Christmas Special

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Hey I wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas! I hope you guys have a great day and enjoy the chapter!
Sabre's Point of view
"Sabre...." I heard someone whisper in my ear. It took me a while to realize it was Galaxy Steve. I felt myself start to wake up.
"Sabre!" He said louder.
"I'm awake...." I said with a hint of sleep in my voice. I realized I was still next to Time Steve. I quickly got up him as I felt my face heat up.
"Don't worry I won't say anything."
"No, let's not talk about it. It didn't happen."
"What happened?"
"Exactly. So what did you need me to wake up for?"
"It's Christmas!"
"Wait really?!" Holy, I didn't even realize.
"Yeah! Of course I think we are the only ones who know about it."
"Right. Should we tell them or just act like it's a normal day?"
"I already told Rainbow Steve...."
"Okay, tell everyone about it."
"It's snowing!" I heard Rainbow Steve scream from outside. Time Steve started to wake up.
"It's snowing?" He asked. I went to open the door and sure enough it was snowing. A thin layer of snow was on the ground.
"Yeah, it's kind of cool how we got Christmas snow isn't it?"
"Christmas? I think I've heard of it before. So that's today?"
"Yeah. Let's just get everyone together before we explain."
"You mean me? Aren't you going to see your family?"
"I can't exactly do that Galaxy Steve. Don't worry it's fine." Galaxy Steve gave me a look. He smiled then went outside to get everyone else. Rainbow Steve was playing in the snow with Alex. Light Steve looked like he was just enjoying the snow fall. Elemental was watching everyone else. The Overseer was just coming out of his house. I felt Time Steve put a hand on my shoulder.
"Thank you for yesterday..." I said a bit quietly. Hoping no-one else, but Time Steve could hear.
"It's what anyone would do right?"
"I guess." Galaxy Steve went to get everyone together as he started to explain what Christmas is about. Taking out any the religious meanings.
"That's it. Christmas it today so we would try to do a few things, it's a little hard in this world, but it's fine!"
"I find just spending time with your friends good enough. We don't need to do anything special."
"Yeah! I'm just happy we can all be together!" Rainbow steve said.
"It's not like a lot of us have family. We were all just created." Alex stated.
"If we are going deep on who is family or now we'll. Light Steve and Rainbow Steve are like brothers. So are you and Elemental Steve. Galaxy Steve you are like their father. Everyone else well you and Overseer I have no idea." I said thinking about it.
"It's fine. It was just a thought." The Guardian came over.
"So what all the commotion about?" I felt myself shiver. A little nervous. Time Steve noticed and lowered his hand to my arm pulling me closer to him. I don't know how, but it made me relax a bit.
"They were just explaining what Christmas is." Alex told the Guardian starting to explain what she just heard. Rainbow Steve went next to Galaxy Steve and whisper something to his ear. Galaxy Steve nodded and went off. He went back inside the house.
"So what's mistletoe?" Rainbow Steve asked as he walked with us back into the house. Time Steve walking with me.
"Oh, when two people stand under this certain plant. Thankfully this world doesn't have any. The two people are forced to kiss each other."
"Interesting." We walker inside and stand in the middle of the room. Galaxy Steve has a hug grin on his face. Rainbow Steve was smiling.
"Like that?" He pointed up to the feeling and some how their was mistletoe above me and Time Steve.
" that....."
"Well since I'm the father figure I would like to say. I agree with this." I looked back up. My face turning red. Time Steve looked at me.
"You have to!" Rainbow Steve teased and encouraged at the same time to us. I did know what to do at all. I felt myself freeze up. I looked back at Time Steve asking for something we could do. He pulled me closer to him. He lifted his mask to the side making sure Rainbow Steve and Galaxy Steve would see our faces. I looked at his eyes.... and scar. It made me feel bad. He was showing this to me. I guess I wasn't the only one hiding something. He leaned his face closer to mind and kissed me quickly. He put his mask back on.
"There, no one had to see it." I was still in shock from what happened.
" didn't have to do that Time...."
"I would do anything for you and you know it." He gave me a hug taking me out of shock. Not caring that Rainbow Steve and Galaxy Steve we're watching. I hugged him back.
(Words 857)

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