(Chapter Five- The Winds Of Change)

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'After a short explanation of what had happened Steven and Chip find themselves sitting next to eachother as if nothing happened despite the difference in size'

Steven: "So..you arent coming back to Earth with me?" 'Steven asks with a slightly downtrodden tone'

Chip: "I cant. Not right now anyway. But I dont think I'll have much of a choice soon" 'Chip says with a sigh'

Steven: "What do you mean?"

Chip: "Well...its hard to explain. I've been trying to make a difference here and I like to think I've made SOME sort of progress. But the other Diamonds just arent getting it. And with me "Losing Track of you" I'm sure they wont be too pleased..." 'Chip says with a defeated tone in his voice'

'Steven's face drops slightly noticing Chip's tired expression'

Steven: "Well. When will you be coming back?" 'Steven asks curiously, Chip looks up after a tired sigh, he looks towards Aurora who is currently mingling with the Off color Gems'

Chip: "You can expect me home soon." 'Chip says with a soft smile, his diamond  eyes growing a dull pink hue along the outer rim of them'

Chip: "Allright, tell everyone I say hi yeah?" 'Chip says standing up before walking over to Lars'

Lars: "Woah. You've certainly..grown since the last time I've seen you" 'Lars says with a nervous chuckle'

Chip: "So I take it you cant get back through your new magical hair?" 'Chip asks crossing his arms'

Lars: "Nope, turns out even if I am a Zombie, I cant just....fold up into my own hair" 'Lars says with a sigh'

'Chip sighs before holding out his hand, slowly his inanities begin constructing a small device with a button in the center of it'

Chip: "Here, this is a beacon. It's a one use to tell me somthing is wrong and you need help. When you use that. I have to get you and get off this planet" 'Chip says handing lars the Device'

Lars: "Ah I'm sure I'll be fine. I gotta help these guys afterall" 'Lars says gesturing to the Off colors'

'While everyone does there thing Steven remembers somthing, he quickly pulls out his phone turning it on'

Steven: "Hey Chip! We should take a picture! I'm sure Garnet would like that" 'Steven says catching Chip's attention'

Chip: "O-Oh yeah that sounds like a good idea. Lars you coming?" 'Chip asks with a smile'

Lars: "Nah, I...I think I'm just gonna chill for a bit" 'Lars says with a wave of his hand, a light shakiness in his voice likley still shook from dying'

'After reverting to his Metamorin state Chip stands behind Steven a moment later Aurora curiously joins them'

Aurora: "Soooo what ya doin?" 'Aurora asks curiously as she leans over Chip'

Steven: "Were taking a picture!" 'Steven says excitedly causing Aurora to tilt her head'

Chip: "Just smile dummy" 'Chip says with light chuckle'

Aurora: "I know what a picture is!" 'Aurora says placing her hands on her hips earning a few beeps of laughter from Chip'

Steven: "Alright say cheese!" 'Steven says holding his Phone out on selfie mode'

'After a moment Steven's phone flashes taking the picture, after a brief set of goodbyes Steven returns home through Lars's new found magical hair he got from Steven resurrecting him'

Rhodonite: "Y-You wont turn us in right? I mean I dont want to S-Sound rude or anything, but you are a Diamond" 'Rhodonite asks with audible fear in her voice'

Chip: "No. I wont turn you in" 'Chip says with a small smile before returning to his half Diamond state'

Chip: "However. I dont think there is much I'll be able to do to help you if you get caught" 'Chip says twirling his walking stick momentarily'

'Meanwhile Back on earth Steven had just got done reuniting with the Crystal Gems along with his dad and Connie, all of which who were very thankful to see him safe'

Pearl: "Are you allright? They didnt hurt you did they?" 'Pearl asks Steven worriedly'

Steven: "No they didnt. Chip helped me get away from the Diamonds" 'Steven says with a small smile'

'Silence falls for a moment before Garnet steps forward placing her hands on Steven's shoulders as she crouches down'

Garnet: "Steven, where is Chip" 'Garnet asks with a serious yet clearly worried voice'

Steven: "He.....couldnt come with me, he said he has too many responsibilities as a Diamond to just leave right now. But he said he WILL be coming back soon" 'Steven says causing Garnet to sigh softly, a look of worry crossing her face'

Pearl: "So he...really is a Diamond isnt he?" 'Pearl asks with some doubt still left in her voice'

Steven: "Yeah, but he hasnt changed much! He's actually trying to get the other Diamonds to understand how organics live and feel!" 'Steven says brightly'

'Garnet stands up placing a hand on her chin before Pearl gently places one of her hands on her shoulder'

Steven: "Oh! Chip says hi by the way, and just to prove he's okay!" 'Steven says handing Garnet his phone, the picture already on screen'

'The Crystal gems gather around the phone quickly, Amethyst having to shape shift to be tall enough to see over Garnet's shoulder'

'A look of surpise crosses Pearl's face as she places a hand over her mouth hiding her smile'

Amethyst: "Woah! No way Dude!" 'Amethyst says proudly with a chuckle'

'The two look over to Garnet noticing a bright yet surpised smile crossing her face as she looks at the picture'

'The picture consists of Steven smiling excitedly as he holds up the phone, in the background Aurora can be seen holding two fingers up above Chip's head as the two of them smile brightly'

'On closer inspection Aurora's hair has a pinkish tint to it as does Chip's Diamond shaped eyes, infact even his fangs seem to have a pinkish tint to them'

Pearl: "Garnet...are you allright?" 'Pearl asks with an amused Chuckle'

Garnet: "I am looking forward to meeting her..." 'Garnet says with a soft yet clearly excited tone'

Amethyst: "I'm looking forward to teasing him!" 'Amethyst says with a mischievous grin'

Garnet: "That too" 'Garnet responds with a soft chuckle'

*To be continued*

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