(Chapter Six- Recovery Begins)

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'Chip finds himself jumping awake, a throbbing pain in his head as his vision begins to reactivate'

'Much to his surprise he isnt sitting against the wall of the Titan he had been in prior, infact he wasnt even on Homeworld anymore. He's back home'

'As Chip begins to collect his thoughts, he attempts to stand up. Only to for his legs to collapse under him, hardly having any strength in them'

'As Chip struggles to his feet, Pearl walks in through the porch door, her eyes instantly going wide noticing Chip'

'Pearl rushes over helping Chip stand up as he shakes his head, still in a confused daze'

Chip: "What happened?" 'Chip asks in confusion, his eyes returning to their natural neon Blue color'

Pearl: "Well that's a long story. The short version being, Steven managed to get through to White Diamond, all the corrupted Gems have been being uncorrupted over the past two days and you have been unconsious for all of it" 'Pearl explains, earning a nod from Chip'

Chip: "Yeah, that sounds about right at this point" 'Chip says with a shrug'

Pearl: "Whatever happened to you, it took a lot of power out of your energy reserves, it's a miracle you were able to pilot a Titan after that" 'Pearl says helping Chip outside'

Chip: "Eh...I'm just full of surprises" 'Chip says earning a sigh from Pearl'

'As Chip walks outside, the first thing he notices would be the giant pair of pink legs resting against the mountain that the temple had been built on, the second being the small campsite on the edge of Beach City'

Chip: "What's with the....campsite?" 'Chip asks in confusion'

Pearl: "That. Is where all the currently uncorrupted Gems will be staying untill we can figure somthing out for them" 'Pearl says as she helps Chip down the steps'

'Pearl slowly limps Chip over to the Campsite, many gems can be seen sitting around talking to eachother, likley catching up with the events that happened while they were bubbled'

Pearl: "Wait here allright? I will go get everyone that's here" 'Pearl says leaving Chip to stand against a tree for support'

'As Chip stands against the tree, he looks around at the varying types of Gems, most seem to be adapting rather well. However they still seem like a fish out of water'

'As Chip looks around, his hud flashes red towards the left, on instinct he turns towards his assailant only to be tackled to the ground'

'Chip quickly transforms his right arm into a blaster before looking at his assailant, his angry expression dropping'

'The person who had tackled Chip was non other than Aurora, who currently has her head pressed against Chip's chest as she tightly hugs him'

Aurora: "Hi" 'Aurora says softly looking up at Chip, a smile on her face'

Chip: "Did you really have to tackle me?" 'Chip asks with a sigh as a damage report pops up on his hud'

Aurora: "Yep! I havent gotten to talk to you in three days so I get to catch up on annoying you" 'Aurora says sticking out her tongue'

'Chip glares at Aurora before flicking her forehead earning a quiet beep from her'

Chip: "You're gonna have to help me up cause I cant move my legs very good right now" 'Chip says causing Aurora to stand up, gently pulling Chip to his feet as she does so'

'As Chip is brought to his feet fully he staggers momentarily before Aurora catches him, holding him steady'

Aurora: "Piloting that Titan really took it out of you Huh?" 'Aurora asks softly as she looks Chip over'

Chip: "Please stop" 'Chip says gently grabbing Aurora's wrists'

Chip: "I know you worry about me. But I am just as much Metamorin as you are, I'll be fine.....once I can walk on my own!" 'Chip says earning a snicker from Aurora'

'Steven quickly comes around the corner, being followed by Garnet and Amethyst'

'Chip instinctively uses his nanobots to clamp his feet to the ground as Steven tries to tackle him'

Steven: "Chip! Look we did it!" 'Steven says proudly'

Chip: "Yeah. It would sure seem that way" 'Chip says with a chuckle'

Amethyst: "Dude! Back on homeworld when you came in with that giant robot, that was AWESOME!" 'Amethyst says loudly earning a nervous Chuckle from Chip'

Garnet: "It was foolish and dangerous given at the time you were already exauhsted" 'Garnet says crossing her arms'

Chip: "THAT is what I was waiting for..." 'Chip looking down'

'After a moment a soft smile comes across Garnet's face as she straightens her posture'

Garnet: "However, it was also very brave of you. And it did buy us enough time to get into White Diamond's ship unhindered" 'Garnet says before placing a hand on Chips head'

Garnet: "I'm very proud of you Chip. Over such a short period of time you have grown into an amazing young man" 'Garnet says causing Chip's eyes to turn a vibrant green color, accompanied by a bright smile'

'As Chip beeps to himself a few times Garnet simply stands waiting, a soft smile still on her face'

Garnet: "However you are still in trouble for lying to me. Aurora explained how you "Died" on homeworld" 'Garnet says causing Chip's excitement to die down slightly, a conflicted look crossing his face'

Chip: "Cant win them all I guess...." 'Chip says with a sigh of defeat'

Garnet: "You are grounded untill you recover enough to the point where I feel you are capable of doing things on your own. You will not leave the house without my permission. Are we clear?" 'Garnet asks with a soft yet serious tone in her voice'

Chip: "Yes ma'am...." 'Chip says looking down in defeat, his voice going quiet'

Garnet: "Good. Now Aurora, could you take him back to the house and make sure he goes back to bed?" 'Garnet asks earning a loud beep from Aurora'

Aurora: "Yep! You can count on me" 'Aurora says picking Chip up bridal style causing him to beep loudly in suprise'

Chip: "W-What are you doing? Put me down"

Aurora: "Nope. This way you cant get away"

Chip: I'd rather crawl back to bed!" 'Chip says angrilly as Aurora begins walking away'

Aurora: "See! You're still unstable, you arent usually aggressive!" 'Aurora can be heard saying in retort as her voice fades into the distance'

Steven: "We'll bring you back somthing from town!" 'Steven calls out loudly'

*To be continued*

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