(Chapter Four- A Dapper Diamond!)

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'A few days have passed since Chip was left with Yellow, he is currently sitting on Blue's shoulder curiously scrolling through his system files while Blue does her work'

Blue: "Are you allright? You have been quiet for some time"

Chip: "Hm? Oh yeah I'm fine, just looking through my files, trying to figure out how to access my "Half Diamond" form" 'Chip says with a curious grin'

Blue: "Have you perhaps tried to channel energy towards your gemstone? The gem itself doesn't produce energy like a normal gem" 'Blue says turning her head to Chip'

'Chip stops for a moment running a few calculations through his head, he then jumps off of Blue's shoulder onto the ground landing infront of her throne stumbling slightly'

Chip: "That would make some sense, my mechanical nature means I cant form a physical form from my gem by itself, so it would just stretch my chassis to its limits with gem influence..." 'Chip says in thought as Blue deactivates her screens'

Blue: "If you are going to attempt a transformation, please be careful, it will likley take a great ammount of energy" 'Blue warns as Chip places a hand on his chin'

'Chip stops looking at a diagram of his gem he has pulled up onto his hud, his eyes flicker for a moment before he takes a deep breath a confident smile appearing on his face'

Chip: "Allright, I think I know how to do this!" 'Chip says before closing his eyes and taking a deep breath'

''Blue watches curiously as Blue arcs of energy begin sparking around Chip, the blue arcs suddenly start being absorbed into Chip's Gemstone before it glows a vibrant blue'

'Blue closes her eyes as the blue light covers Chip entirely. Once the light dies down enough for Blue to open her eyes instantly going wide with a excited smile placing itself on her face'

'Chip can be seen standing twenty five feet tall, his appearance having changed, his once black metal like hair has changed to a dark grey with the top of it glowing blue'

'The black lines that had formed on his face have formed into blue glowing markings on the sides of his face'

'His outfit has undergone some changes as well, he can now be seen wearing a black tailed formal coat with a red undershirt, where his black combat esc boots once were have been replaced by a dapper set of black dress shoes to match his black dress pants'

'Chip opens his eyes showing they have gained a more gem like look to them with a white background instead of black'

Blue: "Oh my stars look at you!" 'Blue says excitedly while Chip looks himself over curiously'

Chip: "Huh, didnt expect this!" 'Chip says with a amused grin as he looks at his new jacket'

'Chip looks down after taking a few steps getting used to his new height'

'Blue holds out her hand causing Chip to look up at her curiously, his gem flickers for a moment before the back shoulders of his jacket opens while his thrusters activate'

'He lands on Blue's hand causing her hand to lean forward before adjusting to the extra weight'

Chip: "Well? How do I look!" 'Chip asks curiously spinning around causing Blue to smile to herself'

Blue: "You look fantastic! A form befitting a Diamond" 'Blue says placing her free hand over her gem'

'Chip stops in thought a look of curiosity over his face, he places a hand over his gem'

Blue: "What are you doing?"

Chip: "Just hang on a minute, I feel like I can-"

'Chip is cut off by a blue glow coming from his gem as a pole comes out from it, Chip grabs the base of the pole before pulling the item out of his gem'

'Once the light fades Chip can be seen holding a black walking stick with blue highlights, on the top of the stick is a black and blue Diamond'

Chip: "Huh, neat" 'Chip says with a chuckle while Blue blinks a few times in surpise'

Blue: "How strange, the other Diamonds including myself dont have a gem weapon" 'Blue says curiously looking at Chip'

Chip: "I dont think it's an actual weapon, my sensors say it has some sort of functionality but I doubt it's a weapon" 'Chip says placing both of his hands on the walking stick'

'Chip looks at his hands with tilting his head curiously noticing the black gloves on his hands'

Chip: "Oh! Let's go show Yellow!" 'Chip says excitedly causing Blue to chuckle a as she stands up'

Blue: "Allright very well, I'm sure she would like to know about this" 'Blue says as Chip jumps down from her hand'

'Chip smiles as he walks beside Blue, while still nowhere near as tall as Blue he is clearly happy with his new look and height'

Blue: "Are you sure you'd rather walk?"

Chip: "Yep! My energy took a little bit of a hit from transforming but I need to stretch my legs a bit!" 'Chip says twirling his walking stick slightly'

'Blue chuckles to herself as she opens the door, Chip walks beside Blue with his walking stick in hand before the gem ontop of it begins to glow'

'Blue and Chip stop in the corridor of the base looking at the walking stick curiously, Chip lifts the walking stick slightly pointing it upward before moving it down slowly'

'In the line Chip hand moved his walking stick a large blue line has appeared, the line flickers for a moment before it expands as if opening up'

'Chip's eyes widen as does Blue's, through the random opening the inside of Yellow Diamond's room can be seen'

'Chip walks through the portal finding himself inside Yellow's room with Blue close behind, Yellow herself looks rather confused at the sigh of the two Diamonds appearing in her room'

Chip: "Hi Yellow!" 'Chip says excitedly causing her to smile still confused'

Yellow: "H-Hello Neon, hello Blue" 'Yellow says as the portal closes with a flash of light'

*To be continued*

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