(Chapter Six- Wedding Preperations)

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'It is two days before the Wedding, Aurora is helping Pearl with decorations While Steven goes over the ceremony with Ruby and Sapphire'

Pearl: "Where is Chip? I thought he would be helping?" 'Pearl asks in confusion'

Aurora: "I'm not sure, I havent seen much of him for the past few days" 'Aurora says only for the ground to rumble momentarily before rumbling once more'

'From behind the Beach house the Blaster tank can be seen walking towards the area planned out for the Cerimony'

'Carbonite can be seen flying around it hanging streamers and decorations along it's outer hull'

'The tank stops right behind the podium Steven is standing infront of, the door quickly opens up as Chip and Peridot walk out, along with the now Reformed Stretch'

Stretch: "I must say, it is quite nice to work with another Peridot who is actually competent" 'Stretch says earning a laugh from Peridot'

Peridot: "Of course it is, We Peridot's are technological geniuses!" 'Peridot proclaims'

Chip: "You two couldnt figure out how to pilot the Tank, I out rank you" 'Chip says walking past the two of them holding a large speaker'

Aurora: "So, where have you been?" 'Aurora asks curiously grabbing Chip's attention'

Chip: "I have been setting up the tank for the wedding! We shall be running concession out of it incase anyone gets hungry along with music of course" 'Chip says with a smile'

Aurora: "That's what took you two days?" 'Aurora asks placing her hands on her hips, an amused smile on her face'

Chip: "Hey, you try rigging a energy cannon to launch fireworks without them blowing up instantly" 'Chip says pointing at Aurora'

'While the two bicker Ruby and Sapphire can be seen sharing an amused look between themselves, clearly enjoying the show'

Pearl: "When do you think He'll talk to her about "you know what" 'Pearl asks Ruby and Sapphire'

Sapphire: "Oh I'm sure he will soon" 'Sapphire says chuckling'

Ruby: "If he dosent make a move I'm sure she will" 'Ruby says desmissivley'

Pearl: "Oh most certainly" 'Pearl says watching Aurora tease Chip as he argues with her'

Aurora: "You know I cant take you seriously when your so small" 'Aurora says chuckling causing a tick mark to appear on Chips forehead'

Chip: "Well then!" 'Chip says quickly shifting into his half Diamond form Picking up Aurora as he does so'

Chip: "Think ya can take me seriously now tiny?" 'Chip asks Aurora who is currently laughing to herself'

Aurora: "Ah you're adorable" 'Aurora says chuckling lightly'

Chip: "I should have left you on homeworld...." 'chip says with a low annoyed growl'

Aurora: "But'cha didnt!" 'Aurora says enthusiastically reaching out and poking Chip's nose causing him to shake his head and drop her onto the sand below'

Aurora: "Rude"

Chip: "Bite me" 'Chip says shifting back to his normal form'

Aurora: "That depends if you want me t-" 'Aurora says only to get a ball of sand thrown at her knocking her onto her back cutting her off'

'Chip can be seen standing with a Blue blush across his face as he points his right arm at Aurora as it has transformed into a cannon of sorts, balls of sand can be seen in a see through tube attached to it'

Chip: "SILENCE HEATHEN!" 'Chip says in a glitched tone of voice causing Aurora to giggle to herself evilly'

Amerhyst: "Ooooh~ maybe Ruby and Sapphire wont be the only ones having a Wedd-" 'Amethyst says as she walks by only to get shot by a barrge of balled up of sand'

Chip: "This can shoot fully auto! Anyone else have somthing to say?" 'Chip asks in annoyance, a blue blush still on his face'

Amethyst: "Nah I think we're good..." 'Amethyst says as Carbonite lands next to her'

Carbonite: "You good?" 'Carbonite asks earning a thumbs up from Amethyst'

'After a few moments, Chip transforms his arm back to normal before sighing and walking off'

Aurora: "Where ya goin!" 'Aurora asks with a chuckle as she sits up'

Chip: "To go Chill out somewhere that ain't here!" 'Chip says bursting into the air'

Carbonite: "Shouldnt we go after him?"

Aurora: "Ahh he'll be back!" 'Aurora says jumping to her feet, a content smile on her face'

Pearl: "You sure seem cheery for someone who just go shot in the face with sand" 'Pearl says with a chuckle'

Aurora: "I'm just glad to see him so happy, despite my teasing that is. On homeworld he was always pretty calm and collected" 'Aurora says with a light smile, her eyes turning a bright green color'

Pearl: "What do you mean?" 'Pearl asks slightly confused'

Aurora: "Well the other Diamonds had a lot of....standards for him to live upto, a lot of them he didnt. It was really stressful for him....he kinda...broke down a say or two before we came here" 'Aurora says with a slightly agitated tone in her voice'

Pearl: "Well now you're on earth, you can both relax and just be yourselves" 'Pearl says causing Aurora to look at herself, noticing she is still wearing her Homeworld outfit'

Aurora: "First things first I need a new outfit" 'Aurora says with a chuckle'

Amethyst: "Oh! I'll go with ya! Yo P! Think you can lend us some cash?" 'Amethyst asks sitting up'

Pearl: "Oh! Sure, I left my wallet on the table" 'Pearl says hanging as she hangs a banner'

Amethyst: "Allright! Let's go you kitted out!" 'Amethyst says standing up and walking back to the house, Aurora close behind her'

*To be continued*

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