Light Spirits

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Sabre's Point of view
I woke up the next morning. I laid in the bed looking at the ceiling. The things that happen the last few days I tried to think more about. How am I able to talk in Steve langue? What did me mean about the upper-world? What it their plan? How am I going to fix my code? What are Light spirits? What does Demon Steve really want?
"Are you awake Sabre?" I heard Time Steve said. I got out of my thoughts and looked at Time Steve.
"Yeah, I'm awake." I got up.
"How long?"
"Only a few minuets. I was just thinking for a second."
"What do we need to do first then?"
"We need to get The Guardian. The other evil Steves were talking. I wasn't able to understand everything that they said. I got a few words, but they seem important."
"Did he say anything that you understood?"
"Yeah, t...they....they us to spilt up, their can be chaos. I...If their is c...chaos of e...everything they c...can....can kill us one by one." Time Steve looked at me with concern as I said that. I won't be able to hide this much longer.
"You won't be able to hide it for much longer. We need to do something if we are going to keep this a secret for much longer." That reminds me on what happens earlier. I really need to.... Can't believe I am going to ask this...
"Couldn't you check my eyes really quickly?" I looked at him showing I was serious.
"Of course. Why me?"
"I just feel like I can trust you more. Don't tell Rainbow Steve that."
"I won't. What do you need me to check?"
"Just, do you remember about how much of my code was broken?" I pulled down my hood and started to untie my blindfold.
"Yes." I took my blindfold off and blinked a few time. Looking at him.
"Do you think any more of my code broke?" He looked at me carefully.
"It's looks like it has, not a lot of it though."
"Okay, I know that now..."
"How did you think it broke?"
"From when I was trying to figure out what the others were saying in Steve and when I somehow accidentally spoke in the Steve language." This feels really awkward. I put back my blindfold over my eyes again.
"Is their anything.... well is anything bothering you about this? Something I should know?" I looked at Time Steve and sighed.
"T... this... is effecting me...memories."
"Your forgetting who we are?"
"I...I only think that will h...happen if this g...gets really bad. far's just small details. I don't remember if it was Dark Steve or Shadow Steve who killed Light S...Steve. J...just for a example." I could tell that Time Steve was very worried about me.
"Let's just go and... find the Guardian alright?" He knew that I was trying to do and nodded. We walked out of the house. Everyone was enjoying themselves. I went to find Galaxy Steve. He was near the river fishing. Not to surprised.
"G...Galaxy Steve!" Well great. He looked back and smiled.
"Hey Sabre! Time Steve! I caught some fish!" Sure enough he already had a lot of fish.
"No pufferfish though."
"This is fresh water. I don't think you'll find any."
"Your looking for The Guardian right?"
"How did you?"
"After yesterday. You said you needed to talk to him."
"Oh, don't remember that. Can you help us find him?"
"He came here last night. It was pretty late. I told him to come back in the morning."
"So he is here then?" There was thunder after I asked.
"That's him! I'll come with you guys." We walked towards the lighting was striking. Once it stoped he saw The Guardian.
"I heard what happened is Sabre.... Oh Sabre. How long have you been here?" The first part he said quickly like he was worried. I guess he really does care about me. I really didn't think he did.
"Since last night. We had to deal with Faceless though."
"That is good hear. I hope they did not hurt you Sabre." He let out a breath of relief.
"I told you everything would be okay in the morning. It was late and Sabre didn't really get any sleep when they got him."
"How did you know about that?"
"Just a good guess!"
"So everything is okay then?"
"I needed to ask you something really quickly."
"Of course. What do you need to know?"
"Well, W...when I...." my voice started to glitch so I paused.
"Sorry, when I was trapped I heard them taking about a few things. I didn't understand a few things they said. What's the Upper-world?"
"The Upper-world is what we call the spirit world for those who live in it."
"Okay, should of figured that out. Next thing. They said Light Spirits. What are they?"
"Light Spirts, they are rare souls or spirts who have a very good heart. They usually still can use their powers in the spirit world."
"Did you know any?"
"You know some right now. Light Steve, he is the first Light Spirit. Born in the Spirit world. He is the reason they are called Light Spirits."
"Whoa really?! I though I created him on accident. He came after Rainbow Steve."
"Even I don't know why he came into the middle world Sabre."
"This is the Middle-world that means Demon Steve is from the Lower-world right?"
"Yes, it is not a very pleasant place."
"Did you meet anyone else who is a Light Spirit?"
"I am still not sure if Rainbow Steve is one. There was a Blue-Steve who was one. I haven't seen him in a very long time though. Those are the Light Spirits I know of now. Their aren't very many."
"He wants... higher-world... Suffer... Light Spirits... we get... he gives... plan... split... chaos... kill... that's what they said to each other. Does that mean anything?" I felt a pain in my eyes again. Okay, looks like if I rotate anything I heard in Steve I say it in Steve.
"Did you just?"
"Yes, I know does it mean anything?"
"Well, He wants the higher world. No surprise their. Suffer and Light Spirits. He is going to try to find not just the ones who are already spirts, but those who are, but are not dead. I have a feeling you a ready figured out the last part Sabre?"
"Yes. Why d...did I...I not notice that..."
"So, did they say anything else?" Galaxy asked.
"Origin Steve, when he took me. He said we would give you time to prepare for the attack. I don't know when, but we are going to be attacked soon."
"Okay! So Sabre can I talk to you for a second?" Galaxy Steve asked in a uptime voice.
"Sure, you can just ask."
"I mean alone. I need to ask you a question."
"Oh, um sure..." Time Steve nodded understanding that this probably wasn't to important. The Guardian went back to the Village with Time Steve.
"Okay, Sabre. This is important." His voice wasn't like his usual one. It was more serious.
"Uh... a...are you okay G...Galaxy Steve? You don't normally act like this." He went up to me and sighed. Like he was also the annoyed.
"Sabre, I need you to answer this honestly."
"Of course shoot." He looked around nervously and sighed again.
"What is wrong with your code?"
(Words 1392) Okay I have some questions for you. They aren't big ones more small detail, but I want to know.
1) Should I bring Blue Steve back? The one Rainbow Steve was friends with.
2) This is more with Blue Steve. I you don't want him back. Do you want him to be the Overseer? It's a theory I have that I can add.
3) Should Hypno Steve be good or evil in this book? I won't change much of the story. But it will change how it feels a bit.
Please tell me. I would like to know so you can enjoy the story better.

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