(Chapter Five- Going Home)

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'Inside Blue Diamond's quarters she can be seen working away with one of her screens, B.P calmly standing next to her throne'

Blue: "Pearl, can you go check on Chip for me?" 'Blue asks curiously'

B.P: "Of course my Diamond" 'B.P says before quietly walking over to the smaller   side door'

'Once the door opens B.P walks inside stopping in her tracks, a look of surpise on her face'

'On the overly large bed Aurora and Chip can be seen fast asleep, Aurora is sitting up leaning against the wall protectively holding Chip, her head resting against the top of Chip's as he is still in his normal state. A low engine like rumble can be heard coming from both of them'

'B.P smiles softly before quietly sneaking out of the room as to not wake the two sleeping hybrids'

B.P: "He seems to be resting well my Diamond" 'B.P says softly, a small smile still placed on her face'

'While Blue Diamond continues with her work, near the outside of the base the Eclipse can be seen parked a few gems can be seen walking around the massive star fighter style ship'

'The gem standing directly behind the lower thrusters is abruptly engulfed in blue flames as said thrusters roar to life instantaneously poofing the gem'

'A beeping on Aurora's hud causes her to stir, she had set an alarm for when the Ecplise powered on'

'Aurora shakes her head before her eyes turn back on, once she can see she looks down to Chip slightly confused'

'Aurora, being extreamly groggy from just having woke up decides not to question the current situation and gently shake's Chip to wake him up'

'After a moment Chip manages to wake up, when his eyes turn on his eyes have also regained their neon blue color although it is unusually bright'

Chip: "What is it?" 'Chip asks in a quiet and groggy voice as he rubs his eyes'

Aurora: "The Ecplise is ready to go we gotta leave" 'Aurora says standing up, which in turn causes Chip to fall onto the bed'

'Aurora stands waiting for Chip with a mildly amused expression on her face, after a sigh Chip manages to sit up'

Chip: "Allright, but there Is one thing we gotta do before we leave" 'Chip says causing Aurora to tilt her head curiously'

'Inside Yellow Diamond's throne room Yellow can be seen working on one of her mant screens, a un amused look on her face as she does so'

'A bubbled Peridot gem can be seen floating behind the throne, a blue portal opens above the bubble emitting a quiet whirring sound'

'Yellow turns her head just in time for the portal to close, not having noticed the portal Yellow goes back to her work, clearly confused'

'Moments later the portal reopens, the yellow bubble containing the Peridot gem gains a Blue glow before it floats through the portal that quickly closes behind it'

'On the other side of the Portal lays the inside of the Eclipse, the bridge to be exact'

'Chip quickly pops the bubble and sets the gemstone down on the ground he then walks over to the main seat'

Aurora: "Allright captain! Where to?" 'Aurora asks pretending to be oblivious'

Chip: "Well as you know we have the coordinates for earth, so stop being a smart ass and sit down, were warping in five" 'Chip says before he interfaces with the ship causing his eyesockets to glow bright Blue'

'Aurora rolls her eyes as she sits down in one of the command console chairs, a small smile on her face'

'As the ship lifts off the space around it begins to stretch before a sonic boom erupts from the ship going into warp, after a brief moment of shaking the interior of the ship manages to settle'

Aurora: "I dont think I'm ever going to get used to that" 'Aurora says shuddering momentarily'

Chip: "How do you think I feel? It's like pins and needles all over my body" 'Chip says with a chuckle as he disconnects from the ship''

'Aurora cracks her back before standing and up walking over to Chip, she stops infront of him before crouching down to his height'

Chip: "Can I....help you?" 'Chip asks in confusion tilting his head'

Aurora: "You owe me, i slept leaning against a wall, it's like my Servos are locked up" 'Aurora says teasingly'

Chip: "What do you mean you slept against a wall?" 'Chip asks in confusion'

Aurora: "Mid hug you fell asleep, I was tired and I.....didnt want to wake you up so I just kinda...slept there" 'Aurora explains slightly amused that Chip couldnt remember the events of the previous day'

'Chip pauses in confusion for a moment only for a look of realization crossed his face as his eyes widen'

Chip: "I....didnt expect to fall asleep" 'Chip says with an embaressed tone of voice'

Aurora: "I know, so why did you fall asleep then? I thought you had been resting?" 'Aurora asks with a smirk crossing her face'

Chip: "W-Well I've had things to do! Running a colony and such" 'Chip says nervously, a pink tinge appearing in his eyes'

'Aurora stops in silence as Chip does his best to maintain his cool, a playful grin can be seen placed on Aurora's face'

Aurora: "So how long have you had that engine purr thing?" 'Aurora asks still grinning causing a dull blue flush to appear on Chip's face'

Chip: "Please stop...." 'Chip asks with his eyesockets going black'

'Aurora giggles to herself evilly clearly finding it amusing how easily she managed to fluster Chip'

'Aftet some silence Aurora reaches over and pokes Chip's nose playing a *boop* sound effect as she does so'

'Chip sighs in annoyance as he uses his nano bots to form a hooded mask around his head'

'Aurora stifles her laughter as she stands up and walks back to her seat, a content look on her face as she does so'

'Once sat down she looks out the front of the ship at the passing streams of light, she then looks back over to Chip before quietly Chuckling to herself, the ends of her hair glowing a neon Pink color'

*To be continued*

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