The First

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Hey guys! I just want to tell you something some of you were probably confused with the evil look Rainbow Steve gave Time Steve. It's not that he was mad with him. It was a face you make with your friends when they find out they have a crush face. A smug look. Sorry should've placed that differently. I hope you guys like the chapter. Also sorry for the sole of errors that I have in every chapter. Most of the time I write these at night before I got to bed... so I don't usually look over the chapter. Hope you enjoy!
Sabre's Point of view
After I was able to calm down after seeing Rainbow Steve. Still can't believe he is back. The days went by like each day was only a hour. Everyone would talk and catch up with each other. Thankfully no other evil Steve's have attacked us yet. I hope it stays that way for as long as possible. Rainbow Steve told us about when he was created and all the adventures he had before he meet me. It's kind of weird that I was the one that woke him up. Everyone was talking or playing around again. I've been meaning to check on my eyes again. Even find a way to make a machine in secret to fix my code. My voice glitching has gotten worse and harder to hide. Time Steve and Rainbow Steve are the most suspicious about it. I can tell. I was able to sneak away from once they were distracted. I walked into the plains looking back everyone once in a while. No-one seemed to be following me. I couldn't help, but let out a sigh of relief. I also needed some time to think by myself. I need to think about every unanswered question. I soon saw the monument, but decided to pass it and go to the forest near the shore. I felt a bit safer under the cover of the trees. I put down the hood of my onside. I let myself leaning against a tree and slowly sit down against it.
"W...what am I...I going to do?" My voice glitching violently. I let out a uhh in annoyance. Why now? Out of every time that something like this could happen it had to be now. When everything is going wrong.
"You mean what are we going to do?" I looked and saw Rainbow Steve. I guess he followed me somehow. How did I not see him?
"I guess, just trying to think." Rainbow Steve sat next to me.
"So that's why you left us?"
"Yeah, sorry I didn't mean to worry you, sometimes I can't think with other people around. Not that I can't it's just..."
"It's fine I understand."
"Well since your here do you have idea in what to do?"
"Do about what?" He asked.
"Everyone? You know Nightmare Steve, Void Steve." Rainbow Steve seemed to flinch a little.
"Don't worry we can beat them, we already know all of their weakness. The only problem is what we do with them afterward." Speaking the thoughts I had in my mind.
"Maybe the Guardian can help with that!" Rainbow Steve suggested to me.
"We could, but not right now, he is only now able to walk. I... I don't want him to get hurt again." My voices glitched for a few seconds. Rainbow Steve looked at me and sighed. He looked at me.
"Okay, Whats the problem?" His tone was serious. Something I'm not used to.
"We were just talking about it?" I said knowing what he was going to say.
"No, I've been with you longer than anyone else here. Something is up with you. Something is wrong."
"Rainbow Steve everything is fine."
"Don't lie to me Sabre! In the Spirit world. I was you flinch in pain everyone once is a while by grabbing you arm. You've also been going off on your own. Something don't right."
"Okay, something's been a problem for a while. It's not that big of a problem. I don't need to tell anyone else about it."
"If that's true you would of solved it a while ago. I know you too well, I know when you are lying and you've been doing it ever since I got here. Why can't you tell me?" I didn't want to get mad at Rainbow Steve. I took a deep breath.
"You know what stabbed one the back means right?"
"Yeah, you taught me that when we played murder mystery."
"Right, You know it means two things?"
"Of course. Why are you asking me about that?"
"It's just, I'm worried I will get stabbed in the back again."
"How can a problem like this, something that's wrong with you; can stab you in the back?"
"You'd be surprised. Look can we just drop this please?"
"Your my best friend. I can't just let something that's bothering you bother you." I sighed then took a look around. I know he won't back down from this. I took a second to think about all the ways Rainbow Steve would react if I told him. He doesn't even know what a code jumper is. I can explain it to him. Leaving out the parts he shouldn't know about. I took another look around.
"Look, is anyone else here?"
"No, everyone notices you where gone and asked me to find you."
"Okay, I need you to make me a promise."
"Of course what type of promise?"
"You can't tell anyone else about the problem I'm having." I let out a shaky breath.
"I won't. That's what friends do right?" I looked at Rainbow Steve then sighed taking another shaky breath. Can't believe I'm doing this.
"I'm not a Player." I said to him honestly.
"Wait.... You really are a mutated chicken Steve?!" I laughed a little and started to untie my blindfold. Rainbow Steve a little shocked at this.
"No, I'm not a Steve either."
"Sabre? Your going to show me your eyes?" I gave him a nod while untying it.
"Look, I've never done this before. Not to any of my friends, or anyone in my family. The only people who knew about this where my parents and the ones who tried to kill me for it."
"Sabre?" He asked me getting really nervous. I held my blindfold in my hands keeping my eyes closed.
"You really mean it, you won't tell anyone, not Galaxy Steve, Light Steve, The Guardian, Anyone."
"Of course Sabre!" I opens my eyes then looked at him in the eye. Rainbow Steve actually jumps back three blocks.
"Oh my god!" I let out a little laugh from his reaction.
"I'm a Code Jumper." I said straight forward. Rainbow Steve looked at me he walked up close to me waving his hands over my eyes.
"T...their real? Those aren't some weird glasses."
"No, their real, Eyes are a window to the soul."
"Are they supposed to be like that. With the gaps and the broken numbers?"
"No, that's the problem, to put it simply. Each of these numbers represent me. My memories, my personality, my voice, hair, anything that is me."
"If that's true, then the broken numbers. It's the reason why your voice is glitching out?"
"Yeah, the reason why I was win hinge in pain earlier, like you noticed. It was my numbers, I call it code, breaking. It's not breaking anymore, but it's still effecting me."
"Is their anything I can do?"
"I don't know, I can answer any other questions about this if you want." I put the blindfold back over my eyes.
"Good, I have a lot of questions." He said in relief.
"Okay then, what's your first question."
( Words 1322) Done! This came out so late. The reason I did this when I did. Well, a lot of things are going to go down. Sabre will need someone to talk to about this. Who better than Rainbow Steve?
Also, The next Steve that's is coming, well he isn't a full Steve.

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