Full Strength

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I am so sorry guys. My week got very busy and when I could finnaly write a chapter I got sick. I am soo sorry that I wasn't able to write. I am a also sorry for missing 16 and 17k reads. Also I wanted to thank MikoWritingUwU for the fan art. Thank you! It looks wonderful! Go check them out please! Now I won't let you wait and longer.
Sabre's Point of view
After getting all the supplies I needed I led Blue Steve and Rainbow Steve away from the village so I could start working on the machine.
"Wait... You had powers? Powers you could control?" (Also thank you Vukovi_Writes for the idea)
"Yeah! It was great."
"You used ice and water when I first met you."
"Like a Blue Steve."
"Yup! I can't do that anymore though."
"Let's see if that's true." First I needed to combined the shadow stone and rainbow root. It won't be that hard. I started to make the machine.
"How will it work?" Blue Steve asked.
"Here, I'll show you." I started placing the two chest down. Making them three blocks away from them.
"We are going to put one of each of the objects in either chest." I extended the red stone connecting them about five blocks away. I started to put some pistons down.
"Rainbow your going to get locked in here. I need you to focus on Turing the shadow stone into rainbow stone."
"Once he gets locked in... well we will see if it works." I finished lock in part of the machine manning sure it was closed off. I put down a lever and it was ready. Rainbow Steve out the objects in the chests.
"Cool, where did you learn about all of this?"
"I have a lot of experience with catching and trapping steves. Are you ready Rainbow Steve?"
"Yup!" He walks into the machine.
"Three, Two, one, go!" I pulled the lever back and quickly ran from the lighting. It was striking Rainbow Steve and the chests.
"So their is always lighting?"
"Yeah, always. I just try my best not to get hit." After a while the lighting stops. I turned off the machine and Rainbow came out.
"Are you okay?"
"I'm okay Blue Steve. It's been a while since I got locked into one. Did it work?" I looked into the chest that had the Shadow Stone in it. Just like I thought it was now Rainbow Stone. Twenty pieces to be exact.
"Yeah it worked. Now to the next part." I just disconnected on if the chests. I took ten of the pieces and put it into the chest.
"What's the next part?"
"Rainbow Steve get into the machine again. Let's see if it will get your powers back. At least kick start them or something like that."
"Okay. I hope it does."
"What are we going to do with the rest?"
"We are going to give it to you."
"Me? But I can't I am not rainbow or anything."
"I know. I have a idea." Rainbow Steve gets into the machine.
"As ready as I can be."
"Let's hope this works." I pulled the lever back again and ran back. The Lighting more violent then before. It took longer for it to die down. Once it did I looked in the chest. The Rainbow Stone is gone.
"Did it work?"
"He absorbed the stone." I said hopefully as I let Rainbow Steve out of the machine. He came out.
"How do you feel?"
"I don't know... it feels weird..."
"You haven't had your powers for such a long time that I wouldn't be surprised. Want to try flying?"
"Sure!" He said a bit nervous. I watched him and he made a large leap trying to fly.
"I think it just gave your powers back a little bit not all the way. I can feel it." Blue Steve said.
"That's good to know."
"I can leap."
"That's means it worked!"
"Yes!" He high fives me.
"No it's your turn Blue Steve."
"How is this going to work?"
"You'll see." I took down the chest and Redstone going to the lock part of the machine. I used the colored wool green, blue and orange to make a small one block tube. I placed a chest and put the rest of the rainbow stone in their. Next I made a light blue tube the same length as the other tube and made another lock in area for Blue Steve.
"Okay Rainbowi Steve you are in right. You need to focus on letting the Rainbow Stone only use the blue energy so it can transfer into Blue Steve."
"Makes sense to me! I will do my best!"
"What is it doesn't work? Will something bad happen."
"If it doesn't work I will stop the machine. The full rainbow energy won't transfer into you I know that for sure."
"Okay. I'm ready." He walks into the left machine. I double check the red stone making sure the connection was strong. I pulled the lever one more time and ran back. Lighting started to strike to lock in both Blue Steve and Rainbow Steve. Soon their was only lighting coming from Rainbow Steve's side then to chest in the center and finally on Blue Steve. Once the lighting stoped I turned off the machine.
"Are you guys okay?"
"I feel great! Don't worry. Blue Steve?"
"Yeah, I'm okay." I looked into the chest where it was, the Rainbow Stone was gone.
"Does it feel like you?"
"It does." I watched him as he started to fly up. He didn't fly up to high, but it was enough. Rainbow soon flew with him. Looks like the here getting their powers back quicker then I thought. I looked up at them.
"It worked!"
"Thank you!"
"It's not problem." Then soon flew down to my level. Blue Steve looked at me carefully."
"What's that?"
"What's what?"
"Their was a chain on your neck?" I touched my neck and felt the chain to my necklace.
"Oh this?" I didn't feel like I needed to hide it from them. I took it out so the could see it.
"Whoa! I didn't know you had that."
"I know, I hid it." I put it back after I knew they got a good look at it.
"What is it?"
"Oh nothing. Just a necklace."
"What does it mean? The green circle and the plus sign coming out of it."
"Cross. It's a cross." They asked me more question. That's when I saw movement from behind them. Green and blue. It was Plague. It looks like the energy from the machine lead him here. I know what I have to do.
"Could you guys help me take down the machine?"
"After will you tell us?"
"Of course. I will." They started to take down the machine. I watched Plague Steve. While I took it down. He was getting close to me. I don't think he knows that I know he is here. We were almost done taking down the machine when I heard footsteps from behind me. I took out a sword and waited. I soon felt him right behind me. I naturally swung my sword. Thankfully it was him so I hid the side of me blade this his head and knocked him out cold.
"Sabre? What the heck?!" Plague Steve collapse to the ground I was still holding the sword.
"What was that?!"
"I knocked out Plague Steve?"
"You just... how did you know?"
"I saw him earlier. "
"Galaxy Steve was not kidding when he said you were an assassin."
"A what?"
"I'll explain later. First we need to deal with him."
( Words 1418) Hey guys! I hope you like the chapter. Also I thought you would like to here a theory I have.
(Only reads if you are caught up to Steve saga. I have a fun theory.)
Okay so who ever he is. The Virus Steve... whatever I have a idea on why he is attacking Sabre.
He doesn't hate Sabre neither does he like him. He just want him to leave his world. The glitching on Sabre's screen is the same he got before he entered this world. What is he is trying to send Sabre back into his world? He doesn't want Sabre here so he is trying to send him back so he can't come back he doesn't bother him.
What do you think?

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