Another Face

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Okay...... see this video? If you haven't watch it.  Well watch it. ITS SO GOOD. Go check Cookiecat Nom out as well as other animators on YouTube like...
KiwiQueen 13
ITz_Crystal Snow
Lavender animate
Wolf Draws
Rachi Potato
GalaxyGamerWolf !
Now let's go to the chapter.
Sabre's Point of view
We started to walk back to the village. The sun was stating to rise when we were back in the plains.
"Any idea on how we are going to fix your code?" Rainbow asked wanting to talk to me before we get to close to the village.
"I think I'm going to need your guys help, since I can't fix it on my own. I...I...I need someone else to fix it for me."
"I don't know it any of us are strong enough to fix your code." Time Steve told me.
"I know, eventually I have to trick either Galaxy Steve or Alex to hook into a machine with me so they can fix my code without even knowing they did."
"Why can't you just tell them?"
"Alex.... she would freak out and cause a lot of damage. She doesn't even know their are more worlds then this one."
"And Galaxy Steve?"
"He might know what this is... I know he seems nice, but even the nicest people can turn your back on you in a matter of seconds. Also, he isn't god at keeping secrets."
"How are we going to trick them then?"
"No idea, we are just going to have to...."
"Sabre?" I heard Galaxy Steve say, like he was confused.
"Galaxy Steve! I'm so sorry about what happened Origin Steve he...." he walked up to me. (Origin Steve Auto corrected to Oregon Steve XD)
"Weren't you just inside?"
"What? We just got here."
"You were inside. You came back last night. You told us you got lost and ran into someone."
"We...." A memory came into my mind. Oh god no. I should of thought of this. If Plague Steve escaped to why couldn't be escape either.
"How about you just show us?"
"Sure!" Galaxy Steve's voice went from conjured to happy just like that. He grabbed my arm and with Time Steve and Rainbow Steve trailing behind we went inside the Overseer house.
"Guys, we have a problem." Rainbow Steve said. I want to supposed to see another me... well Faceless talking to everyone.
"Faceless what are you doing?" Faceless said to me.
"Actually you are Faceless and you tricked them into thinking you are me."
"Faceless... why are their two Sabres here?"
"Faceless, we meet him around the same time we meet Ghost Steve. He has the ability to look and sound like anyone he wants." I told Alex. She looked a little less confused.
"So where is the Overseer, Guardian and Elemental Steve?"
"The Guardian is working on the up....spirit world. Trying to get things in balance. Elemental Steve and the Overseer went looking for you and Rainbow Steve. They aren't back yet.
"Okay, let's do this again..... lets go outside and deal with this." Rainbow Steve said with a bit of annoyance in his voice. I understand I didn't think we would be dealing with this again.
"So how do we know who is who?" Alex asked.
"We asked them questions. Question we think only the real Sabre would know."
"So how are we going to tell the difference between you two, so you won't switch."
"Here, I'll take my hood down." I took it down while saying it.
"Then I will keep mine up."
"Okay. Who want to ask the first question?"
"Me! Let me think...... what's your name?" Galaxy Steve asked and volunteered.
"Elan." We both said at the same time.
"How did you know my name?" I asked Faceless.
"I should be asking you the same question."
"Okay, Alex your next."
"Why where you gone? Sabre with the hood on answer first." She pointed to him.
"I was getting some supplies. I ran into Reverse Steve. I was able to get away from him, but I got lost. It took me a while to get back."
"I woke up earlier in the morning so I could think about a few things. Origin Steve found me and made a deal with me. I choose a certain side and he capture me. I wasn't able to escape until Time Steve and Rainbow Steve saved me."
"So, each believe-able. Since you mentioned him. What did he do to me."
"He took your powers... more like your life force form you. You colors were dimer." I answered with ease.
"Right! Why didn't you say another anything hood on Sabre?"
"Didn't know who you were talking about."
" it okay if I ask something?" Light Steve said. He has been quiet this whole time.
"Of course!"
"It's for whoever can answer first. What did I say to you, before I died from the other side of me." I thought for a moment. He means Shadow or Dark Steve I can really ever who... why is memory so blurry their.... what did he say.... I felt a jolt of pain in me eyes as I said...
"My p...powers ... th...these powers... can do more t...than you think..." my voices glitched at I did. Rainbow Steve took a step back.
"How did you say that?" Light Steve asked me. He seemed shocked. Everyone else wasn't  talking either.
"What do you mean?"
"Oh my god your voice is back to normal."
"What? I know my voice has been glitching, I think everyone knows that by now..."
"Sabre, You were just talking in Steve language." Time Steve said to me honesty.
"I what? I can understand it, but speak it? No, I shouldn't be able to do that."
"You are right, you are real Sabre. You were the only one who would remember that."
" So that means your faceless."
"Yes I am." Faceless said. He turns back into his normal form. Black without a face. I never got to figure out if we wore a mask or not. He looked at us. He didn't say anything then flew off.
"What was that?!"
"That was faceless. He...." I felt Galaxy Steve hug me.
"At least we go the figures out."
"Y...yeah, least we did...." Galaxy Steve let go of me.
"I will find the Overseer and Elemental Steve. Tell them what's going on." Alex flew off. I felt a hand touch my neck. A warm sensation ran through it.
"Thanks Light Steve."
"Sorry I don't believe you at first."
"It's okay, you have no idea how annoying it was when I had to do this with Rainbow Steve."
"Yeah, that was a mess. Especially with Ghost Steve."
"Did you find anything out? Anything about what they are doing?"
"I did. I just need to talk about it to the Guardian about it first."
"So what happens while you were down there?"
"Nothing. Nothing you you guys need to know about."
Words 1173

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