(Chapter Four-The Eclipse)

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'Chip had just walked out of his room, managing to fix his hair and clothing with the help of his walking stick'

Blue: "Ah there you are! How was your rest?" 'Blue asks curiously leaning down to Chip'

Chip: "It was good! So B.P says you need me for somthing, mind telling me what that would be?" 'Chip asks curiously resting his hands on his walking stick'

Blue: "Ah! That is right, I have had your Diamond ship prepared for you, I wanted to see how you felt about it" 'Blue says with a smile while Chip's eyes widen'

Chip: "Wait, wait wait. I have a SPACE SHIP?!" 'Chip asks with his eyes turning a vibrant green color'

'Blue chuckles at Chip's excitement, she gently picks him up in her hands having to use both due to his new form'

Blue: "Of course you do! You are a Diamond, therefore you require a ship that matches your title" 'Blue says walking towards her door'

Chip: "What does it look like! Is it a big arm like your ship? Does it have energy cannons?!" 'Chip asks excitedly his eyes turning into green stars'

Blue: "Oh im not quite sure...perhaps you will have to wait and see..." 'Blue says in a playful manner causing Chip to sigh to himself'

Chip: "Do you Gems just hate me or somthing C'mon you're killing me here!" 'Chip says dramatically making Blue roll her eyes with a amused smile'

Blue: "I do not see why it's such a fuss, every high ranking gem has a ship of their own" 'Blue says in a slightly confused voice'

Chip: "I've lived my entire life on earth! They dont have space ships like this! I mean sure they have rockets and such but they cant travel past lightspeed!" 'Chip says with a wide smile as he looks up at Blue'

'Blue laughs to herself as she walks through the corridors of the Diamond Base'

Blue: "You are rather excitable today" 'Blue says raising an eyebrow'

Chip: "I guess a goodnights sleep helps in the old enthusiasm department!" 'Chip says deciding to not inform Blue of contacting earth'

Blue: " I would....assume so?" 'Blue says not completley understanding the metaphor Chip used'

Chip: "So was this ship that whole "surpise" you and Yellow were talking about?" 'Chip asks curiously'

'Blue clears her throat nervously as if in thought, a look of realization crossing her face'

Blue: "Y-Yes! This is the suprise Yellow and I have been working on!" 'Blue blurts out causing Chip to look at her with doubt'

Chip: "I detect unease in your vocal patterns" 'Chip says squinting at Blue'

Blue: "No you dont...." 'Blue says with a nervous smile'

'Chip squints his eyes further at Blue causing her to chuckle nervously before she stops at a door'

Blue: "Oh look we are here! Lets go inside!" 'Blue says quickly opening the door and walking inside'

'Chip's attention is quickly distracted by a large shadow looming over both Blue and himself'

Chip: "Holy....SHIT!" 'Chip says going wide eye'd'

'Infront of both Blue and Chip is a massive ship, the ship itself has a black paint to it a triangle cockpit can be seen in the front with tinted black glass'

'The back of the ship has two large wing like structures, a dull grey line constructed into the entire ship'

Chip: "That thing is HUGE!" 'Chip says as Blue sets him down'

Blue: "Indeed, the original schematics had the size in mind for a Diamond the size of White Diamond to pilot it, but I've had it retrofitted for your use" 'Blue says as she and Chip walk upto the large door on the ship's side'

'A boarding ramp extends down letting the two Diamonds walk onto the ship, a small hand shaped panel to the left can be seen'

'Chip places his hand on the panel causing the door to glow Blue before opening up'

'Chip grins excitedly as he runs inside leaving Blue to catch upto him, once Blue finds Chip she see's him in the cockpit of the ship looking at the miniature black and grey version of a Diamond throne'

Blue: "Well, shall we give it a test flight?" 'Blue asks curiously causing Chip's eyes to sparkle'

'Blue motions to the throne, Chip hesitantly sits down in it, a diamond shaped button pops up onto the right arm of the throne'

'Chip hesitantly presses the button, the button turns bright Blue, the ship rumbles momentarily, all the grey lines and colors within the ship and along the outside turning a vibrant neon blue'

'The sound of an engine can be heard roaring to life as the ship begins hovering, the landing gear rising into the bottom of the ship'

Chip: "H-How do I?"

Blue: "I'm not quite sure, it is a Metamorin based ship, therefore no gem on homeworld has even been able to step inside.....untill now" 'Blue says placing her hands on the throne as she crouches down behind Chip'

'Chip smiles softly before a look of realization comes across his face, he places both hands on the edge of the arms of the throne, finding finger shaped grooves on them he lines his hands up'

'Moments later Chip's eyesockets erupt into a blue glow as the ship lurches forward slightly, Chip takes a few deep breaths as if adjusting to somthing'

Blue: "Are you allright?"

Chip: "Y-Yeah, just....took me by surpise is all..." 'Chip says chuckling slightly'

Blue: "What did exactly?" 'Blue asks in a genuinely curious voice'

Chip: "The front window isnt just a window, it's a screen. When the pilot sits in the throne they interface with it letting them pilot the ship!" 'Chip says with a smile growing on his face'

'Chip takes another deep breath before the thrusters on the wings like structures roar to life producing multiple small Blue flames'

Blue: "Just take it slow, this is your first interface with the ship" 'Blue says softly a proud look covering her face'

'The ship begins floating upward before Chip tightens his grip on the arms of the throne slightly, the ship suddenly bursts out of the hangar with a shockwave, the thrusters leaving a blue trail behind them'

Blue: "Oh my stars!" 'Blue says gripping onto the throne, a look of excitement visible on her face'

Chip: "This is much faster than I expected!" 'Chip says as the ship leaves the atmosphere of homeworld'

'As if on cue the ship begins to slow down as it nears the star in the solar system, the ship flies near it leaving a view of the star's surface'

Chip: "Woah...." 'Chip says as he looks through the ship's front screen being able to see the star closely'

Blue: "So. Do you like it?" 'Blue asks curiously'

Chip: "Yeah....." 'Chip says as he turns the ship slightly, the ship begins to coast in low orbit of the star somehow managing to stay stable in its gravity'

Blue: "Well now that it is yours....what shall you call it?"

'Chip stops for a moment, a look of deep thought covering his face before he looks at the star he is flying by'

Chip: "I think I'll call it....."The Eclipse"

*To be continued*

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