A Choice

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Sabre's Point of view
A rush of memories went thought me head. I could name where each of my friends stood by heart. Their faces full of fear. They were tied up in chairs heads low....
"Collen.... Flub..... and Lucas...."
"What are you talking about?" Origin Steve asked with interest.
"I've been through this before.... Where Rainbow Steve is was where Collen was. Flub was where Galaxy Steve was and the Overseer.... that's where Lucas was."
"Wait Lucas?!" Rainbow Steve asked.
"Yes, he was there. I was forced to chose that day.... choose one that would die."
"So, who died in the end?" I heard Elemental Steve ask me.
"I didn't choose.... I couldn't c...choose.... T...they chose for me.... Lucas died." I could see shock in Rainbow Steve's eyes. I will have to explain that later..... if their is a later...
"This time, if you don't choose they all die."
"I already have a decision. Actually two."
"How can you choose so quickly?" He asked surprised.
"First can you let go of me? Trust me I won't be able to do anything." Origin nodded and Plague Steve let me go. I walked up to them.
"I wanted to say how much work you actually put into this. You wanted to do this in center of town so everyone can see." It's true their were Steve watching in shock around the town, but they were all to scared or shocked to do anything.
"Next the set up of who is killing who." I went up to Rainbow Steve and Nightmare Steve. He tightened his grip on Rainbow Steve.
"With you two. Killing Rainbow Steve would well show everyone that even a prophecy that Steves who are still considered stronger and better than the ones today was false. If someone that they tried and failed. What makes us think that we can do anything." Next I went up to where Galaxy Steve was with Void Steve.
"This is a bit obvious. If you kill Galaxy Steve you would be able to absorb Galaxy Steve. Probably the most powerful Steve in the world. You would also have the ability to absorb Time Steve and Elemental Steve." Finally I walked up to The Overseer and Origin Steve.
"I know what's going on here to. If the Overseer died. We would lose a great leader. If I chose you the others Steves would blame me for his death and wouldn't trust me. They might even look up to you Origin Steve. Knowing that you killed him and you have been known for leading the Steves for a long time they might end up joining you." I couldn't help, but say out loud to everyone. Origin Steve gave me a evil grin. I don't know if he was impressed with me for knowing this or if he really did wanted me to choose the Overseer.
"The time  is ticking Sabre."
"I Know. Now I can already cancel out one of you. Galaxy Steve. Their is no way we can let you die. You are too important and if we let you get absorbed by Void Steve we won't have much of a choice to but surrender." Origin Steve nodded. I guess he knew I was going to do that.
"Now, You need to think. Would I think Logically or Emotionally? If I choose by logic it would be Rainbow Steve. I know he is a Light Spirit, but if he dies he would go straight the Guardian and be under his protection. Now emotionally. I would choose the Overseer. Out of the three of you he is the one I haven't know for very long or very well. No offense."
"It's true Sabre. That's why I am allowing you to chose me."
"No! I know how it feels like to die. They need you Overseer. I can die again. I won't mind."
"So who will it be Sabre? Rainbow Steve or The Overseer?" I took a breath. I looked at both of them. Another breath.
"I didn't even have to point all of this out you know."
"What do you mean?"
"I could of just straight to my answer. I already knew it. After that day I made a choice. If this ever happened again I would know who I could choose so they wouldn't have to choose for me."
"You taking to long." They put their sword closer to their necks.
"Don't worry, I'm almost done. See every time this happens you want the person who is choosing to suffer in one way or another. You don't want them to die. You need them. So that means you need me."
"Very good Sabre, what do we want from you?"
"Something I can't let you have. If you have it they would have no choice. I know what I can do and I won't let you have it."
"So what will it be? Rainbow Steve or The Overseer." I sighed.
"Their never was a choice. No matter what even fate tells me their wasn't a choice." I pulled out my sword and put it to my neck. Shock filled everyone's faces.
"No Sabre!" Rainbow Steve said already getting the idea.
"What are you doing?!" Time Steve said.
"Let then live and I don't die. Hurt even one of them I will slice my throat open and die right here and right now!" Void laughed at that.
"You don't have the guts."
"Here let me prove it." I put my sword down and without hesitation I cut my arm open. I did my best to hide how much that hurt. I put the sword back to my throat. I waited for a response.
"So you aren't kidding. Now I guess I have to make a choice?"
"Yes, me or them? How much do you really need me? What would you do to get what you want?" They already new if they tried to stop me I would be dead.
"So, now this is a choice isn't it? If you die well. They also lose a great leader and we lose the power we need. Your friends will obviously be greatly effected by your death....." I was waiting for an answer. I made sure my sword wouldn't touch my necklace if I do have to cut my neck open. I don't want to lose it.
"Aren't you sacred?"
"Death never scared me. It's just the pain I feel before I die that bothers me. This death won't take that long though."
"Sabre! Don't you dare do it!" Everyone said in unison.
"You never were important to Demon Steve's plan.... Right now we need to repay him so do it. I don't care." They all looked at me. I guess they were all having doubts that I would. I took a breath.
"Coordinates locked." I cut open my throat. The moment I did everything turned black.
(Words 1156) You have all be trolled.

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