka: "I shall..  just inform the others you are awake" 'Priyanka says before walking outside'

Chip: "So....I guess Garnet will be watching me closely for a while?" 'Chip asks quietly'

Sapphire: "Like a hawk" 'Sapphire says managing to compose herself slightly'

Ruby: "You might have a chance to get get into trouble with us like this but when We're Garnet that ain't gonna happen bucko!" 'Ruby says warningly'

'Chip sighs softly before hugging his two adoptive mothers tightly having to ignore the stining pain in his chest from the two Gems combined weight'

'Chip stops to think for a moment, he looks at where the injector pierced his arm, he remembers how it felt, it obviously hurt....a lot....but it also felt like his energy was being drained into it'

'Chip shakes his head for a moment before his eyes flicker momentarily'

Chip: "You two are the best mums ever" 'Chip says softly earning a excited but muffled squeal from Sapphire while Ruby throws her hands into the air'

Ruby: "Yer darn right!"

*To be continued*

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