(Chapter One-The Metamorin)

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'At the Crystal Gem Temple Garnet can be seen leaning against the wall closest to the kitchen while Pearl paces back and forth repeatedly'

Pearl: "I cant believe it, a Metamorin ship laying dormant right under our noses this whole time...." 'Pearl says with a clearly uncomfortable tone of voice as she paces'

Garnet: "We did our best pearl, we looked for any remaining ships for thousands of years with Rose" 'Garnet says with a calm tone earning a sigh from Pearl'

Pearl: "I know, I Know. I just feel horrible, we could have helped all of them if we found them sooner, all that was left was one of them, and they might not even pull through!" 'Pearl says as her pacing increases in speed causing Garnet to stand up fully and walk over to pearl, Garnet places her hands on Pearl's shoulders as the two look at eachother'

Garnet: "He Will be fine Pearl, We've done everything we could, I am going to check his diagnostics before he wakes up, maybe we can learn somthing that way" 'Garnet says in her usual confident voice, she then stands back upright and walks to the couch where the small figure is laying'

'His head has bandages covering the right side of it entirely while where his left arm should be has a been bandaged up at his shoulder aswell, the rest of his body is littered with small portions of bandages in between the segments of his dirty and tattered clothing'

'Garnet takes the phone on the table and hooks its charging wire into the head of the unconsious boy causing its screen to light up with code'

Pearl: "That actually works?"

Garnet: "If it can interface it can read code" 'Garnet says with a small smile as she gives Pearl a thumbs up'

'The door to the house opens up as Amethyst and Steven walk into the Beach house each carrying a bag of presumably fries'

Steven: "We have returned with the fry bits!" 'Steven Proclaims loudly before noticing What Garnet is doing'

Amethyst: "Yo Garnet if you wanted to use my phone you could have just asked" 'Amethyst says in a teasing voice'

Garnet: "I'm using your phone to check our quest's diagnostics, so far...I've learned nothing except his memory files are empty" 'Garnet says sighing as Steven walks over'

Steven: "Memory files? Don't you just mean memories?" 'Steven asks confused'

Pearl: "No actually, Unlike us Gems or the humans of earth this boy here does not have a normal brain, he is part of a race that is baisically biological machinery, meaning they can grow and evolve like humans, but have a bodily structure simmilar to that of a robot" 'Pearl explains causing Steven's eyes to light up with stars'

Amethyst: "So what about him y'know... missing a arm?" 'Amethyst  asks as Garnet hands her the phone'

Garnet: "Once he wakes up his internal reactor will activate powering his on board repair systems" 'Garnet says in a matter of fact tone causing Amethyst to Blink in confusion'

Pearl: "We should continue with our day, if Garnet says he will wake up soon then I trust it" 'Pearl says as Steven nods and walks outside'

'The day passes relatively quickly, with little progress on the situation being made, Garnet has stayed within the house all day incase the boy wakes up, nigh has fallen already and passed aswell, Dawn is just begging causing the sky to light up with a orange and pink hue across the sky'

'Pearl and Garnet are talking in the kitchen when a weak beeping noise interrupts them'

'Pearl walks into the living room with Garnet close behind, Pearl's eyes light up when she notices the Boy's one visible black eyesocket has white flashing dots inside it as if somthing were loading'

Pearl: "Oh finally! It's been so long since we've been in contact with a Metamorin and now we found one!" 'Pearl says as Garnet walks forward in a slow but calm manner'

Garnet: "Remember when he wakes up we cant make any sudden moves, he is practically fresh off the assembly line he has no previous memories" 'Garnet says carefully as the two stop, a whirring noise replaces the beeping as a spinning circle appears in his eyesocket before its replaced with a Blue Glowing circle the boy sits up in a stiff fashion before they blue glowing circle stabalizes and his body seems to loosen up earning a excited squeal from Pearl' 

'The Boy brings his one operational hand upto his eye level as he looks at it with a tilt of his head,a blue glow can be seen eminating from the bandages on his chest, he looks up noticing the two Gems infront of him, his eye widens as the glowing blue circle shrinks into a dot, he scoots backward into the couch clearly afraid'

'Pearl takes a slow step forward only causing him to back up further into the couch, his Blue glowing iris now having turned a dull shade of purple causing Pearl to sigh to herself'

Pearl: "He's scared of me?" 'Pearl says in a clearly disappointed tone earning a light chuckle from Garnet'

'Garnet walks forward untill she is infront of the couch, the boy now is shaking as he Blocks his view with his one working arm'

Garnet: "Its okay....you're safe here" 'Garnet says as she softly takes his hand away from his face showing the now glowing purple iris, the boy looks at Garnet for a moment before his eyes turn to a more blueish purple hue as Garnet softly helps him stand up'

'Once fully stood up the boy stumbles slightly before he gains his Balance, He looks around still clearly frightened, Garnet gives him a soft smile before turning to Pearl'

'Garnet takes Pearl's hand who apprehensively let's Garnet put the boys hand in Hers, Pearl cringes for a moment waiting for a outburst of some sort, she opens her eyes to find the boy looking at her curiously with his head tilted'

Pearl: "Oh my stars he is so innocent" 'Pearl says in a surprised voice as she looks at the still slightly alarmed Metamorin infront of her'

Garnet: "Untill he learns not to trust everybody we will have to keep a close eye on him" 'Garnet says with a soft voice as to not cause any further disturbances, Pearl traces her hand over the scratched and damaged hand she is holding, she shivers slightly as part of his hand shocks her from the vulnerable metal plating'

'A yawn can be heard from upstairs as Steven walks down the steps from the warp pad'

Steven: "Guys? what ar you doing? It's so ear-" 'Steven quickly cuts himself off when he notices the Metamorin standing up still holding Pearls hand, the boy notices Steven and quickly hides behind Garnet in fear'

Pearl: "Steven you have to be very careful, He just woke up and is well...very skittish" 'Pearl says with a light chuckle'

'Steven carefully walks forward before stopping infront of Garnet who is still smiling softly clearly enjoying the scenario'

Steven: "Hey buddy. I'm not gonna hurt ya, My names Steven, can you say that? Ste-ven" 'Steven says earning a confused head tilt from the Robot boy which it turn makes Pearl giggle to herself'

Pearl: "I'm sorry Steven but I dont think he understands English just yet, he will in due time though'

Steven: "Well that sucks, does he have a name?"

Garnet: "Nope, we didnt find one in his data base" 'Garnet says in a calm voice'

Steven: "Hmm well we have to call him somthing....how about....Chip!" 'Steven says earning a sigh from pearl'

Pearl: "Chip? Really?"

Steven: "Yeah! You know like a Microchip, we can call him that untill he choses a name himself" 'Steven says Proudly as he takes another step forward causing Chip to hide behind Garnet once more'

Garnet: "This is going to be a long day" 'Garnet says as she shakes her head still smiling lightly'

*To Be Continued*

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