Done and Over With

959 44 30

(Quick Story Time.)
Guys I am really sorry for not uploading recently. I was going to upload yesterday....
Then something bad happened...
I was at 700 words when I accidentally exited out. It happens a lot, but this time when I went to continue writing.
All my work was gone for the chapter....
If no one has raged quit writing well let's just say I was the first. So if this chapter seems rushed I am sorry I already wrote more then three-fourths of it and I have to write it again.
So yes I am sorry...
Also thank you for 21k reads and I also wanted to thank Itsnotmesoyeah for checking up on me and asking if I was okay. It means a lot :)
Sabre's Point of view
Our moment was cut off by lighting. I knew this was going to happen sooner or later. I just didn't think they would attack so soon.
"Are they attacking?"
"I think so. Let's go." Time Steve nods understanding and teleports is back to the others. I looked around and saw Void Steve and Origin Steve looking at us. Galaxy Steve, Elemental Steve, Alex, and the Overseer were here as well. I knew this wouldn't end well.
"Back from the dead Sabre?" Void mocked.
"Yeah. I won't just die with you still around." I guess he knows I haven't told the others what happened. That is probably for the better.
"That won't change how this fight will end though. Your resistance will soon end. Demon Steve will make this work right." Origin Steve said.
"We won't let that happen." Alex said. I pulled out a sword. I had to use my left hand, but as a assassin you know you have to at least have the basics down with your non-dominant hand. I have a lot more then the basics down.
"Let's just see if it does." As quickly as they came the fight starred.
We split up. Time Steve, Elemental Steve, and Galaxy Steve fought against Void Steve so I couldn't see much of what they were doing. I was fight against Origin Steve with Alex and The Overseer. I couldn't do much though. Origin Steve was no where close to the ground while they fought him. They both mainly used lighting. It was hard, but I could tell that Origin Steve seemed weaker then before. It's probably because he isn't alive..... fully alive..... still dead? I don't know. I ate my own words in a few seconds as he started to use fireballs on them. Thankfully they didn't seem to do much on Alex. It did more damage on the Overseer though. I know it can't be good as I saw a few miss and hit the town. I looked back at the town to see if the would hit anyone. I saw Rainbow Steve. I ran up to him ready to protect him as a few fire balls went his direction. I hit one that was right on target on him and it went flying back to Origin Steve.
"Are you okay Rainbow Steve?!" I asked worried. I looked back to see if he was okay. He looked at me and smirked.
"Rain-" I was cut off as he grabbed me and put a hand over my mouth. Not even a second later we teleported to an area inside a dark oak forest. I did my best to look around. I saw Nightmare Steve. I was still holding my sword. I attacked Rainbow Steve behind me. I know it wasn't him. I watched as I attacked him and saw him turn into Faceless. I wasn't surprised. He quickly teleports away.
"Why did you bring me here?"
"I need you Sabre. I need your power." He got very close to me. I pointed my sword at him.
"You aren't going to have it!"
"Neither will Demon Steve. He hasn't done anything for us and it's time a real leader takes charge on this."
"Get away from me!" I attacked him and he moves back.
"Not until I get your code. Ever since you came into this world I haven't gotten a break." He summons a line of lightning at me. I moved out of the way quickly by rolling on my side getting back up.
"That's because you don't deserve to win." I ran up to him to attack him. Before I could I got hit by a Fireball. I felt the sting pressure on my chest as I felt myself get shot back a few blocks. I landed on my side. It took me a few seconds to get back up at the pain slowly decreased.
I know I can't just run up at him anymore. I have to wait until he attacks me back. I wait for him to attack me again. He pulls out a sword and runs up at me. I block his attack with my own sword. I make his sword slide back from mine as I attack him. He moves out of the way and attacks me. I was able to block his attack again.
"You know you can't win against me Sabre. You have nothing against me." He summons lighting on me I stagger back in pain. Before I could react I felt his sword cut open my side. I was able to stop his sword by grabbing it with my hands. Dropping my sword. My right hand protested in pain. Nightmare Steve pulled back hard cutting both of my hands open. I picked up my sword quickly.
"I know how to fight."
"That won't do you much good over me. I have powers and what do you have? Nothing!" He attacked me again I was barley able to block it with my sword. Nightmare took that chance and grabbed me by my neck. He slammed me against a dark place tree and started to choke me out.
"You know what your purpose is right?" It hurt a lot more since I was choked out earlier, my bruising didn't help.
"A power source for real steves. Steve's who will use its power unlike you. You keep it to yourself and without it your nothing." I felt myself start to black out. If I didn't do something now he would take me code. I was surprised he hasn't already. I tried to take a breath, but it came out in a choking sound.
"See even now you can't do anything, just give me your code already." Before I blacked out I used my sword to stab him in the center of his chest. I saw the shock and pain in his eyes. Then I blacked out.
(Words 1116)

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