(Chapter Five- Home Sweet Home)

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'As the massive Blaster tank stops in place the door to it opens, the group readies their weapons only to be met by a rather familiar face jumping down from it'

Chip: "Hey all, long time no see?" 'Chip says with a nervous Chuckle as he stands resting his hands on his walking stick'

'A moment of awkward silence passes causing Chip's eyes to turn black as he stands waiting for a response'

'Mere moments later Chip is quite literally tackled into a hug from both Ruby and Sapphire'

Ruby: "I knew you'd be back soon!" 'Ruby says while squeezing Chip causing a few metallic groans to come from his chassis'

Sapphire: "Oh my stars look at you!" 'Sapphire says as she begins to look Chip over eventually her one eye settles on Chip's Gemstone'

'Sapphire stops as she looks up at Chip, his diamond shaped eyes turning a turquoise color'

Sapphire: "You've grown so much!" 'Sapphire says with her voice begining to tremble, a visible stream of tears begining to form from her eye'

Chip: "Mum?" 'Chip asks with a hint of worry in his voice as Ruby sits next to Sapphire'

Ruby: "Were just happy your safe" 'Ruby says softly earning a nod from Sapphire'

Sapphire: "We were so worried, for over a month we didnt know if you were h-hurt or stuck in some sort of cage" 'Sapphire says as she begins to ramble'

'Chip quickly cuts off Sapphire by bringing both Ruby and Sapphire into a hug'

Chip: "I'm here now, that's what matters right?" 'Chip asks leaning back from the two letting them stand up'

Ruby: "Yep! And you've got a lot to catch up on" 'Ruby says chuckling brightly'

Chip: "I've got a lot to catch everyone up on aswell" 'Chip says using his thrusters to lift himself to his feet'

Pearl: "Steven is going to have a fit when he finds out you're back" 'Pearl says walking over to Chip, a smile still on her face'

'Chip stops as if remembering somthing, his eyes turning a bright green color as he picks up his walking stick'

Chip: "Oh! I'll be RIGHT back, I just gott do somthing real quick" 'Chip says boosting into the air and into the blaster tank'

'After a moment of awkward silence the group of three look back towards the door as Chip comes back out pulling Aurora by the hand, using his thrusters to stay in the air'

Chip: "This is Aurora!" 'Chip says with a enthusiastic tone'

Aurora: "H-Hi, it's nice to meet you" 'Aurora says using her free hand to nervously wave at the group'

'Pearl stops noticing Aurora's gem, a confused but pleasantly surprised smile spreading across her face'

Pearl: "Were you supposed to be a Pearl?"

Aurora: "Well...yes I was. I was supposed to be Chip's Pearl" 'Aurora says as Chip let's go of her hand'

Chip: "And I still refuse to acknowledge that" 'Chip says hovering beside Aurora'

Chip: "Anywho! This is the lovely lass that has been helping me stay sane over the past month, I would introduce you to Stretch but.....she may be a while" 'Chip says pulling Stretch's gem out of his pocket'

Pearl: "Is that...."

Chip: "Yep its another Peridot, although Stretch is an Era one peridot" 'Chip says handing Pearl the gem'

Pearl: "Oh god there's another one...." 'Pearl says in a dejected tone as she slumps over'

'Chip chuckles to himself as Pearl walks away, While Chip looks around the beach he turns around back to the Eclipse, a content look on his face'

'Eventually Ruby walks up next to him a confused look on on her face as she looks at the bridge of the ship sticking our of the water'

Ruby: "Where did you even get a Metamorin Frigate?" 'Ruby asks curiously looking up at Chip'

Chip: "Blue Diamond gave it to me, she said it is now mine as I am the only one who can pilot it" 'Chip says looking down at his mother'

'Chip turns his head in a 180 before noticing Aurora and Sapphire talking, Sapphire seems more interested in the conversation while Aurora looks rather awkward at the moment'

Chip: "I never would have thought she would be so shy around people" 'Chip says chuckling as his up body turns in a 180 being followed by his legs and feet doing the same'

Ruby: "Whaddya mean?" 'Ruby asks innocently despite the sly grin crossing her face'

Chip: "I dont know, around me she's always just been so....confident and playful" 'Chip says with a slightly softer tone'

Ruby: "And do you like that?" 'Ruby asks with an amused grin as she crosses her arms'

Chip: "Well, I-"

'Chip cuts himself off mid sentence before looking down at his mother with an accusing glare'

Chip: "Dont do this. I JUST got back" 'Chip says pointing a finger at Ruby'

Ruby: "So you're saying you dont like her like that?" 'Ruby asks clearly amused with Chip's reaction'

Chip: "That's not what I-"

Ruby: "Well what's the awnser then?"

Chip: "Stop, stop looping me into your shit" 'Chip says with a nervous tone creeping into his voice. A dull blue flush crossing his face'

Ruby: "That's no way to talk to your mother young man, need I remind you you're already going to be grounded after the wedding" 'Ruby says causing both her and Chip to go quiet'

Chip: "What wedding?" 'Chip asks with a confused voice'

'Ruby freezes nervously as she begins to visibly sweat, moments pass before she finally turns over to Sapphire'

Ruby: "Honey! I did a thing!" 'Ruby calls out to Sapphire nervously, which in turn causes Sapphire to look over to Ruby'

*To be continued*

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