Waking Up

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Sabre's point of view (He's Alive! XD)
"He's been out for two weeks Galaxy Steve... Two weeks!" I heard Time Steve say. He woke me up I think. I was too tired to say anything or open my eyes. All I could do is listen as I tired to wake up.
"I know. It took you a week to fully recover from that. I'm surprised it's taking him this long to recover."
"We heal his wounds right after he passed out, why isn't he awake."
"Time Steve I already told you. His code was out of his body and split into two different people. They used his powers and even then the Guardian was still using it after he came together. It strained him a lot."
"What if he doesn't wake up. What if he needs out help?"
"None of his code was damaged. He will be able to recover on his own." I was finally able to open my eyes. I looked at them. They both looked exhausted. I could see Rainbow Steve was asleep in a bed. He also looked exhausted.
"I just want to talk to him. Know he is okay... it's been to long. Everyone is worried about him and I just want him to be okay for once."
"I know, I do too." They hugged each other. I tried to say something.
"You guys should stop worrying about me." I said as their heads quickly turned to me. Time hugged me and I weakly hugged him back.
"Sabre your awake!"
"Yeah. I have been for a few minutes."
"How do you feel?"
"Tired, which is weird for being out for... two weeks?"
"I'm sorry."
"It's fine. What do you remember from it?" I thought about it outing the blurry pieces together.
"I went into the machine..... I felt someone felt pain and I was able to make it so I felt pain.... exhaustion... came back together... deleted something.... more exhaustion.... no.... stop... this isn't you.... don't hurt him... no...no....no...no.... yeah that's it."
"Are you sure your okay Sabre?"
"Yeah, I heard him say that when the Guardain tried to do something to me."
"Delete you.... that is what he did to Demon Steve. He was trying to delete you... I kind of remembered that." I saw up in the bed slowly feeling my energy slowly come back to me.
"Is everyone okay?"
"Everyone is fine, anyone who was hurt got healed up. Light Steve even got his powers back."
"That's great." I got out of then bed. Time Steve supported me as I did.
"So Rainbow Steve is still-" I saw Rainbow Steve jolt up.
"I'm here! Isn't something wrong with... Sabre!" He ran up to me and gave me a hug.
"It's good to see you too Rainbow." Sabre gave me a smug look.
"Now have you kissed your boyfriend yet~"
"Time Steve said don't hurt my boyfriend." Galaxy Steve snickered and Time rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment. I walked up to him and lifted his mask. I kissed him.
"I'll be your boyfriend if you'll be mine."
"That didn't have to be a question Sabre."
"I know." We kissed again talking a bit more time.
"Yes! This is great!" Galaxy Steve ran outside. Saying that we were a thing now. We went outside after him.
"Sabre! Your okay!" Light Steve.
"Sabre!" Blue Steve.
"Sabre don't do that again!" Alex. We walked by everyone as we gathered in a circle. We explained as best as we could what happened and what I could remember. After telling the others we together they we all happy. After everyone calmed down we heard lighting. The Guardian came.
"Guardian." He had his hood down still. Kind of reminded me of a past life I had.
"I'm sorry, I don't remember anything after I fully got all you code, but from what I was told. It wasn't good."
"It's okay. I didn't think that far ahead."
"Thank you Sabre." Their was a long pause if silence.
"What do we do now?" Elemental Steve asked.
Everyone thought about this. It took a while, before someone said something. Which was me.
"There will always be new thing to deal with, but I don't think it will be anything like this. I am not sure what we are going to do, but maybe that's the best part of this."
"We can all get to know each other more."
"Tell stories!"
"Ships!" I looked at Rainbow. The pointed to Galaxy Steve and Alex. Rainbow nodded with agreement. I think him and Blue Steve would be a ship me and Time Steve can do on our own.
"I would also love to learn more about you past lives Sabre."
"I have nineteen lives. I have a lot of stories to tell."
"Can't wait time hear them."
"Also it would be cool if we could explore some world with Galaxy Steve." The Overseer said.
"We can also have small mini adventures too. Find new Steves who need help or whatever we want to do."
"Fishing trip?"
"Yes we can do a fishing trip."
"Yay! Pufferfish!" I looked at the sun to see it was going to set soon. I started to walk to go to the Cliff.
"Where are you going."
"Watch the sun set?"
"Sure!" We all walked up to the cliff and by the time we got up their the sun was setting. Everyone was chatting and having fun. I looked at my necklace again. Remembering the good times in this world and my last lives. Time Steve put a hand on my shoulder.
"Are you ready for what's next Sabre?"
"Yeah, I am. As long as your with me. I will be ready." Time smiled and we went back to watching the set. Ready for what's next.
The End
(Please Read)
(Word 1301) Hey guys. I wanted to say a few things before we put this story to a close. First I want to thank all of you so much for everything. The support, the votes, the art, the wonderful comments. Everything. I am more then happy to end this story with 28k reads and almost 2k votes with 85 chapters and over 85,00 words. I will fix up this story for errors in my writing. I want to fix Sabre's return to his assassin life. It just felt rushed and I might one day make a major change in that part.
I also wanted to say something even though this is then end of this book. This isn't the end of Sabre's adventure. I already have a second book planned. Not giving you a title and if you guys look out for it. I think you guys might like it.
I have more stories I want to write. I want to write some stories for my Oc's. I also have another story for the Famous films. If you have any oc stories you would really like to see me write find my oc book.
Last, but not least I wanted to say thank you again. I could not say it enough time for the support you have given me. This means just way to much for me. So I am going to put picture of everyone's fans art to this point. If I get anymore I will put it on here too.

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