What to Do

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Okay the votes went.... crazy just crazy. Here are the votes.
2 doesn't want/doesn't care
1 Galaxy Steve x Sabre
1 Rainbow Steve x Sabre
6 Time Steve x Sabre
So this is the last chapter to vote on your ship. Yes you can change your vote so next chapter I will tell you the winner. Now let's get to the chapter.
Sabre's Point of view
I was pacing back and forward. I didn't know what to really do next. We can kill him or take away his powers. I know my first thought is to kill him, but at the same time we could use his powers for our own needs.

Not sure how we could use it, but we definitely could. At the same time this could cause a lot of problems. If someone got it or we aren't able to contain it.

"Sabre? Is there a problem? We can kill him right here and now." Galaxy Steve snapped me out of my thoughts.

"I know, but there... it's just complicated. I just need your opinion on this."

"What happens to a Steve's power once they are gone?"

"The powers transfer to the most similar Steve or they disappear." The Guardian states trying to place where I was going with this.

"What if this power goes to another Steve? This mess starts all over again. So we are either going to hope it disappears or we have to take his powers out of him." Everyone stayed quiet about it for a while.

"I can see the problem. There are a lot of what if's in the situation." Time Steve probably thinking about what I thought about earlier.

"So we are either going to destroy him or take his powers then kill him. I don't really know what to do. Do you guys have any ideas?"

"I say we just kill him. There is no-one else who is similar to him." Alex said.

"I also would rather we just kill him." The Overseer stated.

"Taking his power might befit us. Might even be safer." Time Steve the first to say anything about the other idea.

"I would rather have a way to figure out how his powers work so if someone someone gets it we can stop it." The Guardian agreeing with Time Steve.

"Kill him, I don't want power to be put in the wrong hands again." Three for kill, two for take powers. I can either make it a tie or make it official... I quickly went through the pro's and cons in my mind. I knew my choice.

"I know I suggested it, but thinking about it more. It would be better to just kill him." Time Steve and the Guardian seemed to understand.

"So how are we going to kill him? And who will kill him?" Galaxy Steve asked looking at all of us.

"I can do it. I already have blood on my hands what's wrong with more."

"Blood on your hands?" Alex asked.

"It means I've killed a lot of people." Not surprised Alex didn't know this kind of thing. She is more new to everything.

"Wait, killed people?" The Guardian asked.

"Right you weren't there. Hello I'm a Assassin someone who kills people for money or based off of emotions like revenge."

"Kill people? I've only seen you trap Steves."

(Blood and gore ahead.)

Well that's about to change." I pulled out my sword. Without them asking what I was doing I went up to where Plague Steve was.

"If you don't want to see this I suggest you don't look." No-one turned away so I guess they are fine with it or don't understand what I'm going to do.
I went up to Plague Steve and without thinking twice I plunged my sword into his chest. I waited a few seconds before I pulled my sword out his blood red dropped from my sword. I unlocked the machine as Plague Steve fell out of the machine. He weakly stood up.

"Your going to regret this Sabre."

"Trust me, I won't." Without a second thought I cut his neck and again stabbed him. He fell to the ground then in a few strikes of lighting disappeared. There was still a bit of blood in the ground. I was probably going to have to was the blood of of my sword as well.

(End of warning. For those of you who skipped it Sabre killed Plague Steve.)

"Oh god..." Alex put her hand over her mouth in pure shock. Trying to process what I just did.
I guess this is a shock because most Steve's die from other Steve's powers not from actually cutting someone open.

"You didn't even hesitate... you just... did it." Galaxy Steve finally believes me.

"Look, I've killed more people then their are probably Steve's in this world." I said honesty. I've lost count of how many people I've killed a long to me ago.

"You mean, you could do that with anyone you wanted at anytime." The Overseer asked nervously.

"Yeah, but why would I? You guys are all my friends. I wouldn't do it without a very good reason." I could feel them relaxed at this.

"So let's take the machine down then we can... Oh right Guardian there was something I needed to talk you about." I started to take down the machine collecting all the materials to keep on me. We might need one soon if the Guardian understand what's going on.

"What did you need to talk about?"

"I think in this mess we forgot about someone." Soon the machine was taken down all they way. Once I made sure I had everything on me. We started to make our way back to the village.

"I have to go back to the Spirit realm so what is it you needed to tell me?"

"We forgot about Demon Steve." He seemed to stop in his tracks.

"Demon Steve?" Time Steve asked.

"You weren't there when it happened. We meet a Steve. He is Called Demon Steve."

"I will be back soon Sabre. I just need to check something first." Before I could say anything he disappeared.

"Okay, what that about?"

"I'll tell you later. Right now we should be happy that Plague Steve is gone." Everyone agreed. The rest of they way we walked in silence back to the village.
(Words 1105) Yay another chapter for today! I might do one tomorrow. I was thinking of doing a thanksgiving special, but it would be very werid. Tell me if you want one. Have a great day/night.

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