A Broken Illusion

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Sabre's Point of view
A strong pain came to my head waking me up. My thoughts slowly came back together. Okay, what happened? I opened my eyes to see that I was in Galaxy Steve's small dirt hut. It also feels like I am on his bed too.

How did I get here anyway? A burst of memories came into my mind. The sickness, Illusion Steve, Two weeks, I got out of the bed as I let my legs get used to standing again. I slowly made my way out of the hut. By the looks of the sky, it was either Sunrise or Sunset. I guess I was out for a long time.

I scanned the area for Galaxy Steve. I walked around looking for him hoping to get some information about what happened after I blacked out. I found him he was behind the machines looking through the chests.

"Galaxy Steve?" I called out to him like a question. He looked back at me in shock than with a huge smile on his face.

"Sabre?.... OH MY GOSH SABRE YOUR AWAKE!" Galaxy Steve ran at me at full speed and tackled me with a hug. I was not prepared for the amount of force he used and we ended up falling backward. He still had me right in a hug and I hugged him back.

"Are you okay?" I said not sure what to say in a situation like this. He let go of me and helped me up.

"Sabre? really? I am okay, more than okay in fact you cured the sickness. It's not inside of me or anyone." Shocked filled me. I.. it actually worked.

"I...I didn't think it would... I mean, of course, I thought it would it's just..."

"Sabre if anything I should ask you if you're okay."

"So... what happened exactly?"

"Well after I got out of the machine. Me and Illusion Steve realized that the sickness is gone from us. We went to get you out of the machine but you just fell..." His voice trialed for a second.

"Anyways we got Alex who said that they felt the same thing. You didn't just cure it of us, but you cured it of everyone!" Memories of what happened inside the machine became more clear in my eyes.

That's why I saw their faces and energy inside the machine. That's why the sickness trailed. I didn't just do it for Galaxy Steve and Illusion Steve. I did it for everyone.

"I didn't think that would happen. If anything I thought if it worked we would have to do it with all the other Steves too."

"Oh, that's right. Everyone wanted to talk to you after you woke up. Stay here I'll get..."

"Wait how long was I out for?"

"The rest of the day. The suns are already setting." Then Galaxy Steve ran into the forest. I looked up at the sky to see that it was getting darker.

A few stars started to shine in the sky already. A sudden burst of pain ran through me. I remember it too well. It was from my eyes when my code would break. I thought it wouldn't affect me now. I will have to check my eyes later.

In a few minutes, I heard lighting and saw Galaxy Steve, Illusion Steve, Guardian, and to my surprise, Alex appears from the lightning.

"Looks Like Galaxy Steve is Right. Good to see you awake again Sabre." I heard the Guardian say to me.

"Sabre! Please do not scare me like that again. I know I wasn't there but still!" Alex said at me angrily.

"It's great to see you again Alex too," I said knowing that's what she meant by it.

"Right now we have a deal to finish Sabre." Illusion Steve went up to me looked at me.

"Yeah... I honey didn't think I would win the deal but here we are." Illusion Steve looked at me again for a second. Like he was trying to find something.

"I will break the Illusion but I'm not sure about the after effect, it will have with everyone else."

"Illusion Steve?"

"Yes, Galaxy Steve?"

"Do you want to... I know this would happen eventually but... do you want to keep being here?"

"My only purpose was to make the illusion so everything could make sense. Once I break this Illusion you will naturally absorb me even if it's against your own will. doing this will also give Alex her powers back."

"Okay, I just wanted you to know if we could I would let you stay."

"That's a good thing to know Creator. I will not forget that." Something tells me he means this.

"So does that me we are doing this now?"

"Yes, I don't want to waste any more time."

"Even though we were enemies it was nice to know you, Illusion Steve," I said honestly. I couldn't help but let my thoughts go back to Elemental Steve. Illusion Steve then flew above and gave us his final words.

"Goodbye Sabre and Galaxy Steve." I could hear the sound of thunder and then my vision turned white. I closed my eyes from how bright it was.

Once the light died down I opens my eyes to find myself where the machines I made were standing. The ones I made beige The Illusion started. I looked around to see the Guardian, Alex, and Galaxy Steve. Sadly Illusion Steve like he said wasn't here. I looked at the machines and looked it my surprise to see that Time Steve was still inside the machine. Illusion Steve doesn't kill him after all.

"Guys we are back!" I said everyone took a look around and realizing it was true.

"Wait Time Steve is still in the machine," Alex said as she went to turn off the machine. Time Steve stepped out of the machine. He looked around.

"What... What happened?" He said looking around. His eyes fell to Galaxy Steve.

"Galaxy Steve?" Galaxy Steve without a moment hesitation went to hug him.
"Wait... the sickness is gone? How long was I in the machine for? How is Galaxy Steve back?"

"You missed a lot. Don't worry we will catch you up." I looked at the Guardian. He looked at me.

"Sabre, I would stay for this but, I need to check on the Spirit realm."

"That's okay you go and do that. I hope we can see each other soon." The Guardian nodded then teleported away.

"I need to check something. I'll be right back. You guys can catch up Time Steve about that happened." I don't wait for a response as I walked away.

I need to look at my eyes. I found a water source not too far from where everyone else is at. I looked back to see if anyone followed me and thankfully no one did. I took off my hood and bandana. I looked into the water.

My eyes...
One-third of the codes in my eyes were either broken in half or... completely gone.
( Words 1242) Sorry, today's chapter was rushed so a lot of spelling errors. I still let it at a good word length though. Also R.I.P Illusion Steve. I might bring him back though. Also, Don't worry even though the sickness is gone from the Steve's there are going to be more problems that will benefit them and tear Sabre apart.

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