Thank you so much and rewrite?

352 20 21

I just wanted to say thanks to OtherWriter101 for making a little video for me about this book. Sadly I can't show it to you guys, but I am really thankful for it. I also just wanted to say....

I've been thinking of rewriting the book.

I just feel like I could of done better and I could of done so much more detail especially with my code jumper ideas and I just want to know what you guys would think.

I was thinking of doing a seperate book, but if you guys have better ideas please tell me. If you even want me to do a rewrite.

Also November 4 is when I did the first chapter  of this book which is crazy to think about.

I just want to show how far I can go with this book to show that this book is worth the 51k reads and the 2k votes

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