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Hey guys guess what? I got more fan art. This time is from EZRead01 She/He/They did an amazing job. Also if any of your draw for me mention my name or tell me I will see it. Never actually had to worry about that before. Anyway I wanted to thank you guys again for the support you show either by reading the chapters, voting, commenting or doing art. Whatever it is no matter how small it is, is something that means a lot to me. Now on to the chapter, you probably already know what's going on know don't you?
Sabre's Point of view
I left to go on a walk that afternoon. I just needed some to me to think about everything. Time Steve didn't want to come with me. He said he wanted to talk more to the Guardian and the Overseer. I mean that's what he wants to do. I wouldn't mind some company though.

I walked back to the river me and Time Steve went to a... few days... no I think it was week. Wow time has being going by a lot faster than I thought it has. Once I got to the river I felt myself sigh with relief. My leg hasn't been bothering me at all. Sometimes it hurts if I run, but nothing serious.

I sat down next to the river and looked at myself. I was about to untie by blindfold, but suddenly felt like I was being watched. I turned around and saw a figure...

Wait... what happened? Why do I feel so scared. Nothing is around. I feel like I'm... It's probably nothing. I got back up and decided to follow the rivers current.

I walked and it the river soon became a lake that was in a birch forest. It reminds me of when I first meet Light Steve. I choose not to think about it. I suddenly heard footsteps behind me. I turned around...

When did I get here? Wasn't I just near the river. Now I'm at a lake near a birch forest... why do I have signs on me? I looked around to see a empty sign. I took it down an put it into my inventory. I walked around to see trees with parts of them broken off.

Did I do that? Why does this feel so familiar. Someone did this to me before... but who? Who did this. Who can do this. I can't seem to...

I looked around, very confused. I was in a field. A lot of the items I had on me earlier were gone. I had a few signs on me. I seemed to be in a meadow.  How did I get out here? Where's Rainbow Steve weren't we about to go into the black hole to get Galaxy Steve back? I looked behind me to see a sign. It said...

run back to the village find the Overseer.
Overseer? Who is that? What village. I started walking in a random direction unsure of where to go.

"R...rainbow Steve? A...are you out here?" My voice started glitching out. What? Why is that happing? My code is fine isn't it? At least it was the last time I checked. Maybey I should check my eyes. Suddenly there was a unfamiliar figure in front of me.

"Hello? Who are......."

"Whoa! Wait where am I? Where is the Rainbow Town, Where's Luckas?" I looked around and saw nothing familiar. I saw a sign in front if me.

Run, Someone is erasing your memory.
Is this some type of joke? No way. Steve's can effect Players like Luckas or me a Code Jumper. I started to walk towards the sun was pretty low in the sky, close to sunset. I walked until I found a river. I felt like I've been here before.

How could I have been here before? I soon heard someone say in a deep voice.
"You have a lot of memories Sabre, I wonder if I can take them all." I looked behind me to see the strangest Steve I have ever seen. Even stranger than Faceless... I looked at him...

Galaxy Steve's Point of view.
"Sabre's been gone for way to long. We should look for him." I told Time Steve he immediately agreed. Time Steve suggested we walked back to the river he and Sabre went to last time. I didn't have any better ideas.

Once we got to the river I felt a all time familiar energy. I immediately forced Time Steve to look down and so did I.

"What are you doing Galaxy Steve?"

"Sabre is in trouble if he is here. I don't know how much he effected him."

"Who effected him?" Time Steve voice turned from his usual calm to worry and concern something I haven't seen him do before.

"Memory Steve. If you look at him he takes away your memory."

"All of it?"

"No, the thing is he can take more the more you look at him, you end up forgetting him and he makes you lose your memory again, each time he does he takes more." Time Steve didn't say anything else.

Suddenly we heard someone. It sounded like Sabre, but he sounded more confused.

"Spency? Collen?" Who are they? We got closer to Sabre keeping our head down. We suddenly see the legs of Memory Steve.

"Sabre, look down and whatever you do don't turn around!" Sabre seemed to freeze, but looked down.

"I can see if I can do anything..." I focused on teleporting Memory Steve away from here. There was some lighting and then he was gone. Me and Time Steve looked up and so did Sabre.

"Who are you and how did I get here?!" Sabre asked us pulling out a sword. Looks at it questionable then looks at us again.

"I'm Galaxy Steve this is Time Steve. The person who was behind you is Memory Steve he tried to erase your memories."

"Likely story Steve's don't exits they are just a legend." Right a lot of people think we are legends and myths.

"Time Steve do you think you can reverse time? Make it so it's back to right after Sabre left?"

Time Steve nodded. He lifted his hand as I felt the familiar time magic escape him and goes into Sabre. In a few seconds I couldn't feel his energy anymore. He let out a sigh or relief.

"Are you okay Time Steve?"

"Yes, it just took a bit of energy from me nothing serious." Sabre looked back at us.

"How did I get here? Why is the sun setting? Did something bad happen?"

"Memory Steve, he wiped a lot of your memory."

"How much?"

"You were talking about someone. Spency and Collen?"

"Yeah... that must of been bad... sorry if I um tried to attack you."

"You didn't, it's totally fine." Sabre seemed to relax a bit at that.

"We should probably head back then, tell everyone about what happened."

"Yes we should, also Sabre, from now on maybey we shouldn't be by ourselves if case he comes back." Time Steve suggested. We both agreed them made our way back.
(Words 1248) I didn't realize until now this is chapter 30 so yay you have been with me fore over a month or so. Also that means you have a Read at least 30,ooo or more so far. At least you can say you got your reading done right?

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