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Hey guys! I am sorry that I wasn't able to upload yesterday I took my time and started to work on old chapters. Correcting all my spelling errors I could find and adding more detail into parts that didn't make sense. I got to chapter 33 A Special Time. I hope you guys enjoy the chapter.
Also this is chapter 70 yay! And thanks for 18k!
Sabre's Point of view.
I carried Plague Steve back to the town. I don't really know what to do with him. All I know is that he is going to be useful.
"So what is the necklace about?" Blue Steve asked. I forgot I promised I would explain that.
"Well, the Necklace represents the fight between two family lines. The Templars and the Nolans. The green circle is my family symbol the Nolans. The Red Cross is the symbol for the Templar Family."
"So their others are you?"
"If you mean by players yes. Their are millions of other players. If your talking about my family line.... I'm the last one."
"What. What about your siblings?"
"I was a only child."
"Parents?" I froze up for a few seconds.
"Oh sorry."
"It's okay it happened a long time ago." We got back to the Village. Some of the Steve around who saw us go scared by Plague Steve remembering him from last time.
"Sabre! Why is he here?" The Overseer ran up to us.
"He wanted us... so I knocked him out."
"Okay? Should we lock him in a machine?"
"No, I think we can get some answers out of him."
"Of course. I'll explain to everyone what's going on." The Overseer leaves and gets everyone else.
"What about the Templars?"
"They are dead. I am the only one alive from the war."
"How long did it last for?"
"Generations. I was the one who ended it." I looked back Rainbow Steve and Blue Steve. I could see curiosity in their eyes.
"Sorry, but I-" I was caught off short then I saw Galaxy Steve and Time Steve come over.
"We cleared a room and got everything ready." Galaxy Steve said with excitement. I am not to surprised.
"Good, let's see how much information we can get out of him. I need to work on a machine so The Guardian can send him back to the Spirit World after this." Time Steve took Plague Steve from me and brought him back to the house. Everyone else went back inside the house with him. I went to work on the machine. I started doing the same design I did for the Guardian last time.
"Need help?" I didn't know Rainbow Steve was still here.
"Yeah, that would be great." He smiled at me taking a few supplies and started to work on the machine with me.
"So, your code is fixed?" I looked around and saw no one else was around.
"Yeah, thanks to Galaxy Steve and to you for finding me after I died."
"It's what's friends do."
"Best friends."
"Yup!" We stayed quiet for a bit longer. Still working on the machine.
"How many worlds have you lived in?"
"Did the life you have before this. Was it your assassin life or did you have others."
"I definitely had others lives."
"Right... you've probably lived thousands of lives."
"Nineteen. Actually this is my Nineteenth world."
"That's cool."
"I guess it is."
"Can I ask one more question?"
"Sure anything."
"What happens when someone steals your code?" I had to to think about that. I never meet another code jumper, but I always knew people wanted it. Wanted my power.
"I don't know. They only experience I got from that was when Plague Steve took my powers. I just got really tired. He didn't take enough for it to actually effect me."
"Okay. I understand. I'll make sure it doesn't happen to you ever!"
"Thanks I can always count on you. Just don't hurt yourself alright?"
"I won't!" We finished up the machine and went back for the house. When I walked inside I saw the Overseer talking to Plague Steve who was tied up and awake.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"We wanted you to finish up the machine first."
"Okay. Has Plague Steve said anything?"
"No, he hasn't." I looked at Plague Steve. He looked at me.
"Hello Sabre."
"Hi." Not sure why he said hello.
"So, why were you watching us?"
"I was asked to."
"By who?"
"It doesn't matter. What matters is how you are hiding as much information as I am."
"I'm not hiding anything."
"How are you alive then?"
"Galaxy Steve brought Sabre back." The Overseer said.
"His memories too?"
"From what Origin Steve told me their is no way to bring a players memories back after they die. How did Galaxy Steve do that?"
"You don't get to ask questions." I told him. I know the others where confused. Expect for those who know who I really am.
"Sabre?" Alex called my name.
"Is it true?"
"Yes, when a Player dies they lose their memories. I don't know how I didn't lose mine."
"I think you do Elan."
"Don't call me that." I said a hint of anger in my voice. How did they know that Elan is my first name.
"Fine then Sabre."
"Look, whats your plan here."
"I don't have a plan."
"Yeah right."
"I don't. I came here since I wanted to find answers myself."
"Answers about what?"
"What your energy is. Your energy... it's not normal. Players don't have energy."
"How would you know?"
"Void Steve."
"You said you didn't know what I stole from earlier. A few days ago it sounded like you did."
"I still don't know what your talking about."
"You do, you just don't want your friends to know."
"Not know what?"
"Nothing, I am not hiding anything from you."
"Like hiding how good your fighting skills are."
"I didn't hide them. I just don't need to use them."
"More like you didn't want to let the others know how good you are at killing."
"How do you know about that?"
"I watched you from the under world and so did everyone else. You are hiding a lot from your so called friends." I could feel the tension and questions filled the room from everyone else.
"Don't want to say anything? That's okay. I also wanted to ask. Do you hide things because your afraid of what they would think of you. If they knew what you could do to others... well I don't think you would be friends with any Steve."
"Not right now Light Steve."
"Also what was wrong with your voice? Don't think your friends of yours didn't notice. They did and I think they are tired of you not answering their questions."
"It's true, we have all been wondering about that." Elemental Steve admitted.
"It wasn't anything bad I swear."
"It was Sabre, I still remember that talk we had earlier. You were in pain and you didn't tell anyone about it."
"I just didn't want you guys to worry."
"Also, how can player get into this world. He said he just appeared here... wander here. What ever the excuse it's impossible for a Player to come here just because they could."
"That's true, from the memories I have with Origin Steve he talked to me about players...." Plague Steve continued to talk while everyone else asked more questions.... about things I have been hiding from them all the small things I've done to hint that I wasn't a player. I couldn't concentrate any longer from all of their words and questions. Each one pointing to the answer I didn't want to answer.
"What are you Sabre?" Plague Steve asked me with a smirk. Everyone looked at me waiting for a answer. Anyone who could of backed me up want here. It was just me.... a friend lying to them for their own good... It took me a second to reply. I didn't even answer their question.
"I can't tell you. I am a Player." I said not caring if I made sense or not I left the house and ran.
(Words 1385) I think you know what Plague Steve wanted right?

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