(Chapter Six- A Diamond's Fear)

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'Over the Past few Days Aurora had begun to notice a few things involving Chip'

'He had been extreamly quiet over the past few days, aswell as looking as if he were trying to be extremely careful. These behaviors only seemed to amplify around her aswell'

'At first she let it go, assuming he was just re-adapting to not always having do do somthing'

'However tonight she plans to get to the bottom of what is going on'

'She had just got back from late night shopping, trying to get supplies for a suprise party Garnet wants to plan for Chip'

'After carefully hiding the supplies she had bought she begins walking around the house trying to find Chip, despite the house being as small as it is, he can make it really difficult to find him if he doesn't want you too'

'After a moment of searching, Aurora finds Chip on the front porch as he looks out over the ocean, likley trying to figure out somthing to keep himself entertained'

Aurora: "What are you doing up?" 'Aurora asks curiously, causing Chip to jump having not noticed her presence before'

Chip: "Just couldnt sleep" 'Chip says standing up'

Aurora: "Ah! That explains why you decided to come outside at night and menacingly stare out at the ocean" 'Aurora says crossing her arms, a playful smile crossing her face'

'A small smile crosses Chip's face before Aurora sighs still having her arms crossed'

Aurora: "Okay. What's going on?"

Chip: "Excuse you?" 'Chip asks with a tilt of his head'

Aurora: "You've been acting weird, what's wrong?" 'Aurora asks causing Chip to slowly start inching his way to the door'

Chip: "I'm fine Aurora, you dont have to worry about-"

'Chip is swiftly cut off by Aurora slamming her hands down on the wall one on either side of Chip, effectively pinning him to the wall, causing his eyes to go black'

Aurora: "You can lie to Your mother, you can even lie to the other Crystal Gems" 'Aurora says looking at Chip coldly'

Aurora: "But I am getting pretty damn sick, of you lying to me. Got it?" 'Aurora asks in a serious tone of voice as she looms over Chip'

Chip: "Y-Yes ma'am" 'Chip says nervously, his face now having a blue glowing blush across it'

Aurora: "Good, now are we going to sit down? Or am I going to have to continue to fluster you to get you to talk?" 'Aurora asks with a teasing voice as she inches closer to Chip'

Chip: "N-No. I think you've made your intent clear!" 'Chip says with a light glitch to his voice'

'Aurora chuckles to herself before standing up properly, fixing her hair as she does so'

'After a moment, Aurora and Chip sit down next to Eachother, Chip still trying to collect himself'

Aurora: "Okay, firstly. Why have you been so distant? It's like you've been...trying to avoid me" 'Aurora says with a confused tone'

Chip: "I dont....know how to explain exactly what is going on..."

Aurora: "Try"

'Chip pauses for a moment, his eyes still black as he does his best to find a way to approach the scenario'

Chip: "Ever since we first got back to earth, and my episodes have ceased, I've been trying to figure out what caused them. Eventually we found out the remnants of Blood Diamonds programming was the cause"

Aurora: "Right"

Chip: "But during that whole fiasco, I went looking through my core files and found somthing I wish I hadnt.." 'Chip says softly, his voice going quieter'

Aurora: "This is either going to be incredibly worrying or extremely stupid. There is no inbetween with you" 'Aurora says now paying much closer attention'

Chip: "In my core Files, I found my design and model name" 'Chip says with his eyes turning back on'

Chip: "Apparently, my original personality core. Was somthing called a "Demon Core" designed for prototype war drones, giving them heightened levels of aggression and a lack of empathy" 'Chip says with his voice going quieter'

Chip: "In other words, that core could activate. And I could....hurt a lot of people, you included" 'Chip says with his eyes begining to turn a dull purple'

Aurora: "That...dosent really awnser my question" 'Aurora says in confusion'

Chip: "I've been distant because I have been trying my best to...not have my system core activate" 'Chip says crossing his arms, a slightly disturbed look forming on his face'

Chip: "Quite frankly if I ended up hurting you I dont think I could live with myself" 'Chip says with a dry chuckle, his eyes now glowing a vibrant purple'

'Aurora sighs softly before taking one of Chip's hands in her own, causing him to jump momentarily'

Aurora: "Chip, you wouldnt be able to hurt me. Not because I would be able to stop you. But because you literally wouldnt be able to force yourself, to hurt me" 'Aurora says softly, a small smile present on her face'

'Chip looks down quietly, his eyes turning to a much more dull color'

Aurora: "Even if there is the chance of you snapping like that. I'm not going anywhere, I'm not just going to turn tail and run when things get tough" 'Aurora continues, as she tightens her grip on Chip's hand'

'Aurora gently hugs Chip doing her best to comfort him, baisically being able to feel how distressed he is'

'Aurora finds herself being tightly squeezed by Chip, despite his size compared to hers he still seems to have stronger hydraulics'

Aurora: "Better?" 'Aurora asks softly earning a muffled response from Chip'

Aurora: "Would you say that again, but without still trying to crush my chassis?" 'Aurora asks teasingly'

Chip: "What did I do to deserve someone like you" 'Chip asks curiously'

Aurora: "What do you mean?" 'Aurora asks with a soft smile'

Chip: "You're just....incredible. I cant think of a single thing I've done to deserve you" 'Chip says softly, earning a slight frown from Aurora'

Aurora: "You have done, lots of good things. You're exauhsted, time for sleep" 'Aurora says standing up, bringing Chip with her'

Chip: "Put me down"

Aurora: "Nope, mine"

*To Be Continued*

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