The Overseer's Confrontation

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Sabre's Point of view
The rain slowly lightens as the day went on. I mainly went to help the Steves with whatever they needed for supplies. I felt like I was being watched the entire day, but every time I turned around no-one was there.

I was collecting some more wood in the forest. Another pain ran through me. Naturally, I squeezed my arm just to help with the pain. So far it only affects one of the codes in my eyes; the time difference between them is slowly becoming closer together.

The entire day this had been on my mind. So far I only have to idea what could be making this happen. One the machine corrupted my code. Two...

"I didn't destroy the sickness instead I accidentally absorb it and now it's killing me... I'm talking to myself again... I really need to stop..." I looked around the area to see if anyone was around, of course, no-one is all the Steve's are in the village.

Once I collect the wood the Red Steve needed. I went down to the village and found the rain has stopped but the sky was still a heavy grey. I found the Red Steve.

"Here, I got you some oak wood as you ask."

"Thanks." He took it. Then I went on my own again. I don't know where everyone else is so I decided to go to check on my eyes again. I just need to make sure that my code... well know what to do when it gets really bad.

I walked back to the lake nearby. I felt like someone was watching me again. I looked back again and still didn't see anything or anyone. Why do I keep feeling like that? Soon I got to the lake.

I took another look around still no-one around. I took a deep breath. I put my hood down and slowly untied the blindfold around my head. Once I felt the knot untie I slowly let it come down against my face.

I looked back down into the water. Just like I expected more gaps and more broken numbers. Without even thinking I started pacing back and forward.

"Okay so this ain't getting better and if I don't think of something soon... let's just hope that it doesn't... I would ask for help if this wouldn't cause a total panic to the Steve's or reveling my eyes. If this is an aftereffect of the machine it should stop soon or I'm going to have to make a machine to fix this. If this is because the sickness is still inside me then I'm going to have to extract it out of me. Even then I might not even be able to do that because it might take a lot of energy like it did to separate it from the Steve's and I would need someone's help. Making a machine without the Steve's noticing would also be a problem... why does this have to be..."

"Sabre?" Someone said. I recognized the voice it was the Overseer.

(Yes Galaxy Steve and The Overseer are having a different voice)

I didn't look back to where his voice was. I quickly turned the opposite way. I started to put on my blindfold around my head again. I really have to hope that...

"What was that about?" He asked me.

"A...about what?" Once I had my blindfold on as tight as I could get it I looked back and just like I thought The Overseer was six blocks behind me.

"You were talking about something not getting better? You were saying that something is wrong?"

"Yeah... I can explain it."

"Also why did you have your blindfold off? You never take it off."

"D...did you see my eyes?" I asked as I felt my panic rise because if this is going where I think this is going.

"No? Why are you worried about that? You were talking about the sickness." I mentally sighed with relief. He didn't see them; thank god he didn't. If he did this would have pulled me down a lot faster and deeper than it is now.

"So... the sickness, I don't think it's gone."

"What do you mean? You destroyed it right?"

"I don't know. Right now I don't know. The sickness might be inside me or... I did and I am slowly... getting sick from an effect. Probably just from the machine... do you get what I'm saying?"

"Yes. I knew something was off; I just did think it would be this serious."

"Why did you think something was off?"

"Well, I noticed how you randomly.. squeeze your arm like you are in pain. At first, I thought it was nothing until I noticed it happening a few more times. I'm surprised that no-one else noticed." Okay, that explains a lot.

Need to find a different way to- Another wave of pain ran through me. This one was stronger than what usually felt. Not meaning too I grabbed my arm again squeezing it a bit harder.

"Like that, Sabre you know you could talk to me right?"

"I just don't want anyone to go into a panic. For me as long as it doesn't affect you guys it doesn't matter."

"Sabre, you know that if you... if something bad happens to you, it would affect all of us." He paused for a second looking at me. Trying to look at me in the eyes.

"If you need my help you can always ask me. So what the first thing we need to do to fix this?"

"I...I already have a few ideas, but I need to ask you something."


"Don't tell anyone about this. If this gets bad then yes you can it's just. I don't want to drag anyone else into this."

"Of course Sabre. I understand, but how will I know if it's at that point?"

"I'll tell you. I really will." Even though I now know that The Overseer was watching me earlier.

I still could feel eyes watching me, this time I was for sure there was someone out there. I looked around the area and again I couldn't see anyone.

"So why did you ask if I saw your eyes?"

"N...nothing! I just wanted to know if you did." I never stutter.

The Overseer gave me a suspicious look, then we started to walk back. Making sure I told The Overseer what the next plan is. To figure out if the sickness is really gone.
(Words 1129) Yay. Don't really have anything to say but I hope you liked the chapter anyway. How you guys have/had a good day and have a better day tomorrow. :)

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