The Under World Part 2

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Rainbow Steve's Point of view
Light Steve decided to look around to see if their was a portal nearby. I stayed with Blue Steve in case if he woke up. I was about to fall asleep when I heard something.
"Why am I out here...." I looked to see Blue Steve rub the back of his head. His voice proved to me that it was him.
"It really is you Blue Steve!" I couldn't help, but  say excitedly. I went up to him and helped him get comfortable where he was sitting.
"R...rainbow Steve?" He said his voice full of doubt.
"Yes it's me! I can't believe it you!" I hugged him being carful with his wound.
"B...but what about Nightmare Steve? Don't you need to deal with him.... how are you here in the Under World?"
"You missed a lot. Light Steve is looking for a way out of here."
"Light Steve?"
"Yeah, we are friends. We've been friends for years. How long have you been down here?" He tries to stand up and I helped him.
"I don't even know. I've just been down here...."
"What did Demon Steve do you?"
"I'm not sure, he kept me because I was his toy. Everything else, well... he hasn't told me." He winced.
"It's fine Rainbow, he did worse." I heard footstep coming near us. Light Steve was back.
"Light Steve?"
"Yes, it me." He also gave him a hug.
"Did you find a portal?"
"No, we are going to have look farther around."
"Have you seen Demon Steve?" Blue Steve asked. I haven't even noticed how much he sounds like Sabre until now.
"No. He doesn't know we escaped yet."
"You guys where trapped to?"
"Yeah, I was able to teleport out of the cell. So I could get you and Light Steve out."
"We need to get going, he is going to figure out soon and we need..." he took a step forward and almost fell over. He winced as we helped him up. I put a arm under his to help him stay up.
"You can't walk Blue Steve. We can help you, but we won't be able to get far."
"I know, let's just get going." We walked out of the cave. Light Steve led the way while I helped Blue Steve walk.
After walking for a while were on the ground. We found what looked like a path over the sea of lava. We decided it would be our best bet. We started walking when I felt more weight on me.
"We should stop for a bit." I knew Blue Steve was getting tired. We can't let his wound open up again either. Light Steve nodded. We sat down near each other in the center of the path.
"What is this only leads us to Demon Steve?"
"He doesn't know how we escaped so we can again."
"Why would Demon Steve do all of this just to trap us anyway? He is way stronger than us."
"This has to lead us somewhere right?"
"Your right..." we stayed quiet for a while.
"Did you get all the artifacts?"
"No, I went into a sleep for 7 generations after you died. I woke up with no memories."
"What happened to them?"
"I gave them to Hypno Steve. He said he would keep them until I woke up. He said having them on me would do something bad to me."
"Did you get them back?"
"No, I didn't. I actually never saw him again. Sabre told me he meet him, but he died."
"Who is Sabre?"
"He is a.... Player. He was the one to wake me up. We've been fighting together ever since."
"Cool, I can't wait to meet him."
"He is like you in some ways. I think you would get along with each other." Blue Steve tried to stand up. I quickly helped him up.
"We should keep moving." Light Steve said. I nodded and we started to go down the path again.  We didn't see anyone or anything for a while. I looked up to see if something changed. I saw something flying above us. White wings.... a lot of black.
"Guardian!" I called out to him. Light Steve and Blue Steve looked up and saw him to.
"How did he get here?"
"No idea. Guardian down here!" I called again. He stopped flying and looked down. He flew down to us.
"Are you two.... Blue Steve?"
"Yes, it's me Guardian it's good to see you to."
"What happened?"
"Demon Steve took us. He put me into a machine and took my powers. We were able to escape and found Blue Steve."
"I teleported out of the cell. I found Blue Steve injured."
"I've been down here for years. I couldn't escape."
"I am just happy that you are alright. Their is a portal to the Upper World not to far from here. We can get back from to Middle World from their."
"Do you know why Demon Steve would take my powers?"
"I think it is because you are a Light Spirit. I am even staring to believe all three of you are a Light Spirit."
"A what?"
"No time to explain. Demon Steve will know I am here. We need to get out of here before he finds all three you." We did our best to pick up our pace. We were soon able to see land and the portal. Light Steve went in first. Me and Blue Steve went in, then the Guardian. We were back in the Upper World.
"Now, I can take the three of you back."
"I can't go back. You know I died."
"Things are changing Blue Steve." We were surrounded by lighting. We were back in the village.
"DID YOU FIND THEM?!"  I heard Sabre say. Slightly surprised he was yelling.
"Yes, no need to shout."
"Oh my god Rainbow!" He hugged me and Blue Steve.
"Don't worry. I'm okay."
"So this is Sabre?"
"Yes, Nice to meet you Blue Steve." He looked at Blue Steve to see the wound he had.
"I can get help.... wait.... why haven't you already healed him Light Steve?"
"Demon Steve took my powers."
"Of course he did... Here I can get you to the Overseer." He helped me get Blue Steve to the Overseer's house. The Overseer, he already knew what was going on when we came in. He started to heal Blue Steve wound.
"So, what did I miss while I was down their?"
"A lot, let's just hope we can explain it to you before everything gets worse."
Words 1106

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