(Chapter Four- Blue And The New Diamond)

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'Blue Diamond can be seen walking throughout the corridors of the massive Diamond base on Homeworld, Chip is sitting on her left shoulder while her Pearl stands on her right shoulder'

Blue: "So what do you think of homeworld thus far?" 'Blue asks curiously as She stops infront of one of the massive windows within the base'

Chip: "Its a lot different than earth but not as scenic,It's still interesting though" 'Chip says looking out the window a slightly down trodden look on his face'

Blue: "Is somthing wrong?" 'Blue asks curiously, a slightly worried expression on her face'

Chip: "Well....I understand why I'm not allowed to leave, I'm just.....really starting to miss home..." 'Chip says his eyes Diamond dimming slightly'

'Blue sighs quietly, her eyes growing softer while her Pearl has a slightly more sad look than usual'

Blue: "I know you dont want to be here......but...this is your home now, I shall do mu best to make sure you have a enjoyable stay" 'Blue says softly before she resumes walking down the corridor'

Chip: "So what're we doing?" 'Chip asks curiously causing Blue to look back st him momentarily'

Blue: "I had planned to have Yellow show you around, however she is rather busy at the moment so I have decided to do so myself" 'Blue says as she rounds a corner'

Chip: "Aaaand where would we be going?" 'Chip asks still confused'

Blue: "I dont quite know, I just figured I would wander until somthing catches your eye, I'm sure you will need to rest soon am I correct?" 'Blue asks curiously looking back at Chip'

Chip: "Quite honestly I'm not sure, I've only had this gem for less than a day yet it seems to be increasing my battery charge significantly" 'Chip says activating his holographic screens'

Chip: "Yet for some reason I still cant form anything more than thrusters with my nanotech upgrades" 'Chip says with his right eye twitching slightly'

Blue: "Does that bother you?"

Chip: "As much as I hate to admit it I do miss having a giant blaster for a arm..." 'Chip says sighing to himself'

Blue Pearl: "Perhaps the transformations are related to your thoughts?" 'Blue Pearl suggests in her quiet voice'

'Chip stops for a moment before he raises right his arm and waits for a moment in thought. Moments later his entire arm seems to turn into liquid metal before it reforms into a large welding arm'

Chip: "B.P you absolute GENIUS!" 'Chip says with a bright smiles he turns his arm back to normal'

Blue Pearl: "What is that you called me?" 'Blue Pearl asks quietly with a tilt of her head'

Chip: "Oh, it's a nickname, since I already know a Pearl I figured it would be better to have a way to tell which one I'm talking too" 'Chip says causing B.P to smile softly'

B.P: "I rather enjoy it" 'She says softly while Blue continues to walk a soft smile on her face'

Blue: "It is truly amazing how different you are compared to what you once were" 'Blue says softly as she continued walking'

Chip: "What do you mean?" 'Chip asks hopping off of Blue's Shoulder hovering infront of her causing her to stop'

Blue: "You are so kind compared to who you were before being reset. so small, so adorable" 'Blue says in a almost teasing voice'

Chip: "I'm only small to you because you're a giant..." 'Chip says quietly crossing his arms which causes blue to chuckle to herself'

Blue: "That may be true" 'Blue says walking past Chip letting him hover next to her'

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