Trying to Fix a Problem

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Hey guys! I wanted to you know that I won't upload tomorrow. I'm going to a families house. Won't be able to write until Sunday. Hope you understand.
Sabre's Point of view
I felt like I was being watched while the Guardian explained what happened with Shadow Steve. I didn't pay much attention to it though. My thoughts went back toward to what he asked me earlier. I kept wondering back to memories of the past. I held my necklace in my hand. I traced my thumb over the details.
"Sabre? Are you okay?" Time Steve asked a hand on my shoulder getting me out of my thoughts.
"Yeah, Sorry, I was just.... thinking." I put my necklace away. Hiding it from everyone else.
"So does that mean we only have three left in this group and everyone else in the other."
"Not everyone. Memory Steve is still out their."
"Right. So I've been thinking. Maybe we should leave the village." Elemental Steve said. Shocking everyone expect me.
"I've been thinking about it too. This is place is such a large target. It would be better if we..."
"Then we would have to split up. Which I don't think is a great idea Sabre." The Overseer all noted. I nodded. I already knew that was going to happen if we did.
"I don't think we can now. But we might have to eventually."
"Your right. Let's just not think about it until it's serious." I have another nod. Everyone looked at each other in silence for a second.
"Let's just get everything back together again until we start looking for them." Galaxy Steve said trying to fill the silence. Everyone gave their own way of agreeing. Well, with time might as well make use of it. I took one of the swords that were lying against of the wall.
"I'll be back."
I walked out of the house. I made my way out of the village going back to the forest about the village. I wanted to make sure I was far enough away from the village. I found a area far enough away with a good amount of space. Talking a metal note in my mind of where this place was I started to think.
"So, I need a machine to f...fix my c...code. I also need to do it a way that doesn't need else to help. I could try channeling code through me, that would require a lot of" I continued to talk to myself trying to find a way to fix my code. I kept going through idea's in my mind and voice. My voice glitching every once in a while. While talking to myself I made the base of the machine, changing it with each new better idea. It took a while, but soon I had a machine I could use in front of me. I looked through the Redstone wiring. Making sure everything looked right. I decided to try it. I put the lever as close to the machine. I was about to go inside. I decided to take a look around making sure no-one was around. Once I felt safe enough I went inside the machine. I activated it.
I was back in the void. This time their was no other energy around me. I saw a reflection of myself in front of me. I looked a lot different then I actually did. The same thing with my eyes was now me. I was just numbers. Broken and destroyed numbers. Looks like it is getting worse. Just not quickly. I went to touch my reflection. I felt a painful jolt of energy run through me. I looked at myself to see more of code was broken. Knowing their was nothing else I could do I reached out my hand. Focusing on pulling the lever forward. I felt my hand touch something. I blinked and I was back in the normal world. I got out of the machine.
"So, that didn't work. What else can I do...." I walked around the machine. The only option was to get help. I need someone to fix my code for me. Their are a lot of problems with this. I kicked the grass in frustration.
"Sabre? What are you doing out here?" I looked to the direction of the voice and saw Time Steve.
"H...hey Time Steve. Didn't know you were out here..." Great, I'm in trouble. He looked at the machine closely.
"So, Whats really going on?"
"What do you mean what's really going on? I was just tying out the machine. Nothing else." He looked at me. He took a few steps forward.
"Before, when we went to the river you were talking about something. Something was breaking. It wasn't getting better. Also, you are out here, by your yourself away from the village. Working on a machine that is meant for you. Your voice has been.... Glitching. Also when Plague Steve took something from you it made your energy feel off. Your energy had been off every since you broke the Illusion. You aren't telling me something, you aren't telling us something Sabre."
"L...look, I...I can...can't tell you. I just don't k...know if you know what I am."
"So your not a Player?" That was too much....
"Yes! Not a P...Player. There. Just please. Leave me alone alright I...I dealt with enough of people asking stuff. I j...just was to be left alone. Let's j...just go to the village and forget...." I started to walk off when I felt something stop me. Time Steve wouldn't let me move. He walked up to me. I could tell he was angry. He took off my hood.
"Look me in the eyes and tell me. What's going on. I want to help and I'm tired of you pushing me away." He took of my blindfold. I kept my eyes closed.
"I already told Rainbow Steve about this. It wasn't even to long ago. Just, Let's see if you...." With not really much of a choice I opens my eyes. I looked at him in the eyes. I felt him looking at me with so many emotions. In shock he let go of his magic. I just couldn't handle it. I grabbed my blindfold then took a few steps in a random direction.
"I'm sorry, I can't do this right now." Then I started running.
(Words 1095)

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