56. Back To London

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This chapter has 1,289 words. Enjoy and sorry that it's a short chapter.

~ larrystylinson_Ziall


[ January 2nd, 2015 ]

~ Zayn's Pov. ~

It's time for Niall and I to head back to London cause we have important things to do that involves the kids. Niall is also getting sick, he has been coughing and has a runny nose. He is tiring to stay away from the kids, so they won't get sick, but that's kinda hard for him. I just hope he gets better soon though cause I know it's killer him being away from them like that.

~ Niall's Pov. ~

I was in the living room packing the babies stuff. Zayn's phone rang for the millionth time and I watched as he pressed decline and put it down. All day Zayn's phone has been ringing and he has just being ignoring it. I wonder who is calling him. Zayn left to go upstairs and his phone rang again. Trisha who was looking furious grabbed his phone and answered. Just as she spoke, Zayn came down with our suitcases.

Trisha: Yes Perrie, you could talk to him, he is standing right here.

Zayn had no choice but to especially since his mum was standing there and she was already pissed. Zayn groans and takes the phone from his mum and talks to Perrie. I could here a little through the phone and Perrie was obviously furious.

~ Zayn's Pov. ~

Zayn - What do you want Perrie?

Perrie - Zayn why aren't you here at the 1D Mansion like you said you would? You aren't even in London like you said you would, you are in Ireland.

Zayn - Cause I'm spending time with my family Perrie.

Perrie - Well you were supposed to be here days ago for the stuff we have to do and your not even here like you promised! You know I'm gonna be ver busy soon and we don't have a lot of time to do all this stuff and deal with your bullshit! It's like you don't want anything to do with the babies! Do you even want them in your Zayn?

Zayn - Perrie calm down before you stress yourself out and end up in the emergency room. Your stressing over something that is just some stupid shit to be stressing over! I do care about the twins, and I just didn't come because I am spending time with my family and I'll be there in London later today so we could talk and do what you wanted to plan later.

Perrie - I don't care, just get here, and I don't know why your spending your precious time with that stupid add fake ass blonde. You know your supposed to be with me this month cause I am 9 months pregnant and I could go into labor anytime now!

Zayn - Don't you dare talk about Niall like that! He has a name, use it and he has nothing to do with any of our problems, so leave him out of it!

Perrie - Whatever! Just hurry your stupid ass up, I'll be waiting at the 1D Mansion.

Zayn - Bye Perrie. Don't call me again to start bitching. If you want a bitching session go one of your friends.

I hang up the phone and shove my phone into my pocket.

Trisha: What was that all about?

Zayn: I was supposed to be in London a week ago cause that's what I told Perrie. I told her that I will be in London after Christmas so we could run some errands for the babies, but I decided to stay cause I wanted to spend time with our families and have a vacation in stead of being with Perrie who keeps constantly bitching to me! And I really can't standing the bitchyness anymore!

Trisha: Ughh Zayn. Just hurry and pack before you miss your flight.

Zayn: Do you know where Niall went with the kids while I was talking to Perrie?

Trisha: He took a walk to the park with his mum, Donyia, Theo, and Safaa.

I nod and continue my packing process while my mum sits on the couch and then starts a conversation with me.

Trisha: So how is Perrie?

Zayn: *shrugs* Every time I talk to her and she is rude and cold hearted to me.

Trisha: She probably talks to you like that because she doesn't trust you anymore. You cheated on her and pretended to loved her and got her hopes up with the proposal. You broke her heart into pieces and she just doesn't know what to do with herself or how to act cause she is beyond hurt.

Zayn: *sighs heavily* I didn't mean to, I just couldn't stop myself from feeling attracted to Niall. I was so confused and really didn't know what I wanted. I was practically using her to hide the fact that I was starting to feel attracted to Niall. I thought it was wrong and was afraid how everyone was gonna think of me. I feel really bad for what I did to her, but then at the same time I don't cause she is just so bitchy towards me and being rude to Niall for no reason and he never did anything. It's not even his fault for me cheating on her. I'm the one that pressured him into it when he thought it was wrong.

Trisha: Don't worry, maybe she'll get nicer after a while of you guys seeing reaching for the twins and stuff.

Zayn: Yeah, in my dreams.

- Later that day -

- 12:30 pm -

~ Niall's Pov. ~

We just pulled up in the 1D Mansion driveway and we saw Perrie's car sitting in the driveway. Of course she'll be here like she said she would be. I grab the suitcases while Paul, Preston, and Zayn get the babies. I get the suitcases out the boot and roll them onto the the porch. I unlock the door and then go inside, leaving the suitcases by the door and I grab Maddie from Paul. Perrie was sitting on the living room couch chatting with Eleanor and Harry was feeding Leo on the opposite couch.

Harry: Hey Niall! Hey Zayn!

Zayn&Niall: Hey!

Perrie: Good your here! Could we go now?

Zayn: I just got here, could I settle and relax a bit?

Perrie: I've been sitting here in this boring Mansion for over two hours and I'm ready to go.

Zayn: Yeah and you could wait for 30 more minutes. Why do you wanna be walking around while your pregnant? Doesn't that hurt your feet.

Perrie: No, I know how to walk now hurry up!

Niall: Perrie could you please quiet down, I don't want the babies to wake up.

Perrie: Shut up, you don't tell me what to do whore!

Zayn: Perrie stop! Could go outside and wait in your car? Give me 5 minutes and I'll be there.

She nods and then walks outside to her car.

Zayn: Sorry about her guys.

Harry: You owe us both 40 each, she been a pain in the ass the whole time she's been here. And we had to put up with the rudeness because she was just awful.

Eleanor: Yes, she was.

Zayn: Sorry about her.

Harry: What are you guys doing?

Zayn: She wants me to go house hunting with her for flats so I could agree that it's good for the twins for them to live in while they are with her.

Harry: Have you guys choose names?

Zayn: No, we've barely been talking.

Harry: Well good luck with her.

Zayn: Okay.

Zayn comes over to me and pecks my lips goodbye. He mumbles a sorry about her and then kisses my cheek for a few seconds and then he leaves.

My Calamity (Ziall Ft. Larry) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now