(Chapter Five- The Trial Begins)

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'Chip can be seen sitting inside of a large room on a seat, he has a wire attached to his head while Stretch stands next to him typing away on a terminal of some sort'

Chip: "So you figure out what the cause of these "episodes" have been?" 'Chip asks with a sigh'

Stretch: "Nothing conclusive yet but I believe I am beginning to get an idea of what the problem is. So I'm assuming since you came to me about this that you havent told anyone else about these...side effects you've been getting from the episodes"

Chip: "Yeah, I've been trying to keep it together but whenever it happens it just feels like my mind is being split in half"

Stretch: "What do you mean exactly?" 'Stretch asks turning to Chip'

Chip: "Well....when these episodes happen, I cant controll what I am physically doing, but it feels like I'm still doing it, everything just goes....black and white" 'Chip says in confusion'

'Stretch hums to herself turning back to the console she is working on'

Stretch: "Hold on...I think i found somthing" 'Stretch says in confusion'

Stretch: "It seems to be some sort of secondary data feed, it's very fragmented though, I cant get any useful data from it but it seems to be the cause of these episodes" 'Stretch says looking at the holographic screen'

Chip: "Where would it have come from?" 'Chip asks standing up and walking over to Stretch'

Stretch: "I'm not quite sure, but I believe it may be some sort of remnants from before when you're Chassis had a personality reset..." 'Stretch says with hesitance in her voice'

Chip: "Left over code from Blood Diamond....." 'Chip says quietly'

Stretch: "Sadly yes. The Metamorin soul is very stubborn, its like-"

Chip: "It's burned into the fabric of reality..." 'Chip says cutting stretch off with an annoyed tone in his voice'

Stretch: "Y-Yeah...." 'Stretch says slightly taken aback by Chip's knowledge on this particular subject'

Stretch: "How do you know so much about this?" 'Stretch asks as Chip removes the cable from his head'

Chip: "I uh....I've been reading through some of the Diamond archives, must have picked it up there" 'Chip says in a monotone voice'

'Stretch hums to herself before turning to Chip watching him walk to the door'

Stretch: "And what of Aurora? Have you told her about these side effects?" 'Stretch asks with an amused grin'

Chip: "No, if I did she would have a fit" 'Chip says with a slight chuckle'

Stretch: "Because you didnt tell her? Or because you arent feeling well?" 'Stretch asks curiously'

Chip: "...Probably a bit of both" 'Chip says with a sigh before walking out of the room, closing the large door behind him'

'Stretch chuckles mischievously to herself placing her hands together as if plotting somthing'

Stretch: "Oh that boy has no clue what is in store for him....so naive and innocent" 'Stretch says to herself knowingly'

'Chip eventually makes his way to Yellow's Room opening the door catching her attention'

Yellow: "Ah, there you are Neon, what kept you?" 'Yellow asks curiously as she deactivates her screens'

Chip: "I went in for a system scan, it seems everything is operating at maximum efficiency!" 'Chip says with an enthusiastic grin causing Yellow to smile lightly as she shakes her head'

Yellow: "Well that is good, because the trial is going to start soon, would you like debriefing on your objective?" 'Yellow asks curiously'

Chip: "I kinda need one anyway so sure!"

Yellow: "You along with your Pearl are to be the head of security for this trial, if somthing goes wrong you shall handle it yourself....think of this as a test" 'Yellow says in thought'

Chip: "Allright, dosent sound too hard, I'm assuming it's just going to be you, Blue and me?" 'Chip asks resting his hands onto his walking stick'

Yellow: "Unfortunately yes, While White has certainly been more activate since your arrival she still refuses to leave her head unless it directly involves you...." 'Yellow says with a slightly agitated tone'

Chip: "Well then, shall we go?" 'Chip asks sending a message to Aurora through his hud'

Yellow: "Of course, let us go"

'Inside of a large Cell within the Diamond base on homeworld a blue Zircon can be seen talking to a rather familiar looking gem Hybrid'

Steven: "Thats fine! because I am!"

Blue-Zircon: "Well dont say that! Especially not out there!"

Steven: "Out where? What's going to happen?!" 'Steven asks in a mixture of fear and annoyance'

Blue Zircon: "What did you think was going to happen ROSE QUARTZ?! The moment that door opens you are going on trial!"

'The Zircon is cut off by the door opening, a nervous look growing on both Steven's and the Zircon's face's '

'Eventualy Steven finds himself standing in a black room in the center of a white Triangle'

'Moments later a Yellow Zircon warps into the room a sly smile on her face'

Yellow Zircon: "Defending a rebel? Isnt that....treason?" 'The Yellow Zircon asks with a chuckle'

Blue Zircon: "I was ASSIGNED TO THIS"

'The Blue Zircon is cut off by three individuals warping into the room, three Pearl's standing next to eachother however one of then catches Steven by surpise'

Y.P: "All rise for the luminous Yellow Diamond!" 'Yellow Pearl says posing proudly'

B.P: "Aswell as the lustrous Blue Diamond" 'Blue Pearl continues as Aurora straightens her back'

Aurora: "Welcome the Arrival of the formidable Neon Diamond" 'Aurora states with her arms behind her back, her voice sounding cold yet warning'

'A beam of light shines down into the room quickly dissipating, once the light is gone Yellow and Blue Diamond can be seen posing together while a smaller figure stands infront of them, their face covered in shadow'

'Steven's eyes widen as a pair of Neon blue Diamond shaped eyes appear in the shadow, a sense of familiarity coming across him'

*To be continued*

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