26. Larry Triplets

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Sorry not updating in a while enjoy the rest of Harold's birthday.

~ larrystlyinson_Ziall


- August 14th, 2014 -

~ Harry's Pov. ~

After having contractions all night. August 14th, 2014, I gave birth to Leo Diego Tomlinson-Styles at 7:30 am then Darcy Amanda Tomlinson-Styles at 7:45, and then Lilliana Asia Tomlinson-Styles 8:05 am.
I'm so freaking happy right now and I feel like I'm dreaming. I' extremely tired from pushing three children out of me, and I've been staying up with them every since they were born. I want to enjoy their first day alive.

I have no idea what is happening with Niall and I still worry about him in the back of my head. The only person who visited Niall was Liam. He has been acting weird though. He just through on shades, but his hood over his face, and sat in the corner. He won't tell me anything, he just said congratulations. My mum, Gemma, my dad, Jay, Mark, Lotte, Fizzy, Daisy, Phoebe, Doris, and Ernest arrived at the hospital an few minutes ago. Only Jay, my mum, my dad, and Mark are in the room with Louis and I.

Anne: Harry I think you should go to sleep now. You've been up since 5 pm yesterday and it's almost 2 and you haven't gotten any sleep at all.

Harry: But I don't want to go to sleep. I wanna stay up with the triplets.

Louis: Babe, go to sleep. They'll be here when you wake up. I'm here and I'm not letting anybody take them away from us.

Harry: *huffs* Fine.

- 7:00 pm -

~ Niall's Pov. ~

Doc: Niall you are now officially okay to leave the hospital. Take it easy and try to get all the rest you need. And don't stress yourself out.

Niall: *nods* Okay. Thanks doctor.

Doc: Your welcome Niall. You be careful and get rest.

Niall: Okay. Bye!

Zayn entwined our hands and lead me out the hospital room, I was just checked out off. He lead us to the elevator and we went a little up to Harry's room.

Zayn: You wanna see their babies before we head to the hotel so you can get some rest.

Niall: Of course. I love newborn babies!

Zayn: *raises eyebrow* Since when? Last time I checked you wanted the kids to skip all the way to 8 and then they are cute to you. Why you change your mind?

Niall: Because we're having kids in a while and I can't wait to hold their small bodies in my arm.

Zayn: Okay.

We went to the nursery and I saw Louis was there holding one of the babies in his arm. He was gently rocking one of the babies in his arm and I could tell it was Leo. We walked closer to the nursery window and from a distance I could see their beautiful features. They have light brown hair and small little curls. They have blue-green eyes. They have Louis nose, eyebrows, and ears. They have Harry's dimples, lips, and smile. They were small previous bundle of joy's.

After a few more minutes Louis lays Leo down in the little nursery bed and he stood up, exiting the room. He smiled when he saw us and walked over to us.

Louis: Hi guys.

Niall: Hey Louis, congratulations.

Louis: Thanks. Are you alright Niall? You in pretty bad pain yesterday.

Niall: I'm fine, I just gotta rest a little bit tonight.

Louis: What was wrong?

Niall: I over stressed myself and the babies were becoming a little distressed, so I just needed to calm down a bit.

Louis: Oh we'll make sure your careful.

We walk into Harry's hospital room and see that there is a lot of people there. Harry's parents and sisters, Louis' parents, Liam, Louis's siblings, and Simon. SIMON! What is he doing here? I thought he was busy? There must be something going on that's important that he wants to talk about.

Simon: Hi, Louis, Niall, and Zayn. Just the people I want to see. Paparazzi and fans stay outside the hospital all day holding posters congratulating Larry. Luckily there are a bunch of security guards staying downstairs and making sure that they don't get inside.

Louis: Hey Simon. What are you doing here? Thought you were busy.

Simon: I was and I put things aside. I wanted to come see the little newborn babies. Plus I have two people I really need to talk to. Zayn, Liam a moment please?

I looked at Zayn confused and he just pecked my lips telling me to sit down somewhere. I sit down confused and watch as they walk out into the room.

Harry: Is it just me or does Liam seem off?

Niall&Louis: Liam seems off!

~ Zayn's Pov. ~

Simon leads Liam and I to the private waiting room that a nurse showed us earlier. I glared at the back of Liam's head as he walked in front of me. I really wanna beat the shit out of Liam right now. He makes my blood boil so badly.

Simon: *folds arms* What is going on with you two?

Liam: What do you mean?

Simon: Cut the crap and just tell what's going on!

Zayn: I punched Liam in the face, in first of fans and paparazzi. I was beyond pissed off at him for causing the super close death of my babies.

Simon: What are you talking about Zayn?

Zayn: Liam talked to Niall about how he wanted to take my place as Niall's boyfriend. He told Niall he could love him better then me and take care of our kids better then me. Niall yelled at him and he caused Niall stress when he was already stressing enough. If he just listen to Niall the first time he didn't have to start yelling at him and do multiple times.

Simon: *shocked* What?

Liam: I-I'm sorry Zayn. *sniffs* I didn't mean to. *runs out room*

I watched as the door slammed and Liam ran. I looked back at Simon who looked so shocked and surprised.

Simon: What in the world has happened to One Direction? You guys are falling apart and crashing down.

My Calamity (Ziall Ft. Larry) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now