(Chapter Three- A Short Fight, Lost Control)

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Pearl: "Well that could have turned out better" 'Pearl says as the three Gems arrive back at the Beach house'

Amethyst: "Yeah, but hey we got one of em!"

Garnet: "Correct, If Steven hadnt caused that opening we might have lost that fight" 'Garnet says while holding a unconsious Lapis Lazuli over her shoulder'

'As Pearl is about to respond a large yellow explosion rings off in the distance followed by equally large red explosion'

Amethyst: "Ahh that's not good..."

'Once the three Crystal gems make it to the Barn having to use the Warp pad to get close enough they can see a the large robot that had emerged during the Cluster's formation'

'The robot can be seen heavily battle damaged, its entire left side has cracks and parts of the hull opened and damaged while Chip can be seen ripping off a entire panel of its hull'

'Chip's eyesockets are glowing a vibrant red while his hair sparks with red acrs of energy around it signifying he has lost controll of his Combat mode'

Garnet: "Amethyst take Lazuli into the Barn, Pearl you and me can handle this!" 'Garnet says as the large robot falls to the ground, Chip having stabbed the large shard of metal he had ripped off into the top of it'

'Garnet and and Pearl cautiously walks forward their weapons readied, Garnet slowly walks forward catching Chip's attention'

Garnet: "Chip, Just take a few deep breaths allright? Its us"

Pearl: "You arent in danger anymore, you can calm down"

'Chip twitches momentarily before he let's out a loud mechanical roar at the two of them'

Pearl: "That didn't work!" 'Pearl yells as she gets blasted away by Chip'

'Once Pearl had landed while she was Dazed Garnet had run upto Chip attempting to subdue him'

'Garnet currently has Chip in a headlock cringing slightly as the arcs of red energy zap at her'

Garnet: "When did you get this strong...." 'Garnet asks in confusion as she struggles to keep Chip in the headlock'

'Pearl fires a blast at Chip from her spear staggering the Cyborg slightly'

Pearl: "What could have caused him to lose control like this?" 'Pearl asks While Garnet Backs up next to her'

Garnet: "Probably me not letting him come with us, he has such deep seeded anger towards Jasper that he must have been looking forward to dealing with her...." 'Garnet says with her voice laced in worry'

'Chip turns to Garnet and Pearl before straightening his back, Chip's back opens up allowing two large cannon like weapons to mount themselves with one on each shoulder'

Pearl: "Oh no"

'The cannons charge before firing a blast of bright green energy at the two, Once the blast connects they explode into a large green mushroom cloud'

'As the smoke Clears Garnet can be seen rushing out of the smoke only to land a punch straight onto Chip's face, a large crack forms on his face as he falls to the ground unconsious the occasional spark falling from the crack'

'While Garnet can be seen damaged and burnt she seems more concerned about the fact she had just wounded Her adoptive son'

'Pearl carefully walks up next to Garnet who has softly picked Chip up, Garnet looks from the Barn to the large hole in the ground where the drill once was'

Garnet: "Let's put him in the Barn, that way if he wakes up still having no controll he wont damage the house or temple, Or Steven when he gets back" 'Garnet says sighing heavily'

Pearl: "Are you allright?"

Garnet: "I'm just worried, Every since Jasper invaded he has been acting out more and more, i dont know how to help..."

Pearl: "I'm sure things will work out, You always seem to figure things out one way or another, and dont forget about Steven, I'm sure he will help fix him up" 'Pearl says chuckling lightly causing a small smile to form on Garnet's face'

*To be continued*

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