(Chapter Two- The mini moms fight part two and a dream? )

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'After a short interaction with Sapphire Steven went outside to talk to Ruby Leaving Chip in the room with Sapphire that seems to be slowly icing over'

Sapphire: "There is somthing on your mind" 'Sapphire says causing Chip to sigh to himself deciding if he should speak up or not'

Chip: "Cant you just talk things out yourself...." 'Chip asks much quieter than usual earning a sigh from Sapphire'

Sapphire: "I cannot,  quite frankly if Ruby wasnt throwing a temper tantrum this would be solved already"

Chip: "Surely you must feel upset in some way? I know you arent just....cold" 'Chip says earning a blank look from Sapphire before she turns to looking back straight at the wall ahead of her'

Sapphire: "Maybe you should stick to trying to solve things you understand. You dont know how things like this work, minding your own business is for the best sometimes" 'Sapphire says rather bluntly causing Chip to wince slightly while looking down before he gets up and walks to the door'

'Chip walks out of the room shaking his head lightly, his eyes flickering a dull red for a moment before he notices Steven walking back to the room'

Steven: "Oh hey Chip, whatre you doing outside?" 'Steven asks with a tired smile'

Chip: "Just getting some air" 'Chip says quietly causing him to nod'

Steven: "Allright well I'm going to go back inside"

'Chip nods in understanding before walking off to the ploom of steam over  the pool'

'Once Chip gets to the Pool he notices its entirely evaporated while Ruby paces back and forth talking to herself clearly angry'

'Chip sits on the edge of the empty pool listening to his adoptive mother rant waiting for a time to announce his presence'

'In the middle of her rant Ruby glances over at Chip before doing a double take slightly started at his sudden appearance'

Ruby: "I thought you were staying in the room?" 'Ruby asks suspiciously tapping her foot'

'Chip shakes his head with a worried look on his face, his eyes glowing a dull blue'

Ruby: "So did Sapphire send you out here to talk some sense into me?"

Chip: "No, I chose to come out here" 'Chip says softly surprising Ruby slightly'

Ruby: "Why"

Chip: "Because I want to help" 'Chip says earning a frustrated groan from Ruby'

Ruby: "You cant just HELP with somthing like this! It's fusion! And she lied to us to get us to fuse with her! That's not somthing you can help with! You dont understand what fusion is like. You've never fused. You arent even a proper Gem or Metamorin! You're some sciencey experiment combo!" 'Ruby says harshly once again causing Chip to flinch his eyes turning from a dull blue to a grey color'

'Ruby stops for a moment processing what she just said, by the time she looks back to Chip with a look of regret on her face Chip had already vanished'

'Chip had made his way onto the roof of the Motel and is currently sitting against the Chimney with his legs pulled upto his chest'

'His eyes are still a dull Grey while he scroll's through his system files trying to distract himself'

'He comes across a file that piques his interest causing him to press the holographic screen'

'Chip is pushed forward slightly as his shoulder blades open slightly and begin producing a blue energy lifting him into the air causing him to panic for a moment'

'As he flails around in the air for a moment his feet begin lighting up with the same blue energy stabilizing himself into a now standing position in the air'

'Chip look down before sending a Text to Stevens phone via his own internal texting system before he takes off into the air slowly speeding up'

'Back in Beach City Pearl can be standing on the porch of the Beach house clearly troubled due to her feeling horrible about lying to Garnet. A twinkle in the sky causes her to look up momentarily'

'A gust of wind causes Pearl to squint her eyes before the wind calms down enough for her to see'

Pearl: "Chip what are you doing back? And....did you FLY here?" 'Pearl asks slightly confused as Chip does his best to land on the porch without crash landing'

'Chip quietly walks into the beach house walking past Pearl who notices the look in his eye causing her to stand infront if him'

Chip: "Please move..." 'Chip asks in a whisper'

Pearl: "What happened" 'Pearl asks softly placing a hand on his shoulder only for him to side step her and walk upto the magic door and walking into his room'

'Once inside his room he stands infront of a mirror with his chest cavity open, Chip stares at the Black cube with a Diamond engraving intently before reaching towards it only to stop mere centimeters from it'

'Chip hesitates to grab a hold of it instead he retracts his hand closing his chest back up before sitting on his bed rubbing his eyes'

'When he opens his eyes the lower part of them is a dull Grey while the upper parts of his eyes transition into a dull red color'

Chip: "They're just stressed out" 'Chip says to himself quietly before closing his eyes and leaning back onto his bed'

'Moments later as Chip falls asleep he opens his eyes only to see a Black void with the faint sound of whispering'

???: "Please Blood calm down you are being hysterical" 'A strong booming female voice says echoing through the void'

???: "It isnt your fault for what happened to her, you need to take care of yourself more" 'Anothet female voice says in a softer but just as loud tone of voice'

???: "You are beginning to become worrisome Blood, these outbursts of yours are becoming much harder to handle" 'Yet another Female Voice says however this one sounding much more elegant and composed'

'Silence falls for a moment before a feeling of alarm comes across Chip as a familiar voice echoes through the Void'

Pink: "Blood! It's good to see you again!" 'The sound of Pink Diamonds voice says echoing through the void hapiness clear in her tone'

'Chip sits up in a cold sweat looking down at the black tile flooring of his room, his eyes are a dull red and glitching as if trying to formulate a proper shape'

'Chip curls himself into a ball placing his hands onto the sides of his head taking deep breaths trying to calm himself down'

*To be continued*

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