23. Surprise Bitch!

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Sorry I didn't update much. I went back to school this week and I have loads of things to do over the weekend. I have to answer 15 pages of questions for History. I got a big art project to do. I have to start my book report essay and I got start a science project doing something with engineering. And I have to start training for basketball. Anyways just a little happy chapter from all the drama. Enjoy!!!



- Few Days Later -

- Las Vegas -

~ Harry's Pov. ~

I button up my giant shirt that is made to stretch over my baby bump. That was the best feeling ever, but I still love Louis and I shouldn't be doing this. I get that the babies are making me horny, but I should of just masturbated instead of fucking him for my needy deeds. I eyed him from the corner of my eyes with a blank expression. This is so wrong.

Louis: You alright babe? *pulls boxers on*


Louis: Still giving me cold shoulder? I see!


Louis: Please talk to me baby. *sits next to Harry* Please? You can't just use me for sex like that and still be mad at me.

Harry: It's mistake.

Louis: Us?

Harry: No, the sex. I don't know what came over me, I was just horny.

Louis: It's alright baby, it was probably one of your mood swings. It's alright baby.

Harry: Okay, whatever! We have to head to the stadium soon and we don't have much longer. I'm using the bathroom first.

Louis: Could we shower together? To save time.

Harry: I'm taking a bath, my feet hurt.

Louis: I'll take a bath with you!

Harry: Louis I'm still pisses off at you.

Louis: And ignoring me isn't gonna solve anything.

Harry: *sighs* Fine, but only this one time.

Louis: It's good enough for me.

- Backstage Stadium -

~ Niall's Pov. ~

Paul: I'll be back to come get you guys so you could go on stage.

1D boys: Okay Paulie!

Paul: You guys are such children.

He shakes his head while exiting out our dressing room, and closing the door shut behind him. I was tying up my shoes, Harry was sitting on a chair trying to fit his shirt over his bump, Liam was in the corner mentally going over the lyrics, Louis was putting his pants on and slightly watching Harry from the corner of his eye, and Zayn was typing away on his cellphone.

Louis: Babe?

Harry: That's not my name!

Louis: *sighs* Harry?

Harry: What?!!

Louis: Can we please talk?

Harry: Nope!

Louis: Can I at least get a small kiss on the lips? I haven't been able to kiss you for a month now and I really miss being with you Harry!

Harry just stares blankly into space for a second and then he looked at Louis. Louis gave him a small smile and Harry puckered his lips causing Louis to grin happily. He leaned down and kiss Harry's lips for a few seconds. I grinned happily and clapped my hands loudly.

Niall: Yay!!! Finally the happy it couple are back together!!

Harry: I'm still pissed at him and we are not a it couple.

Louis: Yea, it's more like you and Zayn. You guys look really perfect together, you guys love each other deeply, and you never argue.

Niall: We argue?

Louis: Yea, but do you Harry&I level argue.

Niall: We don't ignore each other. We just yell sightly.

Zayn: *pecks Niall's cheek* Cause I don't won't you hating me love. I wanting you loving me.

Liam: Ughh, I'm the only single guy on this tour and I have to deal your couple stuff.

Niall: You don't have to. You could look away or walk away.

Liam: *snaps* No one asked you Niall!

Niall: Calm down muscle man I was just saying a fact that you could possibly do.

Liam: *scoffs* Whatever.

Zayn: Fuck off Liam!

~ Harry's Pov. ~

Harry: Goodnight everybody! Thanks for coming!

I scream those words into my mic and I started heading off stage, but Liam stopped me in my tracks. He grabs me by my shoulders and leads me to a chair that was on stage, that I somehow never saw. It was facing away from the fans, so once I sat on it my left side was showing to the fans. I'm ver confused cause no one is on stage. Not the band or the other boys. Just Liam and I. Even the fans looked extremely confused.

Liam: Oh, Harold the shows not over yet!

Harry: What?

Liam: *smirks* Have fun Harold!

Before I could say anything else he ruffles my hair and runs off stage. All the lights turned off and it was dark, besides the little flows from the fans cellphones and glow sticks. I was about to get up, but a spotlight flicked back on and landed a few feet away from me. And under the light stood my boyfriend who I've been pissed off at and been ignoring for months. What the hell was Louis doing?

Louis: *walks to Harry* Hi Harry!

Harry:*confused* Uh, hi?

Louis: Harry could ask you something important?

Harry: Sure, but um Louis what-

Louis: Just listen Harry.

Harry: Okay?

Louis: I know I've been a dick of a boyfriend lately and I hope you forgive me, but I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to live in a beautiful house with you and our kids do the rest of our lives.

I gasped and covered my mouth, knowing where Louis was going with his speech. My my emotions took over me and my eyes watered in happiness. The fans screamed in excitement, also realizing what Louis was about to do.

Louis: Harry we've been together for 3 years almost 4 years now. Your the love of my life and now we have kids on the way now. I know we been through our ups and downs a lot, but I still want to be with you. I know I've been the worst boyfriend lately. But I promise I'll make it up to you, since you've been the perfect boyfriend to me. We might be young and all, but I'm really confident about doing this because I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I love and I know you love me back with all your heart. Harry Styles, will you marry me?

I sob tears of joy as I watch my boyfriend get down on his knee in front of me. He pulled a small velvet box out his back pocket then held it open in front of me. Showing a diamond engagement ring sitting inside. The fans started screaming so loudly that I could barely hear myself think. I was shocked and so overwhelmed. Then fans were screaming for me to say yes, but I don't know. I'm still young, but we already have a family on the way.

Harry: *nods head* Yes!

Louis smiles widely at me and he puts the ring on my shaky hand, causing to go super wild. I stand up and kiss Louis on the lips. He holds me by my waist and I have my hands gripping on his shoulders. I missed his kisses so much. After a few seconds we pulled away and headed off stage. I held his hand happily as he led me backstage. Once we arrived backstage Liam, Niall, and Zayn attached us with hugs and yelling 'Congratulations.' I'm so happy right, I don't even know what to do with myself.

My Calamity (Ziall Ft. Larry) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now