(Chapter Two- The Cyborg Made A Reactor)

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Peridot: "Agh! Stupid primitive earth technologies!" 'Peridot yells angrilly as she attempts to attach some sort of component to the large drill infront of the barn'

Amethyst: "Yo P'Dot what's your damage?" 'Amthyst asks curiously as she sits up from previously laying down'

Peridot: "I am not damaged! This blasted thruster will not attach itself to the attachment port!" 'Peridot says in annoyance'

Amethyst: "Well duh! That's because Chip needs to attach them with his arm welder thing" 'Amethyst says casually only for a large metal sphere to drop down infront of her'

Chip: "Sorry!" 'Chip yells as he flies down to the ground, he can be seen carrying an assortment of large metal parts and scraps before dropping them into a pile nearby'

Amethyst: "Its cool, What is this thing anyway?" 'Amethysta asks curiously poking the large sphere'

Chip: "That is my attempt at a hyper reactor, it would work simmilar to the one I have in my chest but...it needs a jumpstart"

'Amethyst cringes slightly at the information before she stands up slowly rolling the large sphere over to the drill'

Peridot: "Drone! I require your assistance" 'Peridot says causing Chip to sigh while he walks over'

Chip: "What do you need"

Peridot: "Could you attach these thrusters to the Drill base please, I lack the tools to do so"

'Chip sighs before transforming his left arm into its welding format. He begins to attach the thrusters'

'Peridot watches Chip intently clearly interested in how the Young Cyborg operates, As Chip moves onto the next thruster the one he had finished emits a short burst of steam before cooling down'

Peridot: "So Drone, you lost your memories upon crashlanding on this planet?" 'Peridot asks carefully as Chip does his work'

Chip: "That's what I was told happened, and if you're going to call me somthing I'd prefer you to call me by my name" 'Chip says coldly as he finishes another Thruster'

Peridot: "So....you spend a lot of time around the Perma-fusion, is she your personal body gaurd or somthing?" 'Peridot asks causing Chip to sigh to himself as he stops welding'

Chip: "No, she is my mother, she has been "raising" me since I activated after the Crystal gems found me" 'Chip explains before he begins to weld once more'

'Peridot hums to herself for a moment before walking upto Chip stopping next to him, the thruster he is working on begins to spark and sputter erratically causing him to stop his welding'

'Chip quickly transforms his arm back into a proper arm and reaches into the side of the thruster wincing in pain'

Chip: "Peridot can you lift the thruster up a little please!" 'Chip asks loudly as the thruster begins to shake violently'

'Peridot grabs the thruster struggling to lift it, after a moment the thruster nudges just enough for Chip to rip out a large sparking wire'

'The thruster seems to calm down returning back to a inert state, Chips entire left arm has been burned down to the endoskeleton causing the young Cyborg to sigh in annoyance'

Chip: "it's always the left arm...." 'Chip says transforming his arm back into its welding mode'

'Once Chip is done welding he transforms his arm back to normal before turning to the large sphere next to the drill'

Chip: "Allright Peridot, you are going to have to listen VERY closely" 'Chip says warningly as he places his left hand on to the sphere'

Peridot: "Alright...."

Chip: "I am going to open my chest cavity, you are going to spin the rotors on my reactor COUNTER CLOCKWISE to release a electrical current through my system to jumpstart the reactor" 'Chip says as his chest opens up while he places both hands onto the sphere'

'Peridot hesitantly reaches into Chip's Chest cavity reaching her finger towards the spinning rotors around Chip's reactor'

'As Peridot stops the rotors with her finger the reactor begins to pulse, she twitches momentarily turning the rotors the wrong way causing the reactor to start pulsing with bright red energy'

Chip: "WRONG WAY!" 'Chip yells loudly pounding his fist onto the sphere as his body begins to spark with bolts of red energy'

'While Chip grits his teeth in what seems to be a mixture of anger and pain Peridot has begun to panic as she swiftly spins the rotors in the opposite direction as fast as possible'

'Chip suddenly tenses up with his eyesockets suddenly erupting into blue light as his black artificial hair begins to spark with blue energy'

'Moments later Chip erupts with a pulse of blue energy shooting out in all directions, Chip's hair momentarily glows a bright blue before he falls to the ground returning to normal'

'All nearby technology that had been hit with the pulse of energy had begun malfunctioning and short circuiting'

'Chip sits up in a daze closing his chest as he does so, the sphere he had been trying to focus energy into has opened up with the inside producing a blue orb of energy that sparks each time a ring rotates around it'

Chip: "Well atleast that's done...." 'Chip says before falling onto his back once more'

Amethyst: "Woah! You good?" 'Amethyst asks after rushing out of the barn earning a tired thumbs up from Chip'

Peridot: "Did...I break him?" 'Peridot asks slightly alarmed'

Amethyst: "Nah, probably just took a lot out of him is all, he kinda craps out when he uses too much energy at once"

'A short time later Pearl arrives at the Barn confused with the current scene before her, Chip is laying on the ground face first and while Amethyst pokes him with a stick Peridot seems to be examining his left endoskeleton arm'

Pearl: "What...happened?" 'Pearl asks chuckling to herself loudly'

Amethyst: "Chip made a reactor and he had to get Peridot to overload his own reactor to start it" 'Amethyst says causing Peridor to sigh with a amused smile on her face'

'Peridot walks over to the large reactor examining it closely, she reaches into the reactor only to get zapped by a pulse of blue energy causing her to shake her hand in pain'

'Pearl then looks at Chip before leaning down to him having to stifle her laughter at his tired state'

Pearl: "How are you feeling?" 'Pearl asks curiously'

Chip: "I regret everything...." 'Chip says with his tired voice muffled earning a chuckle from Pearl'

Peridot: "Well on the bright side you managed to achieve your goal?" 'Peridot says dropping Chip's arm'

'Chip grumbles to himself in annoyance while laying down only serving to amuse the surrounding gems'

*To be continued*

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