Giving it Away

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Sorry guys about the late upload. I just wanted to think this chapter and *cough*lazy*cough* I wanted to thank two people today. First I wanted to thank. Gurnoor1234567 for this fan art!

I also wanted to thank GalxyMuffin for some art for my oc Willow!

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I also wanted to thank GalxyMuffin for some art for my oc Willow!

So thank you guys so much! Thanks for the art and the support with 26k reads! ————————————————————————Sabre's point of view I looked at the machine everyone else was working on to help power up the Guardian

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So thank you guys so much! Thanks for the art and the support with 26k reads!
Sabre's point of view
I looked at the machine everyone else was working on to help power up the Guardian. I looked at it and knew how to fix it in just the right way to make it do what I need it to do. Of course, I can't tell them what I'm doing. So...
"Have you tried Alex yet?"
"Have you tried absorbing with Alex yet?"
"No I haven't."
"Let's try that then. I can fix the machine in a way to help it work better."
"And if it doesn't work?" Alex asked.
"Then it doesn't work." I looked around and started to fix the machine.
"Once this works I will fight Demon Steve?"
"Yeah, I think we could make a plan. Does he have a weakness?"
"Not that I know of." Okay so nothing their. I suddenly felt a strong pain go through my body. I bit my tongue and laid against the machine waiting for it to pass.
"I...I'm okay." My glitching voice was back. Once the pain stoped I went back to working on the machine. I made the right lock in area more secure then the other. The Guardian will be on the left.
"If you say so Sabre... we will get your code back."
"I know you will help me out." Once I was sure the lock in area was as secure and closed off as I could get it. I made sure the left area was secure too.
"After this we won't have anyone else I think." Rainbow said.
"We have Faceless, Void Steve, Origin Steve, and Memory Steve still."
"Faceless will not be much of a problem. Void Steve, Origin Steve, and Memory Steve are tied to the under world. Once we defeat him them they can not come back here." The Guardian was watching me carefully as I built the machine. I made the Red Stone connection as strong as I could without a power source. I had three different levers for the machine two to lock each person in and one to start the connection. I doubled and tripled check the red stone making sure each part of the machine worked.
"Okay it's done."
"It looks good. I guess I go into the right?"
"No you go into the left." He nods understanding and goes into the left machine. I lock him in. Everyone was here and was hoping  this would work. I looked at them then Alex.
"So I'm in the Right?"
"Yes you are...."
"Is something wrong Sabre?" Time Steve went up to me. He gave me a quick hug. It made me smile.
"Nothing. I just hope you don't hate me for this."
"Hate you for what-" Before he could finish I went into the machine Turing in the connection then the lock in area so I could get locked into the machine and my vision turns black. The last thing I heard was lightning before everything went dark.
Guardian's point of View
A strange sense of strong energy filled me. It didn't feel like Alex's energy. It was a lot stronger. Right as I felt this energy I felt a flash of memories go in front of my mind. The ones that stood out the most was about someone who I felt like I was. Was fighting a lot sometimes it was training most of the time it was real. After a while I felt the pistons release on me. I saw everyone in front of me... Expect Sabre.
"How do you feel Guardian?" Alex asked... Wait Alex?!
"Are you not supposed to be in the machine?"
"Sabre didn't plan that. He is in the machine." I looked into the machine on the right and saw something unexpected. A black figure was in the machine. No real shape rather then their body. No detail, just a empty black shell of Sabre.
"Is that really Sabre?"
"Yeah it is. He went in and then was like this."
"All of his code was gone and this Machine is the only thing keeping him together." I guess everyone understood that.
"So... Do you have his code?"
"I think so. I feel different and know a lot of knee things from his memories. Good and bad."
"Why do Sabre have to do this to us?!" Rainbow Steve is really mad. We kept looking back into the machine.
"If something breaks this machine or even turns it off. Sabre will be gone forever this time."
"Really Galaxy Steve? I thought you said we wouldn't make my name into a pun." Everyone nervously laughs at that. I guess it helped everyone relax a little bit.
"How long until Demon Steve attacks?" We all heard Lighting coming from the center of the village.
"Sounds like now."
(Words 861)

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