(Chapter One- The mini moms and an Answer)

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'Chip is currently sitting on the couch clearly disoriented, his face still dirty with spots of scorched metal and soot, his healing process seems to have been faster than usual as most of his skin has regrown'

Chip: "This time travel stuff is starting to get really old...." 'Chip says tiredly as his left arm causing it to spark as he tries to move it'

Pearl: "I'd say" 'Pearl says laughing softly to herself as she walks back into the house'

'Chip looks over to Pearl, both of his eyes still being Black'

Chip: "How long was I gone this time?" 'Chip asks with a quiet voice'

Pearl: "One week and nearly two days" 'Pearl says with a chuckle causing Chip to sigh to himself'

'Chip brings his left hand upto his face causing sparks to erupt from his arm before it actually moves'

Chip: "I'm sorry for being such a nuisance, It's not like I can controll this just yet" 'Chip says with audible guilt in his voice'

Pearl: "Oh you arent a nuisance, its just like you said, you cant controll your abilities just yet but you will learn!" 'Pearl says reassuringly causing Chip to smile softly'

Pearl: "However you certainly did scare us all, Garnet was nearly catatonic for the whole experience so you will definetly have to make it upto your moms" 'Pearl says with a smug grin while Chip shakes his head slightly'

Chip: "My moms...what exactly?"

Pearl: "Hmm? Oh sorry I meant Mothers, Plural not singular" 'Pearl says grinning excitedly as the door opens followed by hushed arguing'

Ruby: "Wait! I lied I'm not ready!" 'Ruby says in a hushed as Sapphire pushes her through the door'

Sapphire: "Yes you are, trust me itll be fine" 'Sapphire says also in a hushed voice as she tries to calm down her significant other'

'Chip looks at the two slightly confused his eyes still Black, He rests his skeletal left hand on his knee as he winces in pain'

'Silence Falls in the house as Ruby and Sapphire stand looking at Chip with varying expressions'

Chip: "D-Do I know you?" 'Chip asks slightly confused, his right eye weakly flickering a turquoise color before returning to Black'

Ruby: "W-Well that's kinda hard to explain, Y-You see me and Sapphire are sorta...Well we've met you but not officially" 'Ruby as she nervously rambles while Sapphire walks over to Chip carefully'

'Once infront of Chip she takes his left skeleton like hand into her smaller blue hands'

Sapphire: "Oh my stars...Look at the damage on you" 'Sapphire says softly as Ruby walks up beside her'

'Chip has a even more confused look on his face as he looks at the to two smaller Gems infront of him'

Ruby: "This is homeworld fault if they had never come here we wouldnt have almost lost you!" "Ruby says angrilly as her hair begins to smoke while she looks Chip over '

Chip: "I am....so confused" 'Chip says in a whisper as Ruby goes back to standing with Sapphire'

Sapphire: "Well that's to be expected since we never has the chance to explain Fusion to you" 'Sapphire says chuckling lightly'

Chip: "As in...nuclear fusion?" 'Chip asks even more confused as his eye flickers again'

Ruby: "I mean...its kinda like that?"

Sapphire: "What Ruby means is, We... are Garnet" 'Sapphire says as she gently takes one of Ruby's hands in her own'

Ruby: "Garnet is a fusion, of us" 'Ruby says nervously as Sapphire smiles softly'

Chip: "Okay wow you're throwing a lot at me here" 'Chip says softly as he looks down clearly confused'

Ruby: "As Garnet we share memories and emotions..and emotional bonds" 'Ruby says trying to explain the situation appropriately'

'Chip tilts his head as he processes the new information, Sapphire parts the hair infront of her face clearing the way for her face to be fully visible'

Sapphire: "So that means we still feel the same way as Garnet does, We still care about you as if you were our son"

Ruby: "If...you are okay with all of this" 'Ruby says quietly as she smiles nervously'

'Chip looks up at the two of them with a slightly confused look on his face, Chip then smiles softly as his eyes flicker momentarily before lighting up a dull green color'

Chip: "All that seems to change is the fact I have two mini moms instead of one Fulltime mom" 'Chip says softly earning a loud squeal from Ruby as she jumps excitedly'

'Ruby then attempts to tackle Chip into a hug only managing to bump him slightly, Sapphire giggles to herself clearly amused, she then floats up enough to get onto the couch and joins in the hug'

'Chip smiles softly as he let's out a few calm beeps, Sapphire pulls back from the hug first before her eye goes wide while looking at Chip'

Sapphire: "Oh my you've grown!" 'Sapphire says noticing his new height'

'Chip tilts his head curiously as his eyes form into glowing green question marks'

'Ruby pulls back from the hug curiously causing her eyes to go wide aswell'

Ruby: "Yeah! You must be as tall as Pearl now!" 'Ruby says as she turns to look at Pearl who has a giddy smile on her face before she collects herself'

Pearl: "His accelerated growth may be because of that....Device in his chest, it allows him to Time travel and presumably it is what allows him to use Gem technology aswell" 'Pearl says as Ruby and Sapphire stand up before turning to Chip'

Sapphire: "Can you...show us?" 'Sapphire asks causing Chip to sigh'

'Chip's chest opens with a few sparks and sputters as it does'

'Sapphire looks at the large black Cube, her eye widens slightly noticing a red tinted engraving on it, the device has what looks to be a red Diamond with lines spreading out from it'

'Sapphire hums to herself as Ruby looks confused before Chip closes his chest back up'

Ruby: "So what time did you end up going to?" 'Ruby asks curiously, Chip's eyes turn into green exclamation Mark's as he looks up'

'He smiles warmly before looking back too his two mothers'

Chip: "Rose says hi"

'Sapphire and Ruby's eyes widen as does Pearl's. Sapphire smiles warmly before Pearl can be heard chuckling to herself momentarily'

Pearl: "That's what I was forgetting, You were that Metamorin she found all those years ago, and then you mysteriously dissapeared" 'Pearl says chuckling softly'

'Chip smiles before looking back down in thought, the memories of the invasion flashing back to him'

Ruby: "What's.. wrong?" 'Ruby asks curiously earning a hum from Chip'

Chip: "For some reason....Homeworld knows about me, when I was back inside the ship Jasper kept referring to me as...."Blood" Jasper knew me, Why dont I remember her?" 'Chip says softly causing The three Gems in the room to show varying degrees of Shock and confusion'

Sapphire: "Chip....There was someone on Homeworld that very few Gems knew about, he was mostly considered to be just a rumor started by a rebel Group Of Gems, all we know of...who Blood was or rather...who you USED to be, is that he was close to the Diamonds. The rumor was that they had created another Diamond" 'Sapphire says softly as Pearl walks over next to Ruby'

Pearl: "So by extension, That would make you....important too them, weather you are a Diamond or not....we dont really know"

'Chip's eyes widen in confusion as he holds his head in his hand'

Ruby: "B-But that dosent change anything! You are still a Crystal Gem!" 'Ruby says in a attempt to Calm the situation slightly'

Chip: "R-Right, I'm a Crystal Gem"

*To be continued*

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