(Chapter Three- Carbonite)

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'Chip can be seen swiftly flying through a forest dodging tree's and branches with ease, his hud showing he has gotten rather close to the energy signature's location'

'Once close enough he lands in a clearing, in the forest, his feet producing a clunking sound as he walks through the grassy field'

'Chip walks around curiously, the energy signature is clearly a gem signature to him, he can see its frequency on his hud, but there arent supposed to be any other Gems on the planet'

'After a few moments Chip freezes, infront of him is a Gem sitting on her knee's her hands glowing a calm pinkish red color'

'She has medium length black and red hair, her eyes are the same color as her hair however they gave triangle shaped pupils'

'Her skin is a dark grey color, contrasting against her reddish pink dress shirt and pants'

'On her chest is a triangle shaped Red and grey gem, the center of her gem glows a bright blue color'

'She stops her hands from glowing before looking up at Chip, she stands to her feet dusting herself off before she smiles softly'

'When standing up she is nearly just a small bit shorter than Lapis, she calmly walks upto Chip who is now on high alert, his eyes flaring a yellow color'

???: "Hello, it is good to finally meet you My Diamond" 'She says softly causing Chip's eyes to instantly flare a mix of purple and red,he backs up activating his energy Blades on each arm'

Chip: "Who are you?" 'Chip asks coldly earning a perplexed look from the gem'

???: "Oh, I apologize I guess my creation wasnt intentional on your part. I quite honestly dont know what gemstone I originated as, I suppose i  was supposed to be a Jasper but due to your interference a few days ago I am not" 'She says in thought, Chip lowers his arms in confusion'

Chip: "That...dosent awnser my question..."

???: "I apologize. I guess the closest thing I could assume to be is a variation of the material known as Carbonite. During your skirmish with a Jasper at the beta kindergarten a few days ago you were pierced by a injector. Your blood supplied the nessecary energy for the injector to operate aswell as the material needed to form a gem'

'Chip's eyes widen as he looks at the gem infront of him, She has a very calming energy around her. Infact she dosent seem the least bit hostile'

Chip: "So I...created you?"

Carbonite: "Well yes and no, you supplied the nessecary energy and material needed for me to form, however due to this I have knowledge of your past experiences. I have seen the countless times you have been in danger and have been harmed" 'Carbonite says her voice dropping slightly'

'Chip tilts his head in confusion beeping quietly'

Carbonite: "It is my duty to protect you from those who would harm you, like a body gaurd of sorts, however I can also tend to any injuries or damages your phyiscal structure my take" 'Carbonite says smiling happily'

'While Carbonite waits for a response Chip is having a difficult time trying to process what is going on, His eyes begin to flicker violently before they erupt into sparks and he falls forward going limp'

'Carbonite catches him almost as if on instinct, she tilts her head curiously before picking him up'

Carbonite: "Oh dear, it would seem I overloaded his processors" 'Carbonite says sighing she steps forward before a light pulse of blue energy erupts from her'

'She begins to float upward before flying off and great speed back to the Beach house, once she has arrived she softly lands on the porch and knocks on the door to the beach house'

'After a moment the door is opened by Amethyst, she seems to be half asleep, her hair is messy and her eyes are half closed'

Amethyst: "Yo Steven you back alre-" 'Amethyst stops mid sentence when she notices Carbonite carrying a unconsious Chip'

Carbonite: "Greetings Amethyst, I am Carbonite, I am here to bring my Dia- Chip back home to rest" 'Carbonite says managing to correct herself before saying too much'

Amethyst: "O-Okay?" 'Amethyst says letting her inside, Carbonite walks inside softly laying Chip down in the couch'

Amethyst: "So.....where'd you come from?" 'Amethyst asks curiously'

'Carbonite stops before sitting down next to Chip, She turns her head to Amethyst'

Carbonite: "I Come from the beta kindergarten, When Chip was pierced by a injector the energy flowing through his body allowed it to activate. The bloo it absorbed from him was injected into the earth. Creating me" 'Carbonite explains bluntly'

Amethyst: "Yoo! Awsome! So your practically my sis then!" 'Amethyst says wrapping a arm over Carbonite's shoulder'

Carbonite: "I suppose so, however my main directive is to protect Chip from any harm that may come to him" 'Carbonite says in a calculating voice'

'Amethyst thinks to herself in confusion, before she turns back to Carbonite'

Amethyst: "So you're Carbonite? You dont really...look like it?" 'Amethyst asks curiously'

Carbonite: "This is true, the reason I call myself Carbonite is due to my gem's molecular make up being very similar to the compound I have taken my name from" 'Carbonite says gently placing her hand on her gemstone'

Carbonite: "I have knowledge of all the precious times he was harmed after you all found him, due to this I have decided to devote my strengths and skills to protect him from any possible harm" 'Carbonite says almost as if warning Amethyst'

Amethyst: "Hey dont worry, none of us plan on hurtin him, he's like my nephew practically!" 'Amethyst says chuckling'

Carbonite: "I suppose so" 'Carbonite says smiling softly now knowing Chip isnt in danger'

'Moments later Garnet and Pearl walk into the house mid conversation, they turn to the couch instantly going silent when they notice Carbonite'

Carbonite: "Greetings"

Amethyst: "Ohh boy" 'Amethyst says standing up'

*To be continued*

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