Fun and Games

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Sabre's Point of view
It started raining the next morning. I figured this out because I was sleeping against a tree. I don't think anyone knows that I was out here. The sun wasn't even up by the time it started raining.

The rain was heavy but in a comforting way. The tree let some of the rain through the leaves but not as much as there is outside of the tree. I knew it would be better to get out of the rain, but I didn't want to wake anyone up.

So I waited until the sky became a light grey telling me the sun was up. I went to the only house I knew someone I already knew would be in The Overseer's house. I knocked lightly and he opens the door.

"Good morning Sab.... why are you all wet?"

"It's raining?" I said pointed outside. The Overseer looks outside.

"Oh right... Come in. I think Alex is in her cave. Galaxy Steve is in here with me."

"Thanks." I went inside to find two beds. Another reason why I didn't stay with any of Steve's. They were already full in all their houses.

"Hey, Galaxy Steve."

"Hey, Sabre!"

"So then what are we going to do today?" I asked. They all shook their heads having no idea what to do. Suddenly there was lighting outside. A lock on the door to see Alex and Time Steve.

"Good morning."

"Hey Sabre, Galaxy Steve, Overseer," Alex said while Time Steve nodded.

"Wait why don't we play a game to get to know each other better?" Galaxy Steve suggests.

"I mean that sounds like fun it would be nice to get to know you better," Alex said.

"I do not really know most of you do that would be fun." Time Steve looked around wondering how this game will work.

"Even though I know most of you guys I think it would be fun." I couldn't help, but get a little nervous, I just have to be extremely careful about what I say.

"Yay! Okay we are all going to get into a circle and we will ask one question and everyone has to answer it. I'll start first for an example." We all gather around in a circle most of us sitting down.

"Okay, so we are going clockwise. My question what's your favorite color?" The overseer was right next to Galaxy Steve and went next.

"I like Cyan honesty." Okay doesn't make too much sense, but nice to know. On the left of the Overseer was Time Steve.

"Brown or black." Time Steve quickly replied.

"Orange." Alex Who was on my left.

"Green, Emerald Green in you want to be specific." Same colors as my eyes and color of my family emblem too.

"Mines purple. Now Overseer you ask a question."

"Okay let me think for a second..." He went into his thoughts for a second.

I suddenly felt a pain in my eyes. It happened last night too. I clutched my arm and squeezed it a little to help with the pain.

"Okay, how about hobbies? I like to read."

"I don't usually do stuff on the side, but I like to go back in time to see what things used to be like if you can call that a hobby."

"I like to collect things I've never seen before."

"I like to explore the world."

"Fishing! Sometimes I do go into different worlds, but I don't do it all of the time."
Everyone looked at each other probably thinking about what everyone said.

My Inner Code (A FavremySabre Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now