(Chapter Five- Waiting Out The Storm)

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'Chip and Aurora can be found sitting across from eachother cross legged, they both have their holographic screen's activated as they play some sort of strategy game together'

'A moment passes before Aurora's screen flashes bright red with a game over screen causing her to sigh loudly'

Aurora: "How are you so good at this game?!" 'Aurora yells in defeat as she falls backwards'

Chip: "What do you think I do in my spare time on homeworld?" 'Chip asks with a chuckle'

'Aurora sits back up glaring at Chip before she sighs and stands up'

Aurora: "Maybe there are still some good food rations or somthing in here, I'm starving" 'Aurora says walking through the dimly lit room'

Chip: "I just realised I'm probably gonna get in some trouble for this" 'Chip says standing up aswell'

Aurora: "Why? I'm still kinda new to the rules of homeworld. I get it isnt exactly a fuzzy warm hearted place though" 'Aurora says slightly confused'

Chip: "Well I left without permission, normally on earth that would get you a stern talking too and the possibility of being grounded, but on homeworld I wouldnt be suprised if they threw me in a pitch black room for a few months" 'Chip says with a sigh'

Aurora: "Why dont you just make a portal back to homeworld?" 'Aurora suggests curiously'

Chip: "I cant, I can only make portals in the solar system I am at, and we have no clue where the Warp pad was, the stream just sorta...launched us through the air. I've even tried calling the eclipse to come for us but I can get a signal out"

Aurora: "Ooooh no! You mean you're stuck here with me? Such a tragedy" 'Aurora says teasingly earning a sigh from Chip'

'Chip boosts upward to the top shelf infront of Aurora managing to grab a large can before falling back to the ground'

Aurora: "I could have gotten that for you"

Chip: "You were too slow" 'Chip says dusting the can off'

Aurora: "Huh, "Energon enhanced rations" apparently they used this stuff for everything" 'Aurora says tilting her head as she reads the label'

Chip: "You think they're still good?"

Aurora: "Let's cook it just incase"

'Eventually Aurora and Chip found themselves sitting next to each other in the small booth on the wall, the old rusted metal table infront of them'

'Chip can be seen holding the can of rations in his left hand, the palm of the hand configured to look like a heat element from an electric oven'

Aurora: "What...is earth like? I'm assuming you were there recently" 'Aurora asks cautiously'

Chip: "It was...peaceful, you get to be who you are and as long as who you are dosent harm others no one tried to tell you otherwise" 'Chip says in thought his face softening'

Chip: "Atleast that was my experience there, my mother taught me that everyone should be given a chance to be better"

'Silence falls between the two as Aurora thinks to herself, a look of realization crosses her face'

Aurora: "That's why you choose to stay on homeworld...isnt it?" 'Aurora asks as if she had an epiphany'

Chip: "From what I can tell, I've made progress with the Diamonds, both Blue and Yellow are opening their minds to new ideas and ways to do things, everyone deserves to have a chance to be better. Even the Diamonds" 'Chip states as his eyes flicker momentarily'

'Aurora hums to herself noticing the slightly tired look on Chip's face as he had explained his plan, she looks down in thought as if somthing didnt make sense to her'

'Chip turns his hand back to normal as he opens the cans lid with a laser, Aurora looks back up at Chip'

'Chip hands aurora the can along with a Spoon, he then shakes his head lightly as he looks at one of his screen's showing a view of outside the vehicle'

Aurora: "Arent you going to eat?"

Chip: "I haven't been hungry since I've gotten my Gem, perks of being a Diamond I guess" 'Chip says with a chuckle'

'Aurora looks at the food for a moment noticing the greenish glow coming from it, she shrugs before she starts eating'

Aurora: "Huh, not bad..."

'While Aurora continues to eat, Chip gets up walking back into the cockpit of the vehicle, he then interfaces with the large controll panels on the right side of the room'

'He scans through the files of the old Metamorin Tank untill he comes across the blueprints for it'

Chip: "The X-T Blaster Tank model-5, the model five blaster tank had the typical treads used by the previous models removed and replaced with six heavy duty legs allowing it to maneuver through much more dangerous terrain" 'Chip reads out before disconnecting from the controll panel, a growing feeling of exauhstion creeping over him'

'Chip sits down next to the controll panel rubbing his eyes momentarily before checking his battery power, with mere six percent of power remaining he sighs before looking around'

Chip: "I suppose having a small nap couldnt hurt...." 'Chip says as his eyes flicker before slowly going out, Chip's head then leans down as his eyes close, a dim red flashing light visible inside of his gem'

*To be continued*

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