A Special Time

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Hey guys! I hoe you guys are doing good. Also...
Why? 4000 reads? 302 Votes? Why? I did not deserve this.
Okay now chapter *cough* Ship Chapter *cough*
Sabre's Point of view
Night was falling. Everyone was going back to their rooms. The Guardian was asleep. We check his wounds earlier that evening. Not infected and they are healing quickly. He should be able to walk around soon. Me and Time Steve were practically left alone.
"Hey Sabre? I was wondering would you like to go on a walk with me?"
"Sure. I mean, I don't have anything else to do so why not?" We left the house and walked into the cold night. I still had my sword and weapons in me. Just in case if we ran into something bad.
"So Sabre, Is there anything you want to talk about?" He asked me probably trying to fill up the silence.
"Is their anything you want to know about me?"
"It would be nice to get to know you better. Is their anything you think I should know about you?"
"No, at least nothing that you don't already know. Is their anything you want to tell me?"
"No, n...nothing important."  Why did he stutter? He is not the type of person to stutter.
We walked farther into the plains. I saw the sign that I placed earlier.
"I didn't know that was still here. I should probably take it down." I took the sign and put it with the other ones in my inventory. We started to walk again. While we did a question came to mind.
"Time Steve is that a mask or is it your actually face?" That did not come out right.
"Yes, it's a mask."
"Sorry that sounded rude. I was just wondering."
"It's okay Sabre." Soon we the end of the plain where the lake and my monument is.
"Galaxy Steve and Alex told me about this. It is a monument for you when you left. They told me you were just standing their by yourself. You didn't even look back at them. The notices you weren't wearing you blindfold. You said
'I'll miss you guys, but I have to do this.' There was lighting. Galaxy Steve tried to stop you, but you were gone." He stopped for a minute thinking about his next words. So Galaxy Steve was the one who touched my shoulder.
"What did you have to do?" I felt a shiver go down my back from the cold and the question. The reason why I did it was to actually die. Not die then come back.
"I had to...." I can't say it... I just can't.... I can't even think of a lie.
"Sabre?" He asked with worry in voice. I felt myself clutch my arm.
"I can't tell you. I'm sorry." I said in all the honesty I could give him. He looked at me not sure how to respond.
"Why did you come back then?" Deciding it's best to change it.
"I didn't have a choice to come back. It was the only thing I could do." Now that was true. I had to go back or else I would of been stuck there forever.
"Sorry that I asked that."
"It's fine really, I guess we both had one of those q...question on u...us." My voice for what felt like the millionth time glitched out. Time Steve who I am 100% sure noticed didn't say anything.
"I was also wondering. Could you teach me how to fight? With a sword? I never really had to use one."
"Sure, why do you ask?"
"I saw you fighting with those Red Steve's a while ago. You looked amazing doing it."
"T...thanks." I rubbed that back in my head in embarrassment. That time I actually did stuttering. I also felt a warm feeling fill me up.
"Okay get out a sword. I can show you a few things." I started by showing him a good posture. I also showed him the right way to swing and use it.
"Okay let's try this." I pulled out my sword.
"Attack me. Try to make it where I skid at least a block back." He attacked me swinging from the right. I stopped it with no problem. He attacked again swinging from below after he pulled back his sword. The sound of metal crashing was louder. I could feel the pressure in my hands. He suddenly backed up a few blocks and started circling. I stood ready for him to attack me. I kept my eyes on him he did the same. Not even a second later he was in front of me. I didn't even see him take a step forward. I heard the sound saw a few sparks and felt myself skid back two blocks. Without even thinking I ducked myself down keeping my sword against his. I moved to the right of him letting my sword skid against his. I swung to hit him being careful to make sure that if he doesn't stop it I could stop it before I hurt him. By the time it got to him he was already gone and behind me. I barley moved out of the way in time. While I moved I also tired to attack him from behind. He turned around just in time to stop my sword. I was lower to the ground looking up at him. He was above me but was slightly crouching. I quickly got a solution. I pushed myself up making me jump into the air. I backed flipped from the ground behind him. He fell back as I did. I put a sword to his neck.
"That.... that was really good Time Steve."
"Thanks, Still can't beat you though." I offered my hand and he took it. I helped him stand back up.
"Next time don't hesitate. If you just did something while I was thinking you could of won." He looked at me and nodded. I didn't realize I was still holding his hand. I quickly lifted let go of it looking away from him. When I looked back at him. He also turned his head back to me. I felt my face heat up then looked down to the ground.
"We probably should head back..." I said.
"Yes, we probably should." We started to walk back. I felt my eyes grow heavy with tiredness. I don't know why I haven't been doing that much today. At least not that I can remember. Time Steve noticed this and went closer to me putting a hand around my shoulder and got me closer to him. We walked in silence the rest of the way back.
( Words 1170) I wanted a chapter like this today so here you go guys. A ship chapter. I hope you like the way I took this chapter. I think they would fall in love slowly so there would be moments like this. We'll see you next chapter!

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