(Chapter Two-Comforting the child)

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'Three Days have passed since Chip has returned to the Crystal Gems, Ruby and Sapphire had fused back into Garnet shortly after, Chip has been rather quiet as of the past day, he has been having episodes of zoning out or briefly malfunctioning, due to this he also has not slept yet he has not told that to the Gems'

'It is currently night time and within the Beach House Chip is currently sneaking his way over to the fridge silently'

'Once the door to the fridge is open the light turns on inside the fridge showing the very tired expression on his face, his eyes are glowing a very dim blue color much more so than usual'

Garnet: "What are you doing up so late?" 'Garnet asks curiously as Chip closes the door to the fridge, Garnet having been standing behind it, Chip stumbles backwards managing to balance himself before falling over'

Chip: "Jesus! Are you trying to give me a heart attack??" 'Chip asks in a whisper as his eyes begin to glow a brighter blue color'

Garnet: "You dont have a heart you have a reactor" 'Garnet says with a calm voice before walking over to the couch, once she sits down she Pat's the spot next to her while looking at Chip'

'Chip squints his eyes at her suspiciously before walking over and carefully sitting next to her'

Garnet: "So why are you up so late?" 'Garnet asks in a softer tone than before as she looks at Chip'

Chip: "Just didnt feel like sleeping" 'Chip says quietly as he looks down'

'Garnet hums to herself as she notices Chip's eyes flicker momentarily'

Garnet: "You havent been sleeping"

Chip: "What do you mean?" 'Chip asks with a nervous tone in his voice'

'Garnet smiles before she takes off her visor, She then chuckles to herself before she holds the palm of her left hand up casting a red light into the dark room'

Garnet: "I can tell somthing is bothering you" 'Garnet says causing Chip to sigh dejectedly'

Chip: "What gave it away...."

Garnet: "Future Vision, it may not work properly on you but it still does let me see that somthing is wrong" 'Garnet says softly before she closes her hand causing the room to go dark once more'

'Silence falls between the two leaving the room in suffocating silence'

Chip: "I-I......I shouldn't be here...." 'Chip says in a shaky voice causing Garnet to instantly light the room back up, a more serious expression on her face'

Garnet: "You're wrong" 'Garnet says sternly as Chip continues to shake'

'Chip then covers his face with his hands as his breathing hitches, Garnet Is visibly starting to worry'

Chip: "B-But what if I end up getting someone hurt? First I'm not human then I find out I'm not even a full Metamorin? I'm some Gem robot hybrid? And what if homeworld sends more gems to find me?! I could be putting everyone in danger..." 'Chip says quietly with his voice Breaking'

'Garnet places her free hand on the side of Chip's face, she then turns Chip to look at her, Garnet's expression softens when she notices the Stream of glowing Blue tears flowing from his eyes, a scared look can be seen on his face as his eyes flicker weakly'

Garnet: "Chip listen to me, You are not putting us in danger from you simply EXISTING. You didnt ask to be here nor did you ask for you to have a connection to Homeworld, If homeworld comes looking for you we will not let them take you from us" 'Garnet says softly as she looks at Chip worriedly with her three eyes'

Chip: "I...Just dont know what to do....." 'Chip says dejectedly as his eyes turn black'

Garnet: "All YOU need to do is calm down and rest, you have been through a lot the past few weeks" 'Garnet says as she brings Chip into a hug trying to calm him down'

'The two sit in relative silence save for the quiet shaky breathing of the startled Metamorin'

'Once Chip calms down enough he takes a deep breath and attempts to pull away from the hug only to be met with resistance from the arms around him'

Chip: "C-Can you let go now? " 'Chip asks softly earning a hum from Garnet'

Garnet: "Nope, I'm not letting you go untill you sleep" 'Garnet says smiling softly earning muffled grumbling from Chip'

Chip: "That dosent make any sense....I cant move if I'm asleep"

Garnet: "Dont question your mother, just close your eyes and rest, please?" 'Garnet says softly earning a sigh from Chip as he hugs Garnet back'

Chip: "Only because you asked so nicely" 'Chip says causing Garnet to roll her eyes'

'Garnet hums a song softly as she holds Chip, after a short time Garnet smiles to herself as she looks down at Chip'

Chip: "Night mum" 'Chip says as he shuts down causing His voice to distort as he loses power'

'Garnet's eyes sparkle as her smile widens, she hugs Chip tighter giggling to herself quietly in a rare moment of vulnerability'

'Garnet's eyes flutter for a moment before she closes her eyes aswell leaning back into the couch'

'After a few moments a light snoring can be heard coming from Garnet accompanied by the low melodic like hum that comes from Chip as he recharges'

'Hours pass untill the sun begins to rise, Pearl leaves her room quietly from the magical door inside the temple, she creeps her way down to the kitchen and begins taking out ingredients to make Breakfast for everyone'

'Pearl eventually looks up noticing the two sleeping forms on the couch, her face softens into a smile as she notices Garnet softly holding onto Chip as the two sleep on the couch'

'Pearl then walks over to the couch quietly picking up a blanket, she lays the blanket over the sleeping Mother who protectively bring Chip closer to herself after feeling the Blanket'

'Pearl chuckles to herself with a soft smile as she looks at the scene infront of her'

Pearl: "Sleep well you two, I'll make sure the others dont wake you up" 'Pearl says quietly as she goes back to making breakfast'

*To be continued*

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