Last Moments

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Hey guys! I know I'm late to the celebration again, but 7000 view! Yay! I again am really thankful for your support. I can't wait to see how much more I will get and to see how much farther this story will go! I also wanted to ask you. I wanted Sabre to meet next. Nightmare, void, origin, ect. I want him to meet and defeat one make person before he has a old adventure come back to him.
Time Steve's Point of view
This would be the perfect time to ask him. To ask him if.... he loves me like I love him. I would of if I didn't realize he was asleep. I didn't move I just took in the moment I'm having with him. His gentle breathing and heart rate made me feel tired. The warmth we were sharing made me relax... I can't fall asleep at least not out here. I waited for a few minutes taking it in a little bit longer. I did my best to move him slowly so I could pick him up bridal style in my arms. This is going to be a weird situation. I teleported is back to the village hoping I didn't wake Sabre up. He shifted a little, but didn't wake up. I saw Rainbow Steve.
"Hey Time!..........." His voice trailed off when he was what was going on.
"Be quiet, Sabre is sleeping." He gave me a look.
"Give me a second." He went a little ways back from where he original was. That's when he started to scream of joy? From how far he was it sounded like he was just talking. He then came back.
"Need any help?" He said in a loud whisper voice.
"Yeah I do." Rainbow Steve helped me get inside the house. I laid Sabre in my bed. Thankfully their is no one is inside.
"So you know about his eyes then?" I asked Rainbow Steve.
"He told you too? I'm not that surprised. What happens out their anyway?"
"As he told me, he was trying to fix his code. His idea didn't work."
"Why did he fall asleep then?" Rainbow Steve asked me in sing-song voice.
"Just let out a lot of stress. You noticed how he was off after talking to the Guardian right?"
"I did, I didn't say anything because I knew he would tell me later. What happened then?"
"The Guardian asked him some personal questions. Sabre, didn't take it to well."
"So, your going to talk to him then?" He caught in to what I was going to do next.
"How did you know?"
"That's what lovers do after all." I felt myself freeze up. My face heating up. Not like you can see it with my mask on.
"W....what are you talking about?"
"Oh...... nothing. Do you want me to come with you?"
"I will be okay, thanks for asking Rainbow Steve." He sat by Sabre his blindfold was off. I don't realize I still had it. I put it back over Sabre's eyes. I left the house to find the Guardian so we could have a little talk. I found him by himself looking at the machine. Before he saw me I stoped him in time. I dragged him away from the village so no-one could here what were going to talk about. Once I felt like I was ready I stoped using my magic on him.
"How did I.... Time? You used your magic on me?"
"We need to talk."
"Talk about what?"
"What you said to Sabre earlier." The Guardian realized where this was going. He took a step back.
"I don't appreciate how you added more stress on him."
"He told me, you know how bad he feels about this right? He feels like he has to fix all of this for us. I don't think giving him memories of his past, Especially bad ones is much not of a help now is it?" The Guardian gave me a quick nod.
"Don't do it again alright? If I find out you do anything like that to him again...." I lifted my mask a little so he could see the scar I have on my face. It went over my right eye and down to the bottom of my face. My brother gave it to me a long time ago.
"I can't kill you, but I will make you suffer got it?" I looked at him in the eyes. My eyes where a lifeless grey. He nodded more quickly then the last one. To scared to say anything. I put my mask back down. The Guardian sighed with relief and left. I have a feeling I won't have to worry about him again. At least not for a while.
Sabre's Point of view (flashback.)
The smell of smoke was everywhere. The fire is die the building was loud drowning out any quiet sounds. I could hear things falling breaking from the flames inside the building. Everything was on fire. Spency and Collen were probably worried. This was part of the plan though. The plan I didn't tell them about. In front of me was him. The Templar leader. I've killed or made friends with everyone else. Once I take him down this war will finally be over.
"Is this not nice? The eldest Templar versus the last Nolan. Let us finish this shall we?" He was heavy with armor. It would be harder for me to cut through it. It will slow him down though. I ran up to him. Trying to cut through his armor. It only made sparks fly. He want able to attack me back. He realizes how little his armor was actually helping him. I took a deep breath as smoke filled my lungs. I started coughing heavily m. I had to stop fighting to get my breathing steady. While I did he took of his armor. He was able to move more at my pace and a real fight started. He attacked me as quickly as he could. I moved out of the way and swing my sword trying to get him off guard. He fight back and forward. Things were collapsing around us... the sound of our sword hitting each other and the roaring flames where the only thing I could hear. We kept going back and forward. The smoke in my lungs hurt me and much as the heat around us. My breathing became deeper. My lungs needing more oxygen. Our sword hit each other. We were pushing them against each other. Trying to get one of us to back down. I took a anther breath. My body started to cough heavily. I felt my arms grow weak as he was able to slice his sword against my chest. I fell backwards. I tried to stand back up, but he put a food over my chest making my yelp in pain. I looked up at him. He was ready to kill me.
"Down just like that? I thought you would put up more of a fight."
"S...something tells me..." I started to cough again. He pressed down harder on my chest making it harder for me to breath.
" d...didn't find it that easy." He gave me a nod.
"To bad. I thought it could last longer. He leaves in closer to me. My head was dizzy from a loss of blood and lack of oxygen. I sad relaxation came to me. I knew what was going to happen. I knew I couldn't do anything about it.
"Coordinates locked." I said, not sure why I did. He was caught off guard. I lifted my sword and stabbed him in the chest. He gaged and fell to the ground. The light of his eyes gone he rolled over once I let go of my sword. I stood up weakly. I started to walk to the exit of the building. Some wood fell where the exit was. The only way out. I looked around knowing what would happen next. I pulled out my necklace. The only thing that remained after my house burned down. I looked up to see the flames growing around me. The smoke and everything....
"I hope your happy father. I did what I was born to do." I felt my body grow weak. My mind felt like nothing. I felt myself fall over then everything turned black.
I woke up with a jolt. I looked around and saw I wasn't in the forest anymore. I was back in the village. It was dark outside. How long was I out? I looked around to see Time Steve was against the bed sleeping. I guess he brought me back. I went down to sit next to him. My heart beated faster as I felt him next to me. Still tired after a while I fell asleep again.
(Words 1492)

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