25. Liam's Dirty Secret

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Enjoy. Warning long chapter ahead.

~ larrystlyinson_Ziall


- Few days later -

- August 13th -

~ Niall's Pov. ~

I was currently with Liam in hotel room. We were spending time together since we haven't had time to spend time together.Ever since Liam broke up with Danielle. He's been different and he just disappears during the day like a vampire. Then late at night, suddenly he's here. When we are working on the album he barely talks to any of us. And that breaks my heart cause Liam and I used to be super close, now not so much. It's like we are strangers who had known each other for 4 years. Now I'm close to Harry. Liam seems like he doesn't care about me anymore, but Harry, he does. I want to spend all the time I could with Liam, cause once I give birth to Skylar and Zachary things will be different. I'll be balancing my life of being in the band and being a dad. A good father, the best father on this world.

Niall: Liam?

Liam: Yes?

Niall: What's gotten into you lately?

Liam: What do you mean? I'm perfectly fine!

Niall: No, since 2014 started you've just been different. Then tour started and it's like you disappeared on all of us. We never see during the day anymore, your gone and then your back like nothing happened. You distance yourself, like your afraid to come near anyone. Especially the boys and I. Your only near us when it has to do something with work for the band. During interview and meet&greet a and concerts you talk to us like everything is fine. I had to beg you to spend the day with me. It's like you don't want to be our mate anymore.

Liam: I'm still the same whole Liam Niall. The same Liam you met at the X-factor and the same Liam who loves all you guys.

Niall: Did the fame get to you head Li-Li?

Liam: No, Niall I'm still the same.

Niall: I don't think your daddy direction anymore.

Liam: Why?

Niall: Cause you don't try to the band tamed anymore. You just focus on you and distance yourself from everyone else.

Liam: Niall I don't-

Niall: What happened to you? Was it cause your break up with Danielle?

Liam: No! Niall listen-

Niall: What happened between you two? It's like she left and took your heart with her.

Liam: I perfectly f-

Niall: Please tell me Li-Li. I wanna help you.

Liam: I don't need help!

Niall: Please Li-Li!

Liam: No! No! No!

Niall: Fine, since you don't wanna be my friend anymore, I'll just fucking leave.

I storm out his hotel room, ignoring his calls for me to come back. I slammed the door shut and quickly went down the hall to Zayn and I's hotel suite. With my 7 month large belly, I wasn't really motlively fast as I used to be. I walked into the room slamming the door and went to the bedroom. I snuggled up to Zayn who was writing something down on his lap while resting on the bed headboard. He lightly chuckled and wrapped his arm around me.

Zayn: What's wrong snowflake?

Niall: Liam is really pissing me the fuck off.

Zayn: Why?

My Calamity (Ziall Ft. Larry) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now