The Demon

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(Please read)
Hey I really needed to tell you guys something. Stuff is staring to get busy for me and I might not be able to upload daily for a while. Some days I might miss. I just have a lot in school I need to deal with so I hope you understand. This Alonso might mean the chapters will be shorter so I am really sorry.
Also I wanted to thank AliLovesRoleplay for the art above! It looks really good! Now to the chapter!
Sabre's point of view
"So what do you mean you killed yourself?"
"I um.... well I think you already seen the scar in my neck?"
"I cut my neck open so I don't have to choose who would die so everyone else would live." Their was a long pause.
"Excuse me, but what did I miss?"
"Oh me, Galaxy Steve and the Overseer were about to die. They wanted Sabre to choose one of us to die and instead of choosing us. He killed himself in revolt."
"You are still here?"
"I brought him back!"
"I guess I have seen stranger things."
"Do what's the problem with Demon Steve?"
"Oh of course. Well it seems he had gotten stronger."
"He did steal Light Steve's powers."
"Yes, but in a way that troubles me. He had gained a lot of power just from Light Steve. I worry that if he got his hands on Rainbow Steve or Blue Steve he will be just as powerful as Alex."
"Just like that?"
"Yes, in the spirit world powers work a lot differently."
"Well, you don't have to worry about me. I don't have any powers." That made me remember something I would of forgotten.
"Actually.... I don't know how or why, but this ended up in my inventory." I took out the Rainbow root I found earlier.
"That's just a root Sabre." Rainbow Steve walked up to me and looked at the root. I know he can feel it.
"Are you serious?"
"Is it what I think it is?"
"Sabre... that's a Rainbow Root."
"So I was right."
"A what?" Everyone said in one way or another.
"Rainbow root! It was from the Rainbow Tree of Life we had in the Rainbow Town."
"What's so important about it?"
"It has my energy in it!"
"Yeah! If I absorb this I might be able to get my powers back!" I looked at Blue Steve and saw how disappointed he looked.
"Wait.... the shadow stone. Do you still have that?" I asked Rainbow Steve.
"Yeah I do.... you know what we can do right?"
"We can make rainbow stone again!"
"Rainbow stone?"
"You missed a lot. We can make it with Shadow stone. It's a energy source for all Steves."
"We could even get your powers back Blue Steve!"
"Wow this is taking a turn for the better."
"Sorry, we got distracted we can do this later."
"That is quite alright."
"What do you know about his abilities?"
"He has a lot of abilities. From the others Steve in the spirit world they told me about the problem."
"What problem?"
"He has normal Steve abilities. He also does something I haven't experienced myself."
"Which is?"
"He makes you live your worst memories. When you acted the worst to a situation. That is what I heard from the others."
"This isn't good."
"I know. Apparently he has to touch you."
"Anything else?"
"He can send you to his world. I can leave his world, but I have to use a portal. I can go in their it on my own it just takes a lot of my energy to get back out."
"So don't go their got it."
"That is all I know about him. Even though I have been dealing with him longer than that. We never actually fought until now."
"I guess that's good."
"Looks like our first step is to get Light Steve's powers out of Demon Steve."
"Once we deal with everyone else."
"That reminds me. Plague Steve said you had a energy. Don't tell me you didn't understand. From what you said I knew you did."
"I know I have a energy inside me. Plague Steve took some of it form me a while ago. I don't know what it is or why they want it."
"It didn't sound like it."
"Trust me I don't know anything. So who should we get next?"
"I say Plague Steve. I do not want another sickness spreading."
"Yeah... it's bad. I am happy we were able to deal with reverse."
"We did?"
"Yup. When you were in the lower world."
"Oh right."
"Now.... what's the plan Sabre?"
"Well, it looks like we need to lure him here."
"How are we going to do that?"
"No idea.... no idea."
(Words 805)

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