(Chapter Five-The Trial)

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'Inside the courtroom Yellow and Blue can be seen sitting down on each of their individual thrones'

'Chip stands off to the side leaning against a pillar with his arms crossed as he makes eye contact with Steven'

Steven: "Chi-"

'Steven is cut off by Chip placing his left index finger infront of his mouth signaling to stay quiet before giving Steven a wink'

'Steven starts paying attention once again only to jump slightly when Lars is warped into the room'

Steven: "Lars!"

Lars: "Steven! What's going on here? Where are we? Who are those huge giant ladies!" 'Lars asks frantically before a Yellow bubble is placed around his head'

Chip: "This....complicates things..." 'Chip whispers to Aurora who hums in agreement as she sits on his left shoulder'

Aurora: "So that's not Rose Quartz I'm assuming?" 'Aurora asks cautiously'

Chip: "No, that is Steven, his mother was Rose Quartz, I guess he is kinda....my pseudo cousin?" 'Chip says still whispering as the trial goes on'

Aurora: "So how do we get them out of here?"

Chip: "Not sure, at the moment we just have to wait for an opening..." 'Chip says with a sigh'

'Shortly later a large pedistal comes out of the floor, a ruby gem stands at the top, her left eye being replaced by her gem'

Chip: "Hoo boy..." 'Chip says recognizing the gem'

Steven: "Eyeball!" 'Steven says excitedly'

Eyeball: "Do not adress me WAR CRIMINAL!" 'Eyeball yells loudly'

Steven: "I'm just glad you're okay....." 'Steven says quietly'

Eyeball: "I heard it straight from her, she was all "I'm the mighty Rose Quartz, I have her shield and everything!" 'Eyeball says in a mocking tone'

Eyeball: "And then! She THREW ME INTO SPACE!" 'She continues as she slams her hands onto the surface infront of her'

Steven: "I tried to help you! I healed your gem!"

Eyeball: "And who else has the ability to heal Gems other than the Villianous ROSE QUARTZ?"

Yellow Zircon: "And there you have it! Rose Quartz did it, and that is Rose Quartz. I rest my case" 'The Yellow Zircon says as the pedestal begins to sink back into the floor'

Yellow: "Well I'm convinced! Time to execute!" 'Yellow says with a clap of her hands'

Chip: "The defense is yet to speak, this is a trial, NOT an execution" 'Chip says calmly catching Yellow and Blue's attention'

Blue: "Neon is correct...let the trial continue" 'Blue says causing the Blue zircon to gulp nervously as she look's at her screens'

'Steven sighs in momentary relief as the Blue Zircon does her best to defend his case, while that is going on Chip stands waiting for an opening when his attention is brought back to the trial'

'Steven is standing on a pedestal infront of Blue Diamond, a look if anger on her face as Steven tries to come up with a coherent story on how he "Shattered" Pink Diamond'

Blue: "Its was a SWORD!" 'Blue cries out in anguish, a blue aura bursting out from her'

'Y.P tears up dramatically while B.P casually let's the stream of year's fall down her face. Yellow scrunches up her face giving an expression that states, "If I could fight these tears I would" '

Aurora: "Ew..." 'Aurora says wiping her eyes as Chip sighs while he shakes lightly, his left eye twitching out of annoyance'

Yellow: "That is quite enough testimony from you! We shall take a short recess..." 'Yellow says as she places her hands on Blue's shoulders who is just barely being able to hold it together'

'As the two Zircon's along with Steven and Lars warp away Chip walks out of the shadows calmly once the blue aura had receded, Aurora still on his shoulder'

Chip: "Are you allright Blue?" 'Chip asks with a sigh as he stands looking up at her'

Blue: "I am....fine, I have been able to controll these outbursts rather well since your return..." 'Blue says with a sad smile'

Yellow: "Why is it you defended her Neon? Dont you wish for Rose Quartz to be punisher aswell?" 'Yellow asks curiously'

Chip: "I myself was never close to Pink, I know of her and I've experienced a few....n-never mind anyway! Like I said this is a TRIAL not an execution, I would prefer to be part of a democratic trial than one led by dictators, so I am simply doing my best to play devil's advocate....within reason of course" 'Chip explains earning a look of confusion both from Blue and Yellow'

Yellow: "Neon how many times must I tell you. This is HOMEWORLD not Earth, things her run differently, you need to start conforming to that!" 'Yellow says causing Chip's facial expression to become cold'

Chip: "I'm sorry Yellow but I dont quite care." 'Chip states causing both Blue and Yellow to show a surpised look on their faces'

Chip: "No matter what you think, the universe is not Black and white nor is it just Good and bad. And this empire needs to realize that" 'Chip says bluntly'

Blue: "And why is that?" 'Blue asks with a curious tilt of her head'

Chip: "Take this trial for example, it is the cause of a rebellion which in turn was caused by the dictatorship of homeworld"

Yellow: "Will you just get to the point?" 'Yellow asks with a sigh causing Chip to cross his arms'

Chip: "Those who do not learn from the mistakes of the past, are doomed to repeat them" 'Chip says with his eyes turning a gold color, he turns away from the rather shocked pair of Diamond's and back to where he was standing before'

'Eventually the trial had begun once more, Chip seemed to have rather enjoyed messing with Yellow and Blue as he currently is in a rather pleasant mood'

'Sooner or later Blue Diamond had warped in her Palanquin at the request of the defending Zircon, Chip and Aurora shared a nod between the two of themselves before a sudden voice catches their attention'

Blue Zircon: "Someone...Like one of YOU!" 'The Blue Zircon exclaims pointing to both Blue and Yellow'

'While Blue gasps Yellow simply stands up glaring daggers at the Zircon infront of her'

Blue Zircon: "Uh, disregard that last statement! I may have gotten carried away!"

'The Zircon is swiftly cut off by Yellow proofing her by simply crushing her with a finger'

Yellow Zircon: "Case closed Right My Diamond?" 'The Yellow Zircon says only to be met with a blast of Yellow lightning poofing her near instainously'

'Chip shudders slightly remembering how it felt to be hit by Yellow's lightning'

'Chip's attention is then brought back to Reality by the sound of Yellow and Blue arguing among themselves'

'Chip looks from the two Diamond's then back to Steven and Lars, Chip coughs catching Steven's attention'

'Chip then forms his eyes into Arrow's pointing at the Palanquin, getting the message Steven grins with a nod before dragging Lars with him towards the Palanquin'

'Moments later Blue and Yellow stop the argument just in time to bare witness to the Blue Palanquin jumping up and crashing through the roof of the courtroom'

Chip: "That worked out in our favor" 'Chip says quietly earning a hum from Aurora'

*To be continued*

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