A New Introduction

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Hey guys! Sorry I have been busy and will be for a while. I will try to upload when I can. I hope you like the change of perspective in this chapter! Thank you guys again for 22k reads.
????? ????? Point of View
I was walking around like I have for a very long time. Exploring the world. Seeing new things. Not meeting new people though. I am not a people person. I've meet Steves, but never meet them in person, just watched them. I've been a bit bored and heard that this area has been having a lot of problems. I want to see what's going on. I was walking in a dark oak forest following a weak sound of thunder. It was slowly growing the closer I got. It wasn't a summing or a machine. It was a full blown fight. I turned myself invisible to keep myself safe.
I could see three people. From the distance it's a bit blurry. Ever since I left that place my vision hasn't been the greatest. Not like it was in that place anyways. Two people were fighting each other. One yellow the other red. A Red Steve and Yellow Steve. The third person was wearing all white and large spot of red was on their side. Injured. Are one of the Steve's protecting them? I got closer and quickly saw it wasn't true. Nightmare Steve and stab wound in the middle of his chest. How is he still alive? The other Steve was red, but looked corrupted. Who was that? I got closer to the injured ste... Sabre?! I ran up to him. I thought I would never see him again. Especially not like this their were bruises around his neck and a scar on his neck that worried me. His right hand was red, probably burned. He was alive, but the wound making him lose a lot of blood. This isn't good. What made me the most confused was why these two Steves were fighting over him violently. Why? He is just a player.... that doesn't matter right now. I need to get him out of here. While they were fighting I used a bit of my magic to make him invisible with me. I can't carry him so I have to wait for them to leave. I help Sabre close to me. I can't help it's him. Means a lot to me. He helped me get out of the catacombs a long time ago. I never got to repay him for that. I soon saw Nightmare Steve get push to the ground by the corrupted Red Steve. I am not surprised. Nightmare Steve is some how still alive and I don't think we would be a match for the other Steve.
"You'll pay for abandoning me."
"You never even did anything for us and now you think you deserve the power of a Code Jumper You have done nothing we have been doing all the work for you."
"Trust me you won't have fun being trapped in the under world for the rest of eternity trapped and used for my means." Code Jumper? What are they talking about? I'll ask Sabre about that when he wakes up.
"I don't care. I would of gotten his power if you weren't here."
"That is your mistake now tell me where Sabre is and I might make you imprisonment shorter." Oh no.
"He is right behind you can't you see him?" They both look into our direction. I just hope they don't sense my energy.
"He isn't here. Where is he?"
"I don't know. I don't think he would wake up without us noticing. Even if he did he wouldn't just leave the area."
"Someone must of brought him back."
"Good luck getting his powers now. I don't think they would let him out of their sight again."
"I don't think that will be much of a problem Nightmare Steve, but that is not a problem for you right now." He summoned some lighting on Nightmare Steve and disappeared. The corrupted Red Steve looked around the area one more time before leaving. I stopped hiding myself from others view. It takes a lot of energy for me to hide someone else thankfully it wasn't for so long.
"Sabre? Sabre wake up." I gently shook him, but he didn't wake up. I check his wound and thankfully it wasn't bleeding anymore. I don't have any healing abilities to help Sabre. I can't do much to help him. All I can do is hope he will wake up soon. After a few minutes of siting next to Sabre waiting for to wake up I heard lighting. Scared I hid me and Sabre again with my magic. Someone teleported here with two others. They were Steves I didn't recognize. The first Steve wore a brown cloak and a clock mask over their face. He looked quiet strange, but interesting. Another was a Blue Steve he looked like all the others ones I've seen. The next person didn't even look like a steve. They had long orange hair and a green shirt and black pants with brown boots.
"Are you sure Sabre is here?" The non Steve said.
"It's where the energy went to. He has to be around here." I held Sabre a little tighter. Do they want him too. I am not going to let that happen.
"What's this?" The Blue Steve said. He walked up very close to us and picks up a bloody sword. I don't know if it's from Sabre or Nightmare Steve.
"Sabre's sword. He was fighting someone." The brown cloak Steve said.
"Rainbow Steve is going to be mad about this. Right Alex?" Rainbow Steve? The Blue Steve knows Rainbow Steve?
"We need to look for him. We dealt with Void Steve and Origin Steve." The non Steve responds. I guess their name is Alex.
"I'm worried. You didn't notice, but Sabre was already hurt from the others. I want to make sure he is okay." The brown cloak steve said again.
"Yeah Time Steve. You lover boy~"
"No! For the one-hundredth time no. We are not dating."
"Fine, but we all agree you guys should." Sabre and this Time Steve? Weird. I know one thing for sure though. They are friends of Sabre.
"H..Hello?" They looked around in shock.
"Who's there?!" The Blue Steve looked around.
"J...Just a S..Steve. Who a...are you?"
"I am Time Steve. This is Blue Steve and Alex." So they aren't lying good.
"Who are you?" Alex asked me. They were all looking around trying to figure out where I was.
"A..are you f...friend's with Sabre?" I had to ask the unfamiliar people. I need to make sure.
"We are really good friend of his. We are looking for him. Have you seen him?"
"I...I have. H...he i...is with me.... I didn't hurt him I...I just found him here..."
"I won't hurt you don't worry. Can you show me who you are?" Time Steve asked me. I sighed and revealed myself to them. Time Steve walked up to me.
"Who are you and what happened to Sabre?"
"I...I'm Ghost Steve... I don't know what happened to Sabre... b..but I want to help."
(Words 1225)

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