Running, just running

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Sabre's Point of view
"You can't run forever Sabre. Give up now and I will let your death as peaceful as possible." I heard Illusion Steve taunt me in the distance.
"N...Never!" I said while taking deep breaths. I felt the pounding of my feet against the ground running through an open field hoping to find some kind of forest to hide in for the millionth time.

My chicken onesie felt hot and heavy the farther I ran. I could feel the light tap of my hood on my head as I ran. My blindfold was tight around my eyes thankfully it wasn't losing. Finally, I saw what I was looking for in a dark oak forest. I felt my speed quicken as I ran toward the forest.

The constant sound of thunder filled my ears as each of the lightning strikes came closer to me. I should be thankful the Guardian isn't here too. Ever since he got them under their control again I haven't been able to do much rather than run and hide. Alex was captured and when I tried to save her... let's just say I only barely made it out of there with half a heart.

Soon the sound of thunder became more distant. I was finally losing him! The cover of the Dark wood leaves made it hard for me to see him, but that means it's harder for me to see him. I made my way through the forest trying to make it harder to keep track of where I was going.

I suddenly saw a tiny little cliff only three blocks down that perfectly covered over a lot of dark oak trees. I jumped down and hid against the wall. I tried to stay quiet but the sound of my pounding heart and heavy breathing seem to be the only thing that could be heard. I kept looking around to see if Illusion Steve was anywhere in sight.

I didn't hear any more thunder or footsteps around. I waited a few seconds longer for anything else but nothing came. I couldn't help but sigh in relief.

"Okay it looks like he is gone... but what do I do know..." I let myself fall against the dirt cliff and let myself lean against trying to steady my breathing even more.

"I already tried reaching out to the Guardian but it looks like Illusion Steve has then very tight to his powers. I tried getting another block from Illusion Steve but it looks like he will never fall for another one of my traps again."

Knowing it was safe I walked out of the area and made my way out of the forest crossing the direction that I think Illusion Steve didn't go to. The Dark oak forest looked nothing different from the thousands I've seen but I found a small pond while I was walking.

"I should probably stop here..." I looked into the water to see my dark brown hair messy under my hood. My usually light skin was red from the running. I took off the hood. Then I hesitate but take off my black blindfold. I used the water to wash my face. Looking down at my eyes I saw exactly what I suspected to see.

My eyes are pitch black. Bright green 1 and 0 runs through my eyes changing their position every time I blink. The only way to tell where I am looking is through a few numbers being stretch and large changing their shape when I changed the area I looked at. I was born with these eyes and I will have them forever. After looking at them I put my Black blindfold back on. I stood up putting the hood back over my head.

"Why can't I just ever find a way to make things right... I just wish everything could go back to normal like it was in the Rainbow Town."

I sighed and looked around. Memories of my time there filled my mind but I quickly push them aside. This is not the time to think about stuff like that. Suddenly in the distance, I heard footsteps. Immediately my head turns around to the noise looking around for Illusion Steve. Who else would be out here he is the only one looking for me and with the lack of Steves from the sickness no-one could be out here. Suddenly I heard a voice.

"Hello! Who are you?" It said. Surprise I fell myself fall back into the small pond. It wasn't that deep so I swam to the surface. I looked to see who it was and was shocked to see their face.

"G...Galaxy Steve?!" It was him the mainly purple and blue Steve mixed with white stars his eyes a perching bright gold. He smiled and not surprised to see a fishing rod in his hand replied.

"Yup! That's my name but how did you know that?"

"Y...You just look like a galaxy so I kind of guessed..." have to keep it cool I can't let Illusion Steve wipe his memories again.

"My name Is Sabre."

"It looks like you found my favorite fishing spot but you scared away the fish can you get out?"

"Sure and sorry ." I got it if the pond and slowly started to dry myself from the water.

"Sorry that I scared your fish, Galaxy Steve."

"It's fine there is a lot of fish in there! They want to be friends chicken person?"

"I said my name is Sabre but um sure why not!"

"Yay! It does get very lonely around here but Now that you here I won't be lonely anymore. We can fish together. Eat together. Talk together!" He continued to talk about the things we could do together but my mind wandered. What if Illusion Steve finds us?

"Doesn't that sound great Saber?"

"Yeah sound great! why don't we do something now?"

"I have a spare fishing rod on me." He said and gave me a Fishing rod.

"Thanks now let's see what we can catch anything in this lucky pond." We let our fishing rods fly out at the strings go into the water then started to fish.
(Words 1126) Hey, I hope you like the first chapter of this new story. This will not go along with the Steve saga from this point. I am doing that so the story can go along without any complications for me when writing it. I hope you like the idea. I also got the idea of the eyes from Kiwiqueen 13 on YouTube so go check her out. Everything else rather than the Steve saga is my idea. Hope you enjoyed the chapter now have a great day/night.

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