The Return of Shadow Sabre

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Hey guys. I'm sorry for not uploading yesterday.... again.... I got home and my thoughts went straight to... I need to sleep. Sorry, so here is the chapter I will try not to do i'm noting doing a chapter today again. Hopefully.
Sabre's Point of view
I suddenly felt the shadow matter.... whatever you call it... grow on my back. It felt like a shiver, but in twisted cold way.
"This happens before right? Is there anything we can do to stop it?" Galaxy Steve asked probably a little freaked about watching I grown on my back. I looked at my right arm to see the shadow starting to grow on it to. I thought about it for a second. My memory felt blurry as I thought about it. Not fully remembering how. Crap, is this also effecting my memories too?
"No, I tried, but I couldn't stop it. The only way I did was...." Come one think. What happens last time. How did I fixed it last time.
"I c...can't remember." My voice glitching again. I took a deep death trying to calm myself down. Trying to think of something I should do first. I looked through me inventory. I saw the two swords. One more worn than the other and the bow with the arrows I also had on me and never used. I took them out of my inventory and put them on the ground.
"Okay, don't let me have any weapons on me. I don't know if it will work, but it might."
"What will work?" Rainbow Steve asked me.
"Do you ever Shadow Sabre?"
"Shadow what?"
"Right... you weren't their for that. No one you were there for that."
"Who is this Shadow Sabre?" The Overseer asked.
"Shadow Sabre is exactly what it sounds like. A Evil version of me." I felt the growth of it on my back and arm again.
"You Evil?"
"Yes, Shadow Steve is trying to take control my mind. If he does that then he can control me."
"Are you sure there is nothing we can do to stop it?"
"I tried extracting it out of me. Which is probably the only way it would work. I already tried that and it didn't work."
"What about we use our energy to get it out of you?" Elemental Steve said.
"No! Dark Steve used to be able to do that. If we hook ourselves in we might get infected two and we would have two evil people." Rainbow Steve said. Not sure on how he knows that. Another wave of growth. This is happening a lot faster than last time. Maybe it's because Shadow Steve is only trying to effect me right now or maybe it's from my code being more broken. Not important. From hearing what Rainbow Steve said I took a few steps back away from them.
"This is happening a lot faster than last time."
"Faster than last time? How long did it take last time?"
"A few days. This is not slowing down." Another shiver of growth.
"It's speeding up..." I suddenly felt myself pace back and forward. First why is this speeding up? Second how did I stop Shadow Sabre last time. Three what else do I need to tell them. Also how is this going to work with my broken code? Okay... one step at a time.
"He does have powers. The ability to us lighting can can fly. Nothing else. He is a lot stronger than me. Can take a lot more damage. He also had the same fighting level as I do. Which is a bigger problem for you guys.
"So you two separated from each other?"
"Yes we did, but." Another feeling of growth. It felt a lot stronger than the last ones.
"I'll be fine. It just feels weird. But we did it immediately. I don't know if we will this time."
"Would hurting him hurt you?"
"I don't know. Last time we were separated until I defeated him. That's all I really know about him... me.... how every you want to say it." I suddenly thought for a moment. I took out all of my supplies for a machine.
"If you can't stop me. Put me in a machine. I'll be okay. It will stop him. Rainbow Steve nodded taking the supplies. He has the most experience with machines.
"What do we do after we trap you in one?" Galaxy Steve said relaxing I don't have much time left.
"I don't know. If we aren't separated try too. If it doesn't work you me probably going to...."
another strong wave of the darkness growing on me. I felt myself go weak as I felt something start to enter my mind. About to stumble over as Time Steve caught me.
"What do we have to do?" I suddenly heard a voice in me head. Tick tock you don't have that much time left.
"Get out of my head."
"Sorry, not to you. My vision started to turn black. I also saw someone I front of me. I couldn't figure out who they were.
"I'm still here... not for much longer though."
"What do we need to do? If it doesn't work." It was already to late. I felt my vision black more. Your time is up Sabre... The last thing I can remember was saying.
"Back up, there's going to be lighting." Then my vision went entirely black.
(Words 951) ya ya! I got this chapter down. Sorry it's shorter. I couldn't think of a way to make it longer at the moment. Hope you like the chapter and your ready for what's going to happen next.

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