35. Test Results

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Sorry, another short chapter.

~ larrystlyinson_Ziall


[ October 9th ]

~ Niall's Pov. ~

It's been a few weeks now since the balcony incident. We are all getting ready to head to the hospital. Since we are stuck in Arizona for a while, we have a lot of free time. The media has been asking us why we have been doing other stuff instead of continue the tour in LA. Will has been trying to get them talking about other stuff by posting stuff about the band. Like stuff will be doing in LA, but we do have a meeting later today.

We are all currently sitting in the babies hospital with Paul and Will. We are waiting for the doctor to come back and delivering results. We've been waiting for 5 anxious minutes. After 5 more he walks into the room with an envelope.

Dr. Andrew: Sorry to keep you waiting, I know you guys are all anxious to find out the DNA results.

Will: Yes, we all are.

Dr. Andrew: I'm kinda anxious myself.
*opens envelope*

He pulls the paper out of the envelope and slowly unfolds the paper. He then reads the paper of the results and begins to speak.

Dr. Andrew: Harry Styles is 99.9 percent......not the father.

Harry: Yes!

Dr. Andrew: Niall Horan is 99.9 percent.......not the father as well.

Niall Horan: I've been known that.

Dr. Andrew: Liam Payne is 99.9 percent.......not the father as well.

Will: Louis and Zayn should be nervous. It's always the last two standing.

Zayn: Oh, shut up Will!

Dr. Andrew: Zayn Malik is 99.9 percent
.................not the father.

Zayn: *sighs in relief*

Louis: It's my baby huh.

Dr. Andrew: Louis Tomlinson is 99.9 percent.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................not the father.


[ 1D Studio Meeting ]

We are now currently at our band meeting. Will said he wanted to talk to us about something important. He said it will help our fan base rise up, which we don't really need, because we have plenty of fans who stalk us 24/7.

Will: I decided with the rest of your management that since your life's have been changing dramatically and the fans keep questioning stuff. We decided we should get a tv show. We feel like your fans don't get to see or know enough stuff about you or what's going on with the band.

Liam: A tv show? Are you crazy in the head!

Will: Don't worry, when they edit it you'll be there and you guys are gonna be in control on what you want and don't want in the tv show. Like if there is something in there that's to personal for Liam, he could just tell them to edit that out. I'm sure you guys aren't camera shy. I know you guys are used to being able around camera's. So what do you guys say?

1d: We guess, it's alright.

Will: Great! Camera's come tomorrow. And you guys need to think of a show name because they'll need tomorrow for the interviews. I personally think it could be This is us, or 1D.

Liam: Or 101 Facts.

Louis: Or 1D News.

Niall: We aren't a freakin news show here.

Zayn: How about Party With 1D.

Harry: Those are all lame ass names.

Will: Anyways think about that later, at your hotel, I don't wanna here your bickering.

Louis: What channel is this gonna go on?

Will: MTV.

Harry: What are they supposed to be filming anyways?

Will: About your drama with the babies in the hospital. I don't know, they'll be following all day and they are just gonna, put interesting things up.

Niall: Isn't it sad how they'll have to grow up parent less in a orphanage. a That just seems cruel to a human being.

Liam: Yea, it does.

We talked some more and then left, heading back to our hotel. Once we got there we ordered pizza and ate it while watching, When The Game Stands Tall.
Louis and Harry then left to their hotel suit and Liam went bed in the bed that he doesn't have to share anymore. Zayn and I were giving each other affection.

Niall: Zayn?

Zayn: Yes, love.

Niall: You know Fiona's baby and Sadie's twins?

Zayn: Yes.

Niall: You know how they are about to be official foster kids?

Zayn: Yea, Niall! I'm full aware.

Niall: Maybe, we should.....

Zayn: Should what?

Niall: Adopt them.

My Calamity (Ziall Ft. Larry) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now